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Last 3 Squads BEEF   Myth   Cloud   
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About Me

Age 34
Location northern VA
Gender Not telling you geeks


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Missa Dec 05, 2018


Zazu <ER> Dec 13, 2016

Sup Mythril. You didn't change on bit, bro! : ))

Frightful Aug 20, 2014

I didn't know Gilbert Gottfried's son played TW. AFLAC.

pee pee sock Aug 20, 2014

nice. skinhead

Missa <ZH> Aug 19, 2014

Still waiting on that Flyleaf cover

Engineers Nov 22, 2012

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool dat paky dude bar loooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

pee pee sock Sep 19, 2012

oh. some one just toad me in game that u took a pic of ur meor, that makes sents now

pee pee sock Sep 17, 2012

LOL WTF???? how u take a pic of ur self and the camera to? wtf?

Zazu Sep 07, 2012


Display Mar 11, 2012

looking like a sissy that wears hollister

Crissy Nov 30, 2011

that's what happens when you delete your whole gallery.

Engineers Nov 22, 2011

gonna be in VA for thanksgiving. let's chill sometime - sux i don't turn 21 till april tho

Cadbury Nov 05, 2011

white timothydelaghetto

Julian Assange Aug 04, 2011

hahaha i was having a laugh at the club tonight my model friends enjoyed that story where i made u call fbi agent a faggit on the radio LOL loser

MythriL Jul 29, 2011

lol why would i add pics of my sister on the gallery? do i look like infrared?

BrickRed Jul 27, 2011

wtf is goin on, crissy ur sis gf or wat

MythriL Jul 26, 2011

lol, it's her

God wills it Jul 26, 2011

dosn't look like crissy

RENZI May 11, 2011

looking fresh as fuck with my sister.......wait....

ZypheN Apr 29, 2011

LOL <3

2pacZ Mar 29, 2011


Crissy Mar 20, 2011

=^..^= HI.

Audrey Mar 12, 2011

hahaha i know we're psycho! =P

Audrey Mar 12, 2011


2pacZ Mar 04, 2011

NOVA community college representin'

Audrey Feb 23, 2011

I feel like i've been cheated on... you uploading a pic without me!! WTF!??

Dexter Feb 22, 2011


MythriL Feb 05, 2011

everytime i log on this site i have a new comment from you on a different name. i feel like pauly d with all these stalkers

Oranje Feb 03, 2011

every1 knows your a faggot. Commit suicide already.

oran Jan 24, 2011

Babyface alert!

Curse Jan 12, 2011

sup nig u stayin fly

Mobey <ER> Dec 18, 2010


pee pee sock Dec 16, 2010

u look a quarter azn. weird eh?

Missa Nov 24, 2010

hi lovely <3

Audrey Nov 09, 2010

LOL DIE! you were the one giving me mad shit for being surrounded by gays and fatties =P

Audrey Oct 17, 2010

WHY HATING?!!? WHY!?!? =(

Audrey Oct 16, 2010

SUP CHUCK! Money is right... kill bitches and sluts!

Money Oct 11, 2010

kill bitches and sluts

Audrey Sep 15, 2010

lol mm, he sure is!

Fem. Sep 14, 2010


megaman89 Sep 13, 2010

you might be the cutest guy I've ever seen

Audrey Sep 12, 2010

glad you kept buster!!

Missa Sep 03, 2010


Monkaria Sep 02, 2010

Lol xD Yo Piggy he said "some stange people on this game" to me too :p Bah, oh well :3 You have an extremely cute kitten.

LiL*PiGGy Sep 02, 2010

Some wierd people? Telling me to "F off". Lawl, Didn't offend you, you just freaked out.

Exalt Jul 20, 2010

oh damn, who is this sexy mofo?

Catatstrophe Jul 08, 2010

thanks myth...does that mean im allowed back on pand? :P

Missa Jul 02, 2010

You and the cat... Easy ten. :)

pee pee sock Jun 16, 2010

cat fetish weirdo muther fuker

Ice> Jun 14, 2010

ur cats got ur back

Monkaria Jun 13, 2010

Absolutely ADORABLE. Take care x

Monkaria Jun 13, 2010


Audrey Jun 13, 2010

Yo dude, you have a cat on your shoulder... =D

Audrey Jun 01, 2010


Money May 27, 2010

ill suck yours if u suck mine

Missa May 15, 2010


Exalt May 13, 2010

lol she's cute man, get it son get it!

Audrey May 08, 2010

The new pics with your gf are ADORABLE!

Money May 08, 2010


oops May 07, 2010

more lips than a vagina

j.reyez Apr 24, 2010

r those real?

Audrey Apr 12, 2010


BrickED Apr 10, 2010

teach me :(

Missa Apr 09, 2010

You'd see some fun ones if you hadn't have ragequit all of us on facebook. Jerk &lt;3

Missa Apr 06, 2010

Da fk is your face jizz pic? And your Audrey pic?!

oops Apr 05, 2010

jay leno

RENZI Apr 04, 2010

cant even grow a beard...sad

Zazu Mar 28, 2010

You are ever going to upload a new pic? Need to boost those visitors and comments! Sup Audrey! Long time no see... : (((

Audrey Mar 28, 2010

lol funny, i was out of town myself for a couple of days...

Audrey Mar 26, 2010

where you at dude?!?

Audrey Mar 11, 2010


Mariposa Mar 09, 2010

sup BRO!!!!!!!!!

Money Feb 24, 2010

bowtie son

megaman89 Feb 24, 2010

mad props for the comment to kinky-girl, just lol'd for 2 minutes straight

Audrey Feb 23, 2010

Think ima start taking angles pictures with HUGE sunglass!!

Zazu Feb 22, 2010

LOL Hustla bebe all over my boy! We gotta start learning the art of using angles and Photoshop. : (((

Audrey Feb 16, 2010

You're never on when i am!! Waiting for the crazy stories! =P

Airship Feb 15, 2010

When you going to play guitar for me?

Delectable Feb 14, 2010


Hustla Bebe Feb 13, 2010

oh and one more thing talking shit bout some 5month year old child is pretty pussy. grow up and talk shit bout my kid one more time..

Hustla Bebe Feb 13, 2010

haha your probly one of those guys from face book, whos ugly and goes on dates then the girl ends up leaving cause your an asshole :) and btw i dont have to photoshop its just fun so stfu loser

Zazu Feb 11, 2010

Sup Chef! Hope you'll bake me a cookie for being the 100th visitor in the last 4 days on your gallery!

Dexter Feb 10, 2010

thx myth! sup u a chef now? nice !

death row Feb 10, 2010

Hello, Mythril!

AznBabiGurl Feb 09, 2010

bye myth, imma try to get off this game for good now

Money Feb 09, 2010


AznBabiGurl Feb 09, 2010

sup myth u a chef?

siaxis Feb 09, 2010

guys mad cute

oops Feb 09, 2010

u got built in breathe right strips with that nose?

Kid Kaos Feb 09, 2010

mythril wears the chef hat while playing spaceships too.

Mobey Feb 08, 2010

stay fly f f fflyyy

oops Feb 08, 2010

lookin mad fly in prince charming outfit. check the black kid in the back hes lurkin son

Squadless Feb 08, 2010

yo, whatever you're cooking, watch out for the guy on the left sitting down next to the table

Audrey Feb 08, 2010

still my fav.

Zazu Feb 08, 2010

Ya sure! Soon! But whenever I come you'll just be hiding yourself again anyway. : (( Had to drink those beers all alone..

Zazu Feb 05, 2010

What's good Mythril? You and Buster are still okay?

Audrey Jan 25, 2010

hahah you're amazing &lt;3

Imperative Jan 18, 2010

look at this faggot lol

Audrey Jan 18, 2010

YAY you kept Buster's pic!! &lt;3

Delectable Jan 11, 2010


Kid Kaos Jan 09, 2010

Exalt named his right hand Martha.

Exalt Jan 08, 2010

yeah we are probably huge flamers for that, it must be why we are the small minority in tw that aren't virgins :/ haha

Exalt Jan 06, 2010

holy fucking shit, I just noticed your dog has green eyes

Mattey Jan 06, 2010

Did you really cheat in this game? (I still have a wireless kb :((

wicket666 Jan 02, 2010

let the dog play elim for once :p

Money Jan 02, 2010

hahaha bout to put up my pic of me in the airplane bathroom mirror at 32,000 feet

Audrey Jan 02, 2010

lol you look so silly on that =P

Missa Jan 02, 2010

Where is the sweaty pits guy?

Mobey Jan 01, 2010

yo myth. whatever the story is behind that first pic.. i'm sure its a good one lol, happy new year

Nixi Jan 01, 2010

ah, mythril with his face covered in something white... joke's been made, but it's such a golden opportunity ^_^

inaphyt Dec 30, 2009

pretty big lol

Audrey Dec 29, 2009

&lt;3 you and only you =P

Valve Dec 28, 2009

lol at top pic. Is it ur dog? ^^

Squadless Dec 22, 2009

lololol jizzum

PH Dec 19, 2009

sorry bro i thought my aim was better than that

Audrey Dec 17, 2009

what the hell is that pic? loooooool Be my queen? =P

Missa Dec 17, 2009

Oh you so rhymey and coooooooool :P

Kid Kaos Dec 17, 2009

Who Jizzd on yo face?

Missa Dec 17, 2009

Freaking love that icing pic &lt;3

danyell!! Dec 17, 2009

your crown is pretty.... =) lol

Money Dec 17, 2009

my bad i didnt mean to spooge on ur face :&lt;

Exalt Dec 14, 2009

yeah we need to sometime soon

Audrey Dec 14, 2009


Guero Dec 13, 2009

sup buddy... one of the greatest player right here :)

Zazu Dec 12, 2009

Got em girls fighting on your gallery page already. Doing work! Waiting for your new pics... Love, Zazu!

Exalt Dec 10, 2009

oh and squadless has it wrong... See, there are 7 days in the week, and what each girl doesn't know wont hurt her. Set Mondays for one girl, and tell the others you are working all day. Tuesday for another, and vice versa. This is a proven system by years of field study. Get to work! haha

Exalt Dec 10, 2009

where u been man

Squadless Dec 10, 2009

one day, son, you shall inherid all of whats mine!

Squadless Dec 09, 2009

myth u got 5 bitches fighting over you... what did i tell you about scenarios before? start in alphabetical order and work ur way down lolol

Audrey Dec 08, 2009

No yooooou! &lt;3

lady starlight Dec 08, 2009

&lt;3 Mythril FTW. on a side note... showing off ur bod is a good thing if u have one that's worth looking at. hustla bebe &lt; Whores anyways.

Missa Dec 08, 2009

Hey now. You were not being judged on something not visible in those photos. Trailer trash IMO, hustla bebe.

Hustla Bebe Dec 08, 2009

mhmm. and playing with them bitches calling me ugly, and a whore.. wow you dont know me judgmental bitch. and 1 im married not a whore, and where i come from showing off your bod is a good thing. so stfu

Squadless Dec 08, 2009


Foreal Dec 07, 2009

u the man!

Squadless Dec 04, 2009

hey big boy

Audrey Nov 30, 2009

Some people definitly needs to take 3 steps back now.

Panda Bear Nov 27, 2009

Mythril! &lt;3

Audrey Nov 22, 2009

I know im gonna repeat myself but... you are my fav!

Weak Nov 19, 2009

lol man I would but i didnt wanna crop out my gf completely :p

Audrey Nov 19, 2009

So do I.

Audrey Nov 17, 2009


Audrey Nov 14, 2009

haaaaaai. im bored at work :-( sup with you?

SolidSnake~ Nov 14, 2009

Yeah what's cool is the girl below me was taking a pic of me at the exact same time, I have that one too somewhere

Audrey Nov 12, 2009

Buster is the cutest! HE'S MA FAV!

Healt Nov 11, 2009

my rival! keep your eye on that black guy in your restaurant...

Audrey Nov 11, 2009


Exodius Nov 10, 2009

haha Sup bro, how's it going man.

lag killer Nov 10, 2009

always and forever bro!

Money Nov 08, 2009

yo dont sit in wbduel too long or goddess will think ur waiting to &quot;fuk her&quot;

AznBabiGurl Nov 08, 2009

aww cute puppy ^_^

Fork Nov 08, 2009

&lt;3 ya too really :)

Audrey Nov 08, 2009


siaxis Nov 08, 2009

guy mad cute

Indirect-1 Nov 08, 2009

Haha mirror pic = myspace pic haha

Nixi Nov 07, 2009

LOL! My gf said &quot;Nova, where the &quot;N&quot; stands for Nowledge&quot;

Nixi Nov 07, 2009

Aw, mee-tree-all

Goddess Nov 07, 2009

rofl exalt... i read your comment then looked up and laughed irl. Mythril u might be adorable if u weren't so flipping evil :X

Exalt Nov 07, 2009

your dog is like a nigga pothead

Zazu Nov 07, 2009

Are you a dog? Or is it a cat? Sure looks high though...

Audrey Nov 07, 2009


Audrey Nov 07, 2009

yeah! that picture of you doing the monkey face!

WAR Nov 04, 2009

bet that white tux gets the ladies

Squadless Nov 04, 2009

I agree with Audrey.. u make me wet $$$$$

Audrey Nov 03, 2009

You so adorable &lt;3! You need updated pics imo!!

Roiwerk Nov 02, 2009


Audrey Oct 29, 2009


Zazu Oct 21, 2009

Upload our group picture! Oh wait.. You didn't show up! : (((

Starfire Oct 18, 2009

play me a song?

Kid Kaos Oct 16, 2009

You look alot younger in that guitar pic then every other pic.

Exalt Oct 15, 2009

MEETREAL I'd fuck you too sir No Homo

PWND Oct 14, 2009


Audrey Oct 13, 2009

ITS ON!!!!!!!!!!

Audrey Oct 13, 2009

Yes i was looking at your page... so what! was looking at your nose!! &gt;=P MUCH LOVE

FemalePersuasion Oct 09, 2009

I figured as much. :)

Valve Oct 09, 2009

Waiting for the pic man, we had a deal!

FemalePersuasion Oct 07, 2009

For some reason, I can see you getting really pissed off at SubSpace. You would have a perfect &quot;grrr WTF&quot; face.

Audrey Oct 06, 2009

hahaha theres big chance!!

Zazu Oct 06, 2009

Such a perfect smile...

Money Oct 06, 2009


Audrey Oct 06, 2009


Sandie Oct 05, 2009

haha :D

Audrey Sep 28, 2009

awww sweet he plays guitar

JPMissy Sep 23, 2009

I always mine you out in WoW. HUBBA HUBBBA

Hunt Sep 21, 2009


lady starlight Sep 20, 2009

.. smash?what?

Oat Sep 11, 2009

lol nose

Tabo Sep 10, 2009

don't think i cant see you look'n at my pics ever day :P

Sandie Sep 09, 2009

i got axed for not sending someone pics lol

Mobey Sep 09, 2009


Squadless Sep 07, 2009


Quart Sep 05, 2009


Zazu Sep 05, 2009


Money Sep 04, 2009

