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About Me

Age 28
Gender Not telling you geeks


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Missa Jan 26, 2019

getcho ass baaaaack round these parts

soupero Mar 13, 2017

how are u

Godzero Jan 13, 2015

Yo Gripe, came back to this game because I am so amazed I know a celebrity now. So proud of you for finally making it to Hollywood! Your adaption of "the penguin" was spot-on in your new TV Show gig Gotham.

Cres Jan 11, 2014

u so pale u make display look like wesley snipes

Display Jan 10, 2014

You look like a British transexual

Display Jan 09, 2014


Fork Jan 09, 2014

Soupero>If I had a gun with 2 bullets..... Lol. Nice to see ya bro ;)

Gripe Jan 09, 2014

I'm a beautiful butterfly and no one can take that away from me

Frogsk|n Jan 08, 2014

Oh, so this is who has been talking shit to me on the internet. Interesting. Love ya bro!

soupero Dec 31, 2013

u fking ugly man smh

PrettyMadness Dec 25, 2013


Frightful Dec 21, 2013

Did you ever wonder what it would be called if we used hammers to drive screws and screwdrivers to hammer nails?

soupero Dec 21, 2013

This isn't you. I'm 100% positive this is a girl.

Sir Spider Dec 19, 2013

griper no griping

Cres Dec 19, 2013

He was simply known as the Pale Orc, Azog the Defiler.

pee pee sock Dec 17, 2013

u have no eye brows eh?

Godzero Nov 12, 2013

can I have your autograph Grape the 2fer king?

Tarnish Mar 01, 2013


Tarnish Mar 01, 2013

suk me dik

Missa Mar 15, 2012

!!!!!! <3

Tank55 Feb 18, 2012


Missa May 02, 2011


AntimatteR- Feb 02, 2011


Missa Nov 23, 2010


Gripe Sep 23, 2010


MoNo. Jul 19, 2010

I will. And I'll send you a picture sometime!

Missa Jul 19, 2010


Missa Jul 15, 2010

Mwahahaha. Spread the love.

Missa Jul 13, 2010

Tag! You're it.

Missa Jun 07, 2010


Gripe Jun 06, 2010

This website is ridiculous.

Display Apr 02, 2010

yo im black bro

Audrey Apr 02, 2010

pfffft i def wouldnt date a dude that dont know im a fan of the habs... not the mapleleafs!!! =P

Schfifty-Five Jan 28, 2010

An hour, sound good? Oh wow, I said still instead of stick. Do I make silly typos like that often?

Schfifty-Five Jan 25, 2010

How about I give you my foot, you can still it up your ass or something.

Schfifty-Five Jan 24, 2010

I already let that other girl borrow him. HE'S MINE! ALL MINE!

Audrey Jan 18, 2010

why you hatin on Santa!?!?

Unite Jan 06, 2010

i am gay..

Unite Dec 20, 2009

i still dont believe this is you...

Gripe Dec 20, 2009

suck a fuck

Tank55 Dec 19, 2009

ahahah i laugh everytime I see this pic

Missa Dec 15, 2009


Petal Nov 28, 2009

You iiight.

Vue Nov 06, 2009

this is one of those pics that is so nerdy it's cool...i like it

hypocrit Nov 05, 2009

just wondering, makeup?

Exalt Oct 30, 2009

what a nerd, light saber, rofl afk tit pix or fake

Audrey Oct 21, 2009


CANADA 4 LIFE Oct 20, 2009


Growing Oct 20, 2009

lol gripe

Starfire Oct 18, 2009

would you wear that to my birthday and entertain me?

Kakka Oct 16, 2009


Gripe Oct 15, 2009

what a nerd, light saber, rofl

FemalePersuasion Oct 12, 2009

This gets more amusing every time.

Tank55 Oct 10, 2009

lmao wtf!

joemoma Oct 09, 2009

ill give u 5$ for the t0ma shirt!

Missa Oct 05, 2009

Your commentary is amazing &lt;3

weed master.. Oct 05, 2009

lol means alot coming from you ...... haha

reability Oct 05, 2009

yoo man :P

Its-katness Oct 02, 2009

thanks gripe..? &lt;3

FemalePersuasion Sep 30, 2009

But I was never involved in athletics...so...NYAH!

The Sith Sep 30, 2009

Hehe yeah Gripe. :D

FemalePersuasion Sep 29, 2009

How dare you insult my ride...the short bus because I was smarter . than anyone else back then. You know you love me

MelonMan Sep 29, 2009

rofl nerd

FemalePersuasion Sep 28, 2009


Chrissygirl Sep 28, 2009

Gripeyy!! =]

MARSHIE MAN Sep 27, 2009

somebody get this disgrace off the gallery. who the fuck is gay enough to put a picture like this up on tw galllery LOL nerd

Nixi Sep 26, 2009

I kept telling people I had them... I think the best comment (I should have kept it) was &quot;LOL ITZ A FAKE BRA!!&quot;

Audrey Sep 23, 2009

I slept 6 hours in 4 days... I'm very confused :o

Audrey Sep 23, 2009

... sigh...

Audrey Sep 23, 2009

... want to?

Shan Sep 23, 2009

Bottle :P

Pandagirl! Sep 23, 2009


soupero Sep 22, 2009

lol your post about raizin and his abducted children LOL

Sir Spider Sep 22, 2009

gripe, i love your travis touchdown look &lt;3

lag killer Sep 21, 2009

haha true that

Red Satin Sep 20, 2009

oh dear, ive gone and done it

weed master.. Sep 20, 2009

yup! lol and you must have the wrong idea on line maintenance for a/c.. its not hard work bud. lol hhahah and wtf dude

Weak Sep 20, 2009

yeh with your mom

Shadowmere Sep 19, 2009

Point being? Lalalala.

Weak Sep 19, 2009

your obviously a virgin, stupid fuck.

Kid Kaos Sep 18, 2009

well i could not tell you exactly where it came from but its origin is deffinetly nor cal. I catch myself saying it all the time. Hate it!

Disengaged Sep 18, 2009

Yeah, it's quite a pain in the ass to work with. You have to have it just right or else you'll become The Amazing Tumor man. Had the same problem until I got fit-tested at the hospital for it.

Sandie Sep 17, 2009

prove what?

PrettyMadness Sep 17, 2009

Aren't you a clever joke-miester. Suck it, astro-faggot.

FemalePersuasion Sep 17, 2009


Ohmalee Sep 17, 2009

wtf. i thought u quit

Kid Kaos Sep 17, 2009

I fucking hate that word yo.

Gripe Sep 17, 2009

My light saber pulls more tail than a toddler with a new kitten. Off my nuts.

PWND Sep 03, 2009

okay no &lt;3's nerd follower...nuff said =]

MoNocidelxMaNi4c Jul 10, 2009

o.o wow...

Weak Jul 01, 2009

nice laser! or light saber..

Friction Jul 01, 2009

where'syour futuristic skateboard!! bwahahaha

Ohmalee Jun 28, 2009

where you been gripe!!! i need someone to feed me in Wbduel :/

lady starlight Jun 26, 2009


R.I.P Jun 21, 2009

Lol dont hold youre breath on the straight bit. but im perfectly legal @_@

Lycanthropy Jun 16, 2009

Also, I'm not cutting my hair. I'm waiting on the Navy to cut it all away for me.. $$

SoJa Jun 14, 2009

No lool her name is tina

Mobey Jun 14, 2009


Lycanthropy Jun 14, 2009

Dude look at the pix of me in the bottom. They are the more recent ones.

Hellborn Jun 13, 2009


a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 13, 2009

so.... are you breaking up with me?? again?? FU@K.

Guero Jun 13, 2009

AHAHAH nice pic $ this T0MA all over trenches rushing ppl :I

Cojafoji Jun 12, 2009

holy fucking shit. i just spit beer all over my 22&quot; lcd.

Disengaged Jun 12, 2009

Nah, I've seen it before but it was like... coffee flavored or something? Doesn't sound too good... then again, neither does that new bacon flavored vodka... nice shades btw.

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 12, 2009

i'm sorry baby, i've been so busy. and uh, things are kind of going too fast for me... let's take it slower.

Disengaged Jun 12, 2009

I can't stand Grey Goose, I don't feel like dishing about $40 on like a liter or whatever of vodka, just to buy the name, when much better tasting ones are cheaper. Personally I prefer Chopin or Belvedere for vodkas.. And I'm about 99% sure you were joking, but that white writing isn't real, I edited the pic in ms paint. Lawlz

Its-katness Jun 12, 2009

Ohh ok haha thanks

Its-katness Jun 12, 2009

i love people with knives.. i dont get it still who is he im quite serious.

Stab Jun 12, 2009

I'll listen to you right away sir...you are the fuckin boss...fuckin queer.

Pandagirl! Jun 11, 2009

Sure you do!

L3MU3L Jun 11, 2009

Pro shirt man!

Democrat Jun 11, 2009

May Divorce be with you.

Gripe Jun 11, 2009

pwnd isn't ugly fool. off my page with that slander.

NO <3 Jun 11, 2009

pwnd just mad cuz the only reason people run from her is bc she's ugly.

Mega Newbie Jun 11, 2009

hi flu

PWND Jun 11, 2009

Haha, so true. :P Fuck these SS creeps.

Its-katness Jun 11, 2009

hahaha yay!

PWND Jun 11, 2009


ZenaBee Jun 11, 2009

LOL loved it, welcome to the club :O

NO <3 Jun 11, 2009

ur shirt proved that no one is safe from T0MA, no one -_-

Goddess Jun 10, 2009

you're halarious gripe... i would suggest you learn to type ?obscene then keep me on ignore ty :)

NO <3 Jun 10, 2009


NO <3 Jun 10, 2009

check out this link to be a part of the (MOST HATED) T0MA fan club please refer to this for details http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?t=3699 9

Money Jun 10, 2009

i like the way u handle ur saber

Ohmalee Jun 09, 2009

lol. i actually meant to go to 1980 not 1989..plus either one is correct since there both the 80s -_-

Lenny Jun 09, 2009

I'll trade you something for that sword sir =D

Ohmalee Jun 09, 2009

why do you say i do math bad? its not like i did it myself. i used a calculator -_-

danyell!! Jun 09, 2009

.................................................. I LOVE LAMP!

Schfifty-Five Jun 08, 2009

I want to feel your sword inside of me.

Growing Jun 08, 2009

wicket you have the lamest sense of humor hahaha

danyell!! Jun 08, 2009

I love lamp....

L3MU3L Jun 08, 2009

whats up with your shirt? did you make it when you in first grade as a class project or what?

PWND Jun 08, 2009

Hiya Gripe :)

wicket666 Jun 08, 2009

Super Hero, Or super dud!..You decide

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 08, 2009

deal! lemme guess... you like your eggs fertilized!

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 08, 2009

hahahaha... only if you let me borrow that shirt

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 07, 2009

i loved the message you left me in TW... i thought you were upset with me, and then you're back up doing the booty calls... suhweet!

Dark*Star360 Jun 07, 2009

lol pee pee ur right he is the gayest player in tw :P

Nixi Jun 07, 2009

You sure do know how to flatter the ladies ~_^

Schfifty-Five Jun 07, 2009

What's ya name, babe?

New Jersey Jun 07, 2009

gripe i think you are so cool

PWND Jun 07, 2009


Pandagirl! Jun 06, 2009

Aww fine :(

Pandagirl! Jun 06, 2009

Maybe even $50

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 06, 2009

you are so pretty, i'll be over in a few

Gripe Jun 05, 2009

I'm going to a rave tonight, I'm going to be wearing exactly what I was wearing in the pic, and i'm bringing my sword. I'll report back here with the number of girls I get pregnant so you virgins can live vicariously through me.

Valentine Rose Jun 05, 2009


a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 04, 2009

go go gadget gaylove!

Nixi Jun 04, 2009

I like your sword.

rattatter May 30, 2009

That actually looks pretty cool, i want that sword.

NO <3 May 30, 2009

i bet your super power is homosexuality kukuku -_-

Hellborn May 28, 2009

hi grape

Growing May 28, 2009


Gripe May 28, 2009

t0ma embarrasses himself enough. I just don't like seeing his name, it usually means i'm gonna have to waste minutes of my life waiting for him to lose.

Goddess May 27, 2009

I'm thinking someone needs to ban or shut t0ma up from here. Awesome pic and wow what a great mom u must have gripe. Never would have thought to do something like that.

Democrat May 24, 2009

Why didn't you tell me you are sexy?

Slaughter May 24, 2009

lol nerd keep playing star wars with ur buddies and stfu

carburetor May 24, 2009

holy shit.... i was gonna tell you off. but jesus christ... its too priceless.

a cute fuzzy kitten May 23, 2009

you're much fatter and greasier in person, btw. love, me

Weak May 23, 2009

sweet pic dude

SaFia May 23, 2009


Nixi May 23, 2009

+500 cool points.

danyell!! May 23, 2009

O wow. lol You look like a celebrity but i cant put my finger on which one it is..... Nice attire btw. lol

TagMor May 22, 2009

tshirt* dammit

TagMor May 22, 2009

can your mum make me a tshit?

pee pee sock May 22, 2009

wow that thing is bright, wonder if it would shine out my mouth if i stuck it in my butt.

Gripe May 22, 2009

Yeah DA, and just in time for the convention.

Dameon Angell May 22, 2009

I see you got your beam katana prototype working finally

Ohmalee May 22, 2009


pee pee sock May 22, 2009

omg gayest kid in tw

Gripe May 22, 2009

It's a drawing I made when I was 4. My mom had it made into a shirt for my birthday.

oops May 22, 2009

figures ud be at the star wars convention

Fooly Cooly May 22, 2009

wtf is on your shirt.

Van jari May 22, 2009

Ted?? Ted Mosby?

Imagine May 22, 2009

Looks like Iron Man got a light saber..

a cute fuzzy kitten May 15, 2009

me plz

a cute fuzzy kitten May 14, 2009

half minute of chloroform, i would

Gripe May 14, 2009

stfu virgin
