
Squad Fierce (since Feb 16, 2014)
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Rifle    Paladen   traduce   
Donated None

About Me

Age 38
Location Toronto, Canada
Gender Not telling you geeks


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Hunt Jul 10, 2013

"oh ya just got finished shoulder pressing the 125s"...weighs 125

pee pee sock Jul 07, 2013

LOL U JUST SAID THE N WORD IN PUB, srsly not even 2 min ago. and for that u have my respect for life.

midoent Jan 18, 2013

looking hot bra

A Ginger Apr 27, 2012

This is tw not show your nasty self to other guys...unless you are gay...then sorry xD

pee pee sock Apr 22, 2012

dont worry im not gunna hurt u

pee pee sock Apr 22, 2012

toronto? im close, lets meet? srs

sn Apr 19, 2012

Woh u gunna get all the boys of tw with a pic like that touche

wicket666 Apr 16, 2012

ward fucking mafia i know it, lets mug them fools ward lol

pee pee sock Jan 13, 2012

turtle dick

Hunt Dec 03, 2011


Heisman Dec 03, 2011

Heisman Dec 03, 2011

ur friends with children irl? wow

Exodia Feb 23, 2010

Are you Italian?

Display Jan 12, 2010


Schfifty-Five Jan 07, 2010


Pandagirl! Jan 04, 2010

Haha sure :)

Nixi Jan 02, 2010

you've got pretty gaunt cheekbones yourself to be making such a claim ;) though I take it as flattery

inaphyt Jan 01, 2010

I'm obviously a woman are you blind or something? Thanks for the comment though. What will you do now HAHAHA Cornered like a little cream kitten.

inaphyt Dec 30, 2009

I reckon the asian you insulted could destroy you in a fight. haha, one gutshot = floor for you. Pretty unpleasant.

PWND Dec 27, 2009

Actually I copy and pasted. It's kinda what I stick to for humans of your kind. But unlike you, I have maturity. bye bye ugly trash who is TERRIBLE at SS. Quit thinking you're hot shit. blacklisted =]

PWND Dec 27, 2009

Because you're a square. Anything beyond society's definition of "normalcy" is ugly to you. You do not have taste, I can see by the clothes, the people you hangout with, and your attitude. You are not fit to communicate with me, I'm on a whole higher level. You are nothing but a drone, clone, and suit that fits with society's taste. That's all.

Ektanar Dec 17, 2009

damn u look like a fruit loop

Dameon Angell Dec 15, 2009

I think I saw you on that Jersey Shore show last night.

Hustla Bebe Dec 09, 2009

lol you say i wanna b lmao. btw hustla bebe is in a song, and for the record its i dont dress gangsta as you can see!!

Welfare Dec 07, 2009

nigga that is my brother BIH BOYZ

AznBabiGurl Dec 07, 2009

lol u so mean to afflict :[

Affliction Dec 07, 2009

pound me? hahaha prove it

Affliction Dec 06, 2009

send me your address ill show you something.

Zazu Dec 06, 2009

Sup delectable's twin brother!

Affliction Dec 06, 2009

rofl give me your address i'll come and trash you bitch.

Affliction Dec 06, 2009

rofl you're the one that needs surgery. you look like Napoleon Dynamite in your 4th pic, you nerd ass afghanistan fuckface skinny lookin peanut head boy fucking neRd

Affliction Dec 05, 2009

ahahahha FAG!!! rofl no chicks on here just ward and his jewish sausage fest.

Foreal Dec 04, 2009

u know damn well u didnt finish them 4 beers lol just stop

Kid Kaos Dec 02, 2009

Jager bombs! Jager bombs! Jager Bombs! If a chick dont pay attention to me in the club...she's a fuckn skank....SKANK, SKANK, SKANK!

Welfare Dec 01, 2009

hahahahha fucking guido

Flew Nov 30, 2009

ward u a jew? phire spreading rumors if no.

Ward Nov 19, 2009

the fuck is with this shit.. guy doesnt look like me

Phirewolf Nov 17, 2009

another jewish kid with curly hair

Zazu Nov 14, 2009

Are you delectable's twin brother?

Pandagirl! Oct 25, 2009

You have nice cheekbones.

Squadless Oct 22, 2009

HAhaha the comment u made on oops page had me laughing for about 30 seconds

ZypheN Oct 19, 2009

Ok at least when you talk shit you don't look like Izor, you are officially approved for shit talk :)

Nixi Sep 07, 2009

still obsessing over my pics in the wee hours, I see... can't blame ya ;)

Hank! Aug 21, 2009

ward = guido LMAO.

JPMissy Aug 02, 2009

lol. You know when you look at someone for the first time and think "He looks gay".

Scrotal Jul 30, 2009


R.I.P Jul 26, 2009

um thanks?

TagMor Jul 10, 2009

why is that waitress wearing no pants and holding the hand of the old dude?

SnallTrippin Jul 02, 2009

One word: Daywalker. Fear.

SnallTrippin Jul 02, 2009

One word. Melanoma...just saying.

PrettyMadness Jun 29, 2009

uht pfft

sweetie.pie Jun 27, 2009

a woman like me? what that suposed to mean.. lol i just started playin this a hella long time ago and go on for a bit when im bored.. but to tell you the truth im more of an xbox fan haha

sweetie.pie Jun 25, 2009

yea i play when i have a gun pointed to my head.. LMAO jkjk :)

Exile- Jun 25, 2009

haha! good one. :)

Exile- Jun 25, 2009

if you actually had some muscle, then you'd probably be decent looking. :)

SaFia Jun 24, 2009

well, i'm not <3

NO <3 Jun 24, 2009

you mean those two asian girls with the girl in the yellow towel leaning away from you? you guys look real friendly -_-

Lenny Jun 23, 2009

If I was really gay, would I not have a gf? Called a joke.

Lenny Jun 23, 2009

Who da fuk is Xog?

NO <3 Jun 23, 2009

so i noticed a trend, your asian friend with the muscles gettin the ladies while the beach pwning your ass. gg -_-

Shadowmere Jun 23, 2009

All I see is dark in your pics, lolol.

The Flying Russian Jun 22, 2009

not bad. leaving for 6 weeks of tournies on friday. cuba looks sick

SaFia Jun 22, 2009

is being soo asian a bad thing? =P

Schfifty-Five Jun 22, 2009

The red thing you are holding up signifies you carrying every squad you are on, right?

Hunt Jun 22, 2009

i dont see how you took that as a bad thing insecure fuk

Shadowmere Jun 22, 2009

Still sad.

MoNocidelxMaNi4c Jun 22, 2009


Hunt Jun 21, 2009

holy fuck you are dark

Money Jun 21, 2009

at least he has contact with girls at all, t0ma

t0ma Jun 21, 2009

Look at those flat asian girls :D I hope they at least have a nice ass

Ward Jun 20, 2009

only person moving away from me is T0MA

Money Jun 20, 2009

LOL those girls are moving away from u

Scrotal Jun 13, 2009

Did you do her from behind? I like to pwn my woman from behind. Then I tell her &quot;gg owned.&quot;

NO <3 Jun 10, 2009

check out this link to be a part of the (MOST HATED) T0MA fan club please refer to this for details http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?t=3699 9

PWND Jun 06, 2009

You heard me.

PWND Jun 05, 2009


Lycanthropy Jun 03, 2009

Relax Ward, I'm just messing with you. :P

NO <3 Jun 03, 2009

you a skinny kid for someone that can &quot;pick up&quot; fat chicks so easily.

NO <3 Jun 02, 2009

dropping by for random hate mail, get rid of that makeout pic please its so cheezy.

Lycanthropy Jun 02, 2009

Why you on other peoples cars?

danyell!! Jun 02, 2009

I love my lipring. I would never go any further than just one lip ring tho... I think most other piercings look trashy... but then again it really just depends on the person... I lost it a little while back and went to work and everyone was like &quot;Its not the same.&quot; =P

Revolt May 31, 2009

thanks dude

Revolt May 31, 2009

yea she's my girlfriend right now been a year

danyell!! May 31, 2009

aww thanks... I dont have my lipring in that pic bc I lost it =( but i got some new ones... and she is my most favorite scarecrow in the entire universe. =)

t0ma May 31, 2009

Ward, did someone own you and your friends with an iron? That bitch you're kissing on must be ugly as fuck

The Flying Russian May 31, 2009

how was the birthday party man? hope you had a blast

Revolt May 31, 2009

which one, blonde or brunette

Sirius May 29, 2009

Lol dlinniye volosi =/= bomj

Sirius May 29, 2009

...though he tries too hard in some of those pics..kind of like in-game

Sirius May 29, 2009

ROFL ch&euml;rt ne tolko on russkiy no imya yevo toje kak moy&euml;? Vot ne vez&euml;t =P And yes Goddess I can tell you that's a legit russian face...along with the other boys .... good old Russian ganster shit

Golden_Aim May 29, 2009

did u give her a ride on mercedes?

NO <3 May 29, 2009

look at this homo putting up makeout pics trying to prove something to his fellow nerds, i approve of your good choice in using the pic that hides her face. dont want people to know its nixi -_-

Goddess May 29, 2009

aaaw what a bummer... u dont know how to kiss :( Ok lesson number one in kissing a girl. At least one of your hands need to be on her neck/cheek like ur never gonna let her go. Lesson #2 coming soon

The Flying Russian May 24, 2009

ye guy fo sho! come play some tw with me man, im on it again.

The Flying Russian May 23, 2009

haha andrew ty superstar!

NO <3 May 23, 2009

yea im sure your noodle arms can compare... you are more in denial than i thought. i would pity you but i much rather laugh.

NO <3 May 23, 2009

i know you wanna be proud for being scrawny bean pole but not everyone wants to be as physically awkward as you. your gay, just admit it.

TagMor May 22, 2009

loooool exalt. I will talk shit to your face anytime. Where you live?

Ward May 21, 2009

thats my friends ride lol

Menthol May 21, 2009

damn ward you shouldn't sit on a mercedes benz if it isn't urs.... scratchin up someone elses hood and shit

carburetor May 21, 2009

moar pics plox!

Exalt May 21, 2009

yeah bro, it makes me think qs is one of the few squads that wasn't full of ugly nerds who are hiding in the closet, its honestly pretty sad how bad some of these kids are, I knew they were nerds but kids like tagmore and shit go way beyond that, almost down syndrome territory

carburetor May 21, 2009

you dress in like 10 different styles... O.o

t0ma May 20, 2009

That second pic is classic; indicative of Ward's personality on tw's (LOL if he dies and EZ if he actually gets a kill): perm ignore for life!

Exalt May 20, 2009

lol its so funny, because the ugliest kids on here have such low self esteem that they try to talk shit to the normal fucking people like ward kk, me etc, but I guess those losers have to talk shit on the internet since they sure wont face to face

TagMor May 20, 2009

loool kid kaos talking about style. You sad white trash pos.

Jerome May 19, 2009

haha, you look exactly the way i imagine you. jaeger bombs!

Kid Kaos May 19, 2009

Tagmor considering the type of clothes you wear you should not be talking shit. God these clowns are pathetic ward. They wonder why they dont get laid? Its cause they dont have style. TOo many haters.

TagMor May 16, 2009


NO <3 May 14, 2009

bean pole

Condom May 14, 2009


Condom May 14, 2009


Tabo May 13, 2009

PENIS OR GTFO!!! &lt;3 lol

Condom May 12, 2009

D Bag

PrettyMadness May 12, 2009

lol im a hairdresser not an emo lmfao

Schfifty-Five May 07, 2009

Haha, I've moved on to bigger and better things in life. The crown was probably, 4 maybe 5 years ago. Wow, we've been fueding for quite a long time!

Ward May 05, 2009

lol goddess you're even more stupid than you look

Goddess May 05, 2009

I still say there's no WAY thats ward... in the game ward acts like one of those kids that are so bitter and ugly his mom had to buy him a dog so he'd have a friend. This guy is hot... i'm thinking this is one of those winky/flew fake pics things. Ez way to prove me wrong though ward... make a pic with my name written across your chest :)

Imagine May 03, 2009

Yo maybe if you didn't spend so much time staying in shape you would be good at this game. Fit fuck.

Nixi May 01, 2009

The first pic makes me absolutely certain you're going to say &quot;The jig is up, see?&quot; in a Chicago accent.

Sakura Apr 29, 2009

you look like james franco in the top right pic, lol.

NO <3 Apr 28, 2009

I used to be scared, denying who I was Actin’ straight, but then goin’ out to the gay fish clubs Dancin’ with the marlins, makin’ out with all the snappers I’d take a salmon home and work that coddle fin for hours But now I’m out and I’m free to love what I want Be it yellowfin or bass or that trout in Vermont I slap that marlin ass, make that grouper butt shake I’ll come to your house and have an orgy in your mother fucking fish tank Mother fuckin’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo) Girl I am a gay fish (Now where I belong, girl) Making love to other gay fish

Ohmalee Apr 27, 2009


NO <3 Apr 27, 2009

i bet you like fish sticks

ISRAELI F15-I ACE Apr 26, 2009

lol gay version of that dude from spiderman that was parkers pal who went nuts. actually you look like a nice kid . how you, doin' !

scoop Apr 23, 2009

gangsta $

Hunt Apr 15, 2009

your face looks really thin in all of the pictures..except the bottom left, what gives, dietary change?

SexualRobotics Apr 15, 2009


wicket666 Apr 12, 2009

pass the mustard!

Kid Kaos Mar 31, 2009

LOL yo the pic on the left looks like his male model gang or someshit. BIG PIMPEN WARD!

Exalt Mar 24, 2009


Lenny Mar 23, 2009

What a d-bag.

Dameon Angell Mar 20, 2009

I challenge Ward to a Pose-off.

Money Mar 19, 2009

HAHAHAHA WARD IS A TW FORUM GALLERY WHORE guy is on here 24/7 looking for a date

Ward Mar 19, 2009

hahaha Money disabled the comments option cuz people were commenting on his passion for child pornography.

TagMor Mar 18, 2009

The 3rd pic is Ward's &quot;James Bond look&quot;

Money Mar 18, 2009

look at this tool

Ardour Mar 18, 2009

Capes got a gun, Wards got a phone! Watchout!

Shadowmere Mar 18, 2009

Ward Mar 17, 2009

Ward Mar 16, 2009
