
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  dicE    Syndicate    -FINAL-   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (21)
dicE (Aug 04, 2008 - Aug 14, 2008)
Syndicate (Apr 05, 2006 - Apr 19, 2006)
-FINAL- (Mar 18, 2006 - Apr 05, 2006)
Spastic (Mar 12, 2006 - Mar 17, 2006)
dicE (Jan 22, 2006 - Mar 11, 2006)
Myth (Jan 13, 2006 - Jan 21, 2006)
Tenure (Dec 30, 2005 - Jan 12, 2006)
Decreased (Dec 28, 2005 - Dec 29, 2005)
Hillpeace (Dec 27, 2005 - Dec 28, 2005)
Unionville (Dec 03, 2005 - Dec 22, 2005)
Floydians (Nov 19, 2005 - Dec 02, 2005)
Hillpeace (Nov 04, 2005 - Nov 19, 2005)
Red Veil (Oct 31, 2005 - Nov 04, 2005)
Jaba (Oct 29, 2005 - Oct 30, 2005)
Xul (Oct 25, 2005 - Oct 27, 2005)
Hillpeace (Oct 23, 2005 - Oct 25, 2005)
Choralone (Oct 23, 2005 - Oct 23, 2005)
Hillpeace (Oct 18, 2005 - Oct 23, 2005)
Burners (Oct 17, 2005 - Oct 18, 2005)
Archant (Oct 12, 2005 - Oct 16, 2005)
Unionville (Sep 18, 2005 - Oct 09, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (394)
Kawrae  62 days Syndicate, dicE
Omnigod  61 days dicE, Red Veil
a2m  58 days dicE
Azreal  58 days dicE
Cape  58 days dicE
Sinist  56 days Hillpeace, Unionville
Hero  53 days dicE, Spastic, Unionville
Krypt Killer  52 days Unionville, Tenure
Nunes  51 days Tenure, Unionville
Stayon  50 days dicE
bam__ Ashlee  48 days dicE
Deez Nuts  48 days dicE
Fission  48 days dicE
itsme  48 days Unionville, Tenure
Lightsticker  48 days dicE
Mess  48 days dicE
Mikes  48 days dicE
PhaithDzyne  48 days dicE
Puu  48 days dicE
snugz  48 days dicE
Suede  48 days dicE
Waven  48 days dicE
Annul  47 days dicE
Jargha  47 days dicE
Mootland Farmer  43 days dicE
Connection  42 days dicE
Riflemen  41 days dicE
Brethal  38 days Unionville
totem  37 days Unionville
HoGo  35 days dicE
Cig Smoke  34 days dicE
Everett  34 days Unionville, -FINAL-
megaman89  32 days dicE
Tiny  31 days dicE
Exceedin  30 days 4 squads
Lesbian  30 days Hillpeace, Unionville
Massori  27 days Unionville, Tenure
Cudd  26 days Unionville, Floydians, Xul
Repel  25 days dicE
Bartman  24 days Myth, Hillpeace
Canadian Airliner  24 days Hillpeace, Myth
Chief Utsav  24 days dicE, Syndicate
FieryFire  24 days dicE, Syndicate
Pistil  24 days Unionville
Rough  24 days Syndicate, dicE
Spikey  24 days Syndicate, dicE
flibb1e  23 days Unionville, Hillpeace
Nit3  23 days 6 squads
DigDug  22 days Red Veil, Unionville
Dwopple  22 days dicE, Syndicate
Fire Phoenix  22 days Myth, Hillpeace
Hydride  22 days Hillpeace, Myth
Merce  21 days dicE
Beer Hunter [TW]  20 days Tenure, Burners, Myth
Broly  20 days Unionville
Cactus  20 days Hillpeace
Criminal  20 days Unionville
Daragon.  20 days Hillpeace
FiftySeven  20 days Hillpeace
Godspeed  20 days Hillpeace
k-i  20 days Unionville
Kings  20 days Tenure, Hillpeace
krusty123  20 days Hillpeace
poxy  20 days Hillpeace
rucci  20 days Hillpeace
Sir Chrono  20 days Hillpeace
SoLidiFy <ER>  20 days Hillpeace, Unionville
Spell  20 days Unionville
Zung  20 days Hillpeace
aBBot  19 days Tenure, Myth
circlepusher  19 days Hillpeace
Dameon Angell  19 days Unionville
fatz0  19 days Unionville
Figure  19 days Myth, Tenure
H I M  19 days Hillpeace
Hust|er  19 days Unionville
Jeenyuss <ZH>  19 days Unionville
NL>Trigger  19 days Hillpeace
Poozzman  19 days -FINAL-, Hillpeace
Roope  19 days 4 squads
Starflam  19 days Hillpeace
ufo-  19 days Hillpeace
whytefang  19 days Hillpeace
abstruct  18 days -FINAL-
Aprix  18 days -FINAL-
Az  18 days -FINAL-
Blood  18 days -FINAL-
Bunny  18 days -FINAL-
Butler  18 days -FINAL-
Chain  18 days -FINAL-
code  18 days -FINAL-
Cumulonimbus  18 days -FINAL-
Cyrus  18 days -FINAL-
death row  18 days -FINAL-
Defender  18 days -FINAL-
Details  18 days Hillpeace
Diablo564  18 days -FINAL-
Disqualifier  18 days -FINAL-
Dragonscale  18 days -FINAL-
DUMBRIT!  18 days -FINAL-
Ekko  18 days Hillpeace
fade  18 days -FINAL-
faithless  18 days -FINAL-
Foxy  18 days -FINAL-
gUrU^  18 days -FINAL-
Hindrance  18 days -FINAL-
Ice-T  18 days -FINAL-
Incognito  18 days -FINAL-
Jack  18 days -FINAL-
Jeo  18 days -FINAL-
Joe  18 days -FINAL-
magnet  18 days -FINAL-
Mitch  18 days -FINAL-
owner  18 days -FINAL-
Pace  18 days -FINAL-
PC JOE  18 days -FINAL-
Pempu  18 days -FINAL-
Plob#f  18 days -FINAL-
Reaver <ER>  18 days -FINAL-
RednaZ  18 days -FINAL-
Rogue  18 days -FINAL-
Roxy  18 days -FINAL-
Shaolin  18 days -FINAL-
Sika  18 days -FINAL-
spearhead  18 days -FINAL-
Unknown Enemy  18 days -FINAL-
USS Banana  18 days -FINAL-
VenomArse  18 days -FINAL-
Vihta  18 days -FINAL-
Whirlwind  18 days -FINAL-
Windreaper  18 days -FINAL-
Zippi!  18 days -FINAL-
Ardour  17 days -FINAL-
Cloud Nine9  17 days Tenure, Myth
gmail  17 days Unionville
Orimattilanjymy  17 days Myth, Floydians
AnImoL  16 days Floydians, Hillpeace
dchao  16 days Jaba, Unionville
Tuga  16 days Archant, Burners, Tenure
Dutch Baser  15 days Hillpeace
Jazze  15 days Hillpeace
Tweaks  15 days Unionville
Amateur  14 days -FINAL-
Amputate  14 days Syndicate
Cigars  14 days Jaba, Hillpeace
Colonel  14 days Syndicate
demonfaze  14 days Syndicate
Escalate  14 days Syndicate
fireballz  14 days Syndicate
GRANDMASTAHS  14 days Burners, Archant, Floydians
IKM  14 days Hillpeace
Milk Man  14 days Unionville
Musashi  14 days Unionville
Nikolai  14 days Syndicate
Panama  14 days dicE, Syndicate
Pavement  14 days Syndicate
Raspi  14 days Syndicate
Reaver  14 days -FINAL-
Reliable  14 days Hillpeace
Remezetti  14 days Hillpeace
ronaldo  14 days -FINAL-
Rule  14 days Syndicate
Stripes  14 days Syndicate
wbm  14 days Spastic, dicE
3E  13 days Tenure
Clazziquai  13 days Tenure
CorpseCreator  13 days Tenure
CRAZY_CANADIAN  13 days Tenure
Dome  13 days Floydians, Red Veil
Killings  13 days Tenure
Knockers  13 days Floydians, Red Veil
Lucar  13 days Tenure
Markmrw  13 days Tenure
NightCalibur  13 days Tenure
project dragon  13 days Hillpeace
Setboy  13 days Tenure
Shiloh  13 days Tenure
Swift Knight  13 days Tenure
thesearcher  13 days Tenure
Toasty  13 days Tenure
Veloce  13 days Tenure
bogart  12 days Floydians
BOuncER  12 days dicE
celluar  12 days Tenure
cool koen  12 days Floydians
DTTR  12 days Spastic, Unionville
Gabraham  12 days Red Veil, Floydians
Kamakazi_kitty  12 days Floydians
kelopaa  12 days Floydians
Kicker  12 days dicE
maito_chi  12 days Floydians
Necromotic  12 days Syndicate
ReBirth  12 days -FINAL-
Cops  11 days Floydians, Red Veil
Deverse  11 days Unionville
Hazuki  11 days Unionville, Burners, Archant
Jrahen  11 days Syndicate, dicE
menelvagor  11 days Hillpeace
Public Assassin  11 days Hillpeace, Tenure
Royst  11 days Tenure
UnCooperative  11 days Tenure
Biernoot  10 days Jaba, Floydians
Bill C  10 days dicE
Damnifier  10 days dicE
ElNino555  10 days dicE
Foreign  10 days dicE
Geio  10 days dicE
Grandias  10 days Floydians
HoTlAvAkInG  10 days dicE
Left_Eye  10 days dicE
nokkonen  10 days dicE
Revolt  10 days dicE
riske  10 days dicE
rlz  10 days Floydians
Singer  10 days dicE
Spawnisen  10 days dicE
timQ  10 days Unionville, Jaba
TJ hazuki  10 days dicE
Centurion04  9 days Unionville
kaospilot  9 days Tenure, Myth
Khanos  9 days Hillpeace
MDMA  9 days Hillpeace
Refund  9 days Unionville, Archant, Burners
rigor  9 days Tenure
Sexyman  9 days Hillpeace
Abit  8 days Tenure
antisniper  8 days Tenure
Blanke  8 days Tenure
ckpoon  8 days Hillpeace, Jaba
FirePhoenix  8 days Floydians
gappy  8 days dicE
Gran Guerrero  8 days Red Veil, Floydians
Medic  8 days Syndicate
sponge B0B  8 days Hillpeace, Myth, Burners
Tera  8 days dicE
wanger  8 days Unionville
egotistic  7 days Hillpeace
EnFlAmE  7 days Floydians
flibb  7 days Unionville
Fumado  7 days Tenure
Gotrek  7 days Myth
Hurricane  7 days dicE
Iron Survivor  7 days dicE
Leak  7 days Tenure
lem  7 days Hillpeace
Mikkiz  7 days Myth
Mugiwara  7 days Tenure
OMGIMONFIRE!  7 days Myth
Planet Asia  7 days Unionville
Reath  7 days Myth
Vatican Assassin  7 days Hillpeace, Red Veil
deck  6 days Spastic, dicE
Fredzz  6 days Xul, Myth, Hillpeace
Jerome  6 days Floydians
Leaber  6 days Myth
Machines  6 days Tenure
neurotic  6 days Floydians, Unionville
okie  6 days Tenure
Prolifik  6 days Hillpeace
Rauta  6 days Myth, Jaba
Sightless  6 days Myth
Sodomizer  6 days Tenure
TaMaHoMe  6 days Myth
Well  6 days Hillpeace
Caveman  5 days Hillpeace
Concentrated  5 days Hillpeace
Confluence  5 days Syndicate
Elleya  5 days Tenure
Fire Blade  5 days Myth
Fludd  5 days -FINAL-
Frozen Throne  5 days Red Veil, Hillpeace
hellkite  5 days Hillpeace, Spastic
Hur  5 days Myth
IcER  5 days Hillpeace
Itty  5 days Hillpeace, Tenure
Mahem  5 days Hillpeace
P H  5 days Unionville
pascone <ZH>  5 days dicE
Regency  5 days -FINAL-, Jaba
Tarriskat  5 days Hillpeace, Xul
Whimp  5 days Hillpeace, Myth
0rb  4 days Myth
Adman  4 days Hillpeace, Red Veil
AEn|ma  4 days Spastic
Ancient_Lore  4 days Hillpeace
dr. coiff <er>  4 days Spastic
Eeks  4 days Spastic
Ethena  4 days Spastic
FairLights  4 days Spastic
Final Hit  4 days Spastic
Gene Hackman  4 days Myth
HalTaffin  4 days Spastic
hope  4 days Spastic
Jamal  4 days Spastic
JIMBEAM  4 days Hillpeace, Myth
k7  4 days Unionville
Keyboard  4 days Myth
Lemonfrog_Returns  4 days Spastic
lunch3  4 days Spastic
Max Nunes  4 days Unionville
minkmink  4 days Spastic
Mirror <ER>  4 days Spastic
NiceShot  4 days Spastic
Nitti  4 days Unionville
Nostromo  4 days Red Veil, Tenure
nucci  4 days Hillpeace
PaulOakenfold  4 days Spastic
PH  4 days Spastic
Pure_Luck  4 days Spastic
Pyroblast  4 days Spastic
SE><PLOSION  4 days Spastic
spacedust  4 days Spastic
SpaceHiker  4 days Spastic
Spiderhate  4 days Spastic
Stabwound  4 days Spastic
Tina  4 days Spastic
trippinted  4 days Spastic
Tsumetai  4 days Spastic
Vehicle  4 days Spastic
Vigor  4 days Tenure
Vys  4 days dicE
Weaver  4 days Spastic
Witness  4 days Spastic
Worr  4 days Spastic
Y ?  4 days Spastic
Anon  3 days Red Veil
Buja X  3 days Red Veil
Concealed  3 days Red Veil
Contender  3 days Red Veil
CrvenBan  3 days Red Veil
Dyers eve <ER>  3 days Red Veil
Endless Rain  3 days Tenure
First Knight  3 days Red Veil
Fit of Rage  3 days Red Veil
Flinch  3 days Floydians
geekbot  3 days Red Veil
hockeydude  3 days Red Veil
Jz  3 days Red Veil
MaiTo  3 days Red Veil
Nickname  3 days Red Veil
Nova Itachi  3 days Red Veil
panhandler  3 days Red Veil
Philos  3 days Red Veil
rockhard  3 days Tenure
Roggan  3 days Red Veil
Skyforger  3 days Floydians, Jaba
Smack  3 days Red Veil
Supreme Authority  3 days Red Veil
Surplus  3 days Burners, Archant
VYKROMOND  3 days Red Veil
bioture  2 days Floydians
ChineseFighter27  2 days Tenure
Decypha  2 days Red Veil
JoEle  2 days Tenure
Kolar <ZH>  2 days Floydians
M_M God  2 days dicE
paska  2 days dicE
Puffin  2 days Xul, Choralone
Requiem  2 days dicE
Xia  2 days Myth
Boss  1 days dicE
Dreamwin  1 days Hillpeace
eke  1 days Hillpeace
Emper  1 days Hillpeace
Everlastin  1 days Hillpeace
German  1 days Hillpeace
GundamAngel  1 days Hillpeace
HandofDeath  1 days Hillpeace
HydroBuds  1 days Unionville
I rox!  1 days Hillpeace
Jamelionz  1 days Tenure
Jonesy  1 days Hillpeace
Kazi  1 days Syndicate
KillerCanadian  1 days Hillpeace
Luminary  1 days Unionville
Maisoul  1 days Hillpeace
Merc  1 days Hillpeace
Mithrandia <ER>  1 days Hillpeace
MousE  1 days dicE
NeRveWracKinG  1 days Hillpeace
Oar  1 days Spastic
Omena  1 days Hillpeace
Phenomenal  1 days Hillpeace
Ri$e Again$t  1 days dicE
Smurf  1 days dicE
sniper_25  1 days Hillpeace
Spezza  1 days Archant
Torrent  1 days Hillpeace
Vietnamese  1 days Tenure
Voth  1 days Hillpeace
Wax  1 days dicE
Xerax  1 days Hillpeace
Zamu Zoomer  1 days Hillpeace