
Lu Xun
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Build   Gantz   Savanger   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (22)
Build (Sep 05, 2007 - Dec 09, 2007)
Gantz (Aug 05, 2007 - Aug 21, 2007)
Savanger (Aug 02, 2007 - Aug 05, 2007)
Warpath (May 09, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Gantz (Jan 10, 2006 - Jan 17, 2006)
Warpath (Nov 20, 2005 - Jan 09, 2006)
WbDyNaSty (Nov 13, 2005 - Nov 19, 2005)
Gantz (Jul 16, 2005 - Nov 12, 2005)
Unconventionals (Jul 14, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005)
Gantz (Jun 05, 2005 - Jul 14, 2005)
WBdYnAsTy (May 28, 2005 - May 30, 2005)
Disorder (May 10, 2005 - May 15, 2005)
Gantz (May 01, 2005 - May 10, 2005)
WBdYnAsTy (Apr 15, 2005 - May 01, 2005)
Tigers (Apr 13, 2005 - Apr 15, 2005)
WBdYnAsTy (Mar 20, 2005 - Apr 13, 2005)
Gantz (Jan 14, 2005 - Mar 14, 2005)
Gantz (Aug 07, 2004 - Jan 13, 2005)
Target (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 07, 2004)
Phill.4.13 (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Federation army (Jul 28, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
dynasty masters (Jun 05, 2004 - Jun 16, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (843)
Last Rites  401 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy, Warpath
Rabid-Wombat  389 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  388 days Gantz
Georgebob  291 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  285 days Gantz
A RaBid PaNDa  218 days Tigers, Gantz
Exterminator789  212 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
BobM@rley  189 days Gantz
PEGASiS  184 days Gantz
Bohemian  181 days Gantz, Unconventionals
Loder  176 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  173 days Gantz
elemental  164 days Gantz
Gantz  162 days Gantz
firepr00f  160 days Gantz
Borgir  156 days Gantz
Sir Arts  143 days Gantz
FireOut  140 days Warpath
Solae  138 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Paveo  137 days Gantz
expunge  136 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Ganon-Knight  134 days Gantz
Poison Gas  130 days Gantz
Lazy Kakashi  126 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  124 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  124 days Gantz
Kakka  123 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz, Warpath
Alpha Dog  119 days Gantz
TaiN  113 days Warpath
kid wolf  111 days Gantz
pepsi pepsi  110 days Gantz
ben_dover  107 days Gantz, Warpath
Maddawgtress  107 days Warpath
Skynet!  107 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  106 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Zoryn  105 days Warpath
Bourbon  99 days Gantz
Vacant  98 days Warpath
thevirus  97 days Warpath
N.E.R.D 69  96 days Gantz
ExcaliburX2O  95 days Warpath, WbDyNaSty
Faces  94 days Build
Paky Dude  94 days Build
Unabled  94 days Build
Prototype Mk I  92 days Gantz
kitty  91 days Build
Repletion  90 days Gantz
Iam  87 days Build
ReKall  87 days Gantz, Build, Warpath
Kinesrra  86 days Gantz
Yoza  84 days Build
Kira_Yamato~  79 days Gantz
rly_dumb  78 days Warpath, Gantz, Build
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  77 days Gantz
Sephius  77 days Warpath
wavebeamer  76 days Gantz
Jaa  75 days Build
Kyouraku  75 days Build
bubbles19518  74 days Gantz
Firth  74 days Gantz
RiGhTiOcHaP  74 days Gantz, Build
Rasaq  72 days Build
Zelazny  71 days Warpath, Gantz
Kolbi  70 days Gantz
Radiance  70 days WBdYnAsTy, Warpath
AznNycGuy  69 days Savanger, WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
opps  69 days Gantz
saetep  68 days Build, Gantz
empion  67 days Warpath, Gantz, Build
FFLenne  66 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Pulsage  66 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
mass destruction  65 days Gantz
Solidify  65 days Build
Bo0!  64 days Gantz, Tigers
foxes  63 days Gantz
jessup <ZH>  63 days Warpath
Malign Paradigm  63 days Warpath
Vermillion Flame  63 days Warpath
Killem  62 days Gantz
Money In The Bank  62 days Build
Rhino_haha  61 days Warpath
A Fuzz  59 days Gantz
Lego  59 days Warpath
Woe  59 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Stops  57 days Gantz
Sunny D  57 days Warpath
Deductable  56 days Warpath
Kurosaki  56 days Gantz
k7  55 days Warpath
Suck  55 days Warpath
Team Punishment  55 days Warpath
third-eye  55 days Warpath
A1C  52 days Build
Absent Elements  52 days Gantz
Sarge  52 days Build
Geillan  51 days Gantz
Lil Tye  51 days Gantz, Unconventionals, WbDyNaSty
Overheat  51 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz, Build
Barra  50 days Warpath
Big Bang  50 days Warpath
big flower  50 days Warpath
Darkmoor  50 days Warpath
Maleficarum  50 days Warpath
nemiseph  50 days Warpath
Rikishay  50 days Warpath
Ryf  50 days Warpath
Skynyrd  50 days Warpath
Velv  50 days Warpath
GunLotus  49 days Gantz
Fedex!  48 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
starpax  48 days Gantz
Cinq  47 days Warpath
Major NihGer  47 days Gantz
AppleCheek  46 days Gantz
Mr Sushi X  46 days Gantz
oxidize  46 days Gantz
Saradomin  46 days Gantz
Xenosis  46 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Bizmat  45 days WBdYnAsTy, Warpath
Urges  45 days Gantz
Wage  45 days Build
Brettles  44 days Warpath
Kentaro  44 days Build
The Devils Twitch  44 days WbDyNaSty, Warpath
coogs  43 days Gantz
Demonik  42 days Gantz
Diagonal  42 days Gantz
Kyra.  42 days Gantz
Missa  42 days Gantz
ninjaelf27  42 days Gantz
Vexatious  42 days Gantz
X-PLoSiVe  42 days Gantz
3.1415  41 days Warpath
Celtic.  41 days Gantz
Coltz45  41 days Warpath
Gho$tFace-  41 days Warpath
golden duck  41 days Build
Kamakazy  41 days Warpath
Milenko><  41 days Warpath
StackOverflow  41 days Warpath
Elite assasin  40 days Gantz
Instant  40 days WBdYnAsTy
Tanis  40 days Warpath
hot pocket  39 days Gantz
Kushite  39 days Gantz
MisterGreen  39 days WBdYnAsTy
Nementh  39 days WBdYnAsTy
Peugeot Fox  39 days WBdYnAsTy
Dirk  38 days Target, Gantz
lief veulen  38 days WBdYnAsTy
Nlie  38 days Gantz
Styles P  38 days Build
wo0t  38 days WBdYnAsTy
Expecto Patronum  37 days Gantz
janipt  37 days Warpath
Jo|<er  37 days Gantz
Katsuya  37 days Gantz
Regen  37 days Build
2pacZ  36 days Build
Nige  36 days Warpath
Seymour Butts  36 days Gantz
spin!!!  36 days Gantz
Zadan  36 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
a mutated sea bass  35 days Gantz
aArdvark  35 days Build
aZn_WaRbiRd  35 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Ceryni  35 days Gantz
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  35 days Gantz
JeepersCreepers  35 days Gantz
zealummox  35 days Warpath
Daffy Duck  34 days Warpath
Pond_Scum  34 days Warpath
stilt  34 days Gantz
Actuate  33 days Gantz
Druss  33 days Gantz
Kahne  33 days WBdYnAsTy
Q_Tips  33 days Gantz
Ramza  33 days Gantz
rockafella  33 days Gantz
coxcomb  32 days Gantz
Cronium  32 days WBdYnAsTy
Fet  32 days Gantz
Stray  32 days Gantz, Warpath, Build
Wild_Mage  32 days WBdYnAsTy
A Flea  31 days Gantz
bokwus  31 days Gantz
DOG Chapman  31 days Gantz
nopcode  31 days Warpath
rly_stupid  31 days Warpath
SWAGer  31 days Warpath
TOP DOG  31 days Build, Savanger
idkmyname  30 days Gantz
Scorpious  30 days Gantz
sXyChick89  30 days Gantz
Whinegum  30 days Build
wolfs  30 days WBdYnAsTy
BoomerSooner  29 days Warpath
Nurse  29 days Gantz
Ozgood  29 days WBdYnAsTy
Tyrael.  29 days WBdYnAsTy
Anything  28 days WBdYnAsTy
JaaLin  28 days Gantz
Maurauth  28 days Gantz
odp123  28 days Gantz
Plomber  28 days Build
New Jersey  27 days Build
Sarrow  27 days WbDyNaSty, Savanger
The Terranigma  27 days Gantz
Jem  26 days Gantz
LaMothe  26 days Build
Nemesis-  26 days WBdYnAsTy
ayb  25 days Gantz
darck  25 days Warpath
Elliot Moose  25 days Gantz
Legerity  25 days Savanger, Build
No Ka Oi  25 days Gantz
Ronso  25 days Gantz
Charles Bronson  24 days Gantz
locate  24 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Luke Skywall<er  24 days Gantz
Madsouljah  24 days Gantz
Morgane  24 days Warpath
Product  24 days Build
Shockers  24 days WBdYnAsTy
sportszack  24 days Disorder, Gantz
Stifled  24 days Gantz
Str8_Owning  24 days Gantz
venal  24 days Gantz
coky  23 days Gantz
Cuda  23 days Gantz
Phileas  23 days WBdYnAsTy
Red Eternity  23 days Gantz
Spirit  23 days Gantz
Upon  23 days Gantz
Dark_Hunter  22 days Gantz
Elmers  22 days Gantz
Hdj  22 days Build
KiNg NewB  22 days WBdYnAsTy
Kyren  22 days WBdYnAsTy
Lucky~  22 days Gantz
Sir Shoy  22 days Gantz
Alerts  21 days Gantz, Disorder
Destromath  21 days Gantz
Haruko Haruhara  21 days Gantz
KillerGt1  21 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Lickle  21 days Gantz
not u  21 days Warpath
Sadistic.  21 days Gantz
Solemn  21 days Warpath
Viet_Pryde  21 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty, Tigers
Franchise Player  20 days Gantz
Harder  20 days WbDyNaSty, Warpath
Opossum  20 days Gantz
Putzeco  20 days Gantz
Setta  20 days Gantz
windproof  20 days Gantz
Zamu Zoomer  20 days Warpath
Auraz  19 days WBdYnAsTy
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  19 days Gantz
Eleanto  19 days Gantz
Elp  19 days Warpath
epoch  19 days Gantz
EZmart  19 days Gantz
Joel  19 days Build
Koveres  19 days Gantz
MetroStar  19 days Build
reinhold  19 days Gantz
Sebastian  19 days Build
Sexyness  19 days Gantz
Sharpen  19 days WBdYnAsTy
Suffocated  19 days Gantz
Urgoth  19 days Gantz
A Fur  18 days Gantz
Dast0r  18 days Gantz
G O D  18 days Warpath
Lady Venom  18 days Gantz
Pittfan  18 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Printed  18 days Warpath
Voracious  18 days Gantz, Disorder
wait what  18 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Xpect  18 days Gantz
Zechs Marquis  18 days Gantz
Atma W  17 days Gantz
AzN-pRiDe  17 days Gantz
Gonad Lad  17 days Gantz
OvEr PuSh  17 days Gantz
Own.  17 days WBdYnAsTy
Toyota.  17 days Gantz
xXU|timat3_V3g3t4Xx  17 days Gantz
Bardicer  16 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
BuckinBronco  16 days Gantz
Calvary  16 days Warpath, Gantz
Dead_Rain  16 days WBdYnAsTy
Dethdefire  16 days Build
die hard  16 days Build, Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Flew  16 days Build
Jay Chou  16 days WBdYnAsTy
Magdalene  16 days Gantz
porch  16 days Gantz
Sarutobi  16 days Gantz
TehNewbDied  16 days Gantz
tommy-versetti  16 days Federation army, Gantz
Aware  15 days WBdYnAsTy
back street boy  15 days Gantz
Cholla  15 days WBdYnAsTy
Crusade  15 days WBdYnAsTy
Discript  15 days Disorder, Gantz
Eclipse_04  15 days Gantz
Ikkaku  15 days Build
Laurelin  15 days Gantz
Misled  15 days Build
nimnom-_-  15 days Gantz
Papa Diop  15 days Warpath
purty  15 days Gantz
Sharper Shooter  15 days Gantz
shimpy  15 days Gantz
Slit your guts  15 days Gantz
Stokedhippie  15 days Build
Storm Braker  15 days Unconventionals, Gantz
The-Great-Gonzo  15 days Gantz
AKA  14 days Build
Compress  14 days WBdYnAsTy
Flow State  14 days Gantz
Guthix.....  14 days Gantz
Immolient  14 days Gantz, Unconventionals
Jacks  14 days Gantz
Lag Hunter  14 days Warpath
Lahey  14 days Gantz
Lifted  14 days WBdYnAsTy
Lil Mama  14 days Gantz
listed  14 days WBdYnAsTy
Manaka  14 days WBdYnAsTy
Musamune  14 days WBdYnAsTy
sportsfanatic  14 days WBdYnAsTy
Tha Avanger  14 days Gantz
Uk  14 days Gantz
1gb  13 days Warpath
Allergy  13 days Gantz
AznBabiGurl  13 days WBdYnAsTy
badboy_oj  13 days Gantz
Beefs  13 days Gantz
Canyon  13 days Warpath
Gnat  13 days Warpath, Gantz
inks  13 days Build
No Face  13 days Gantz
Portion  13 days WBdYnAsTy
Proposition  13 days Build
Rivot  13 days WBdYnAsTy
Skyline6  13 days Gantz
Swiper  13 days WBdYnAsTy
tank 54  13 days WBdYnAsTy
Tragik  13 days Build, Gantz
Xef  13 days Gantz
Z*E*R*0  13 days Gantz
badazzbilly  12 days Gantz
Big Nerd  12 days Gantz
corupt  12 days WBdYnAsTy
Dark_grim  12 days Gantz
hEaD_hUnTeR  12 days Build
Holy Monk  12 days WBdYnAsTy
Jack Jeckel  12 days Gantz
jebass  12 days Warpath
Korin  12 days Gantz
KY0  12 days Gantz
LT-Snapis  12 days Warpath
peixe  12 days Build
Pilgram  12 days Gantz
WAR  12 days WBdYnAsTy
2o1o  11 days Gantz
a stalker  11 days Gantz
academics  11 days WBdYnAsTy
Balister  11 days Gantz
Deja Vu...  11 days Disorder, Gantz
Deuce Bigalow  11 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Hammer Of God  11 days Gantz
Jake Jeckel  11 days Gantz
kung-lao  11 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Nomadic  11 days Gantz
nt_crew  11 days Gantz
patricks  11 days Gantz
pompous  11 days Gantz
Pounding  11 days Build
Revel1z  11 days Gantz
ztnag  11 days Gantz
1v4  10 days Gantz
all.your.base  10 days Unconventionals, Gantz
corishika  10 days Gantz
Deo  10 days Warpath
DIE NOW  10 days Gantz
Disappearance  10 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
donnie  10 days Gantz
Fire Blade  10 days WBdYnAsTy
Frit0z  10 days Gantz
Gods wang  10 days Gantz
Iced Rice  10 days Gantz
Lever  10 days WBdYnAsTy
Nonsense  10 days Warpath
ok  10 days Gantz
oops  10 days Build, Gantz
Palidor  10 days Gantz
Profic  10 days WBdYnAsTy
rabid war Wolf  10 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Ruffles  10 days Gantz
Rushes  10 days WBdYnAsTy
Secret Shadow  10 days Gantz
Spacely  10 days Gantz, Disorder, WBdYnAsTy
tfoo  10 days Gantz
Valholy  10 days Gantz
War Walker  10 days WBdYnAsTy
Xanthene  10 days Gantz
Accused  9 days WBdYnAsTy
all star  9 days WBdYnAsTy
ansi  9 days Warpath
Clearwater88  9 days Gantz
Colonize  9 days Gantz
FaLLeN.  9 days Gantz
forgotten child  9 days Gantz
Funk E  9 days WBdYnAsTy, Savanger
gwen  9 days Gantz
Kostly  9 days Gantz
Lord Envy  9 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Lucky Ned Pepper  9 days Gantz
Metalsteel  9 days Gantz
Novelist  9 days Gantz
Ribbit!  9 days Gantz
The Nash  9 days Target, WBdYnAsTy
Xiao Qiao  9 days dynasty masters
3000GT VR4  8 days Gantz
a Javelin  8 days Build
C.O.W.S.  8 days Gantz
Cambodian  8 days Gantz
Canadian Archer  8 days WBdYnAsTy
Crucializer  8 days Gantz
devil1392  8 days Gantz
DrYsEa  8 days WBdYnAsTy
Emollient  8 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
fragily  8 days Warpath
Informative  8 days WBdYnAsTy
killah  8 days Gantz, Build
l7eznuts  8 days Gantz
mu5hr00m man  8 days Gantz
NightCalibur  8 days Gantz
Oblivian  8 days Gantz
PlaZma-  8 days Gantz, Tigers
Rondo  8 days Build
Smoking Gun  8 days WBdYnAsTy
Sodium  8 days Build
soupero  8 days Gantz
Tyler  8 days Gantz, Warpath
Unorthadox  8 days Gantz
Z.i.m.Z.u.m  8 days WBdYnAsTy
Zhou Tai Soldier  8 days Warpath
blow_meeh  7 days Gantz
chaostycoon  7 days Federation army
Cyborg.  7 days Gantz
DirtBike  7 days Gantz
Eria  7 days Gantz
FA kante  7 days Federation army
Fait  7 days Gantz
Fleming  7 days Gantz
Hell_Phoenix  7 days Federation army
Heroin Bob  7 days Build
Induced  7 days Gantz
jail  7 days Gantz
jube  7 days Gantz
Kenpachi  7 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Klean-X  7 days Gantz
Krusaw  7 days WBdYnAsTy
Messanger  7 days Federation army
Mr MVP  7 days Gantz
Mr.Cool  7 days Gantz
Murky  7 days Federation army
Mystic Killer  7 days Federation army
Newbsta  7 days Gantz
Newports  7 days Build
NightDweller  7 days Gantz
Prop Monkey (Goosem  7 days Federation army
Raozino  7 days Gantz
Red Elephant  7 days Gantz
Sabacc  7 days WBdYnAsTy
Shizzaz  7 days Federation army
strayed  7 days Build
Syed  7 days Gantz
tallboybs  7 days Federation army
The_Blue_Duck  7 days Federation army
Trollhammaren  7 days Gantz
Tweeked  7 days Federation army
Twoody  7 days Federation army
Warbird Ace  7 days Gantz
Wayners  7 days Build
30 rabid llamas!  6 days WbDyNaSty
6minutes20seconds  6 days WbDyNaSty
Anz  6 days WBdYnAsTy
Azn Lag  6 days WbDyNaSty
Buttyboy  6 days Gantz
C.N.N.  6 days WbDyNaSty
ChaosMaurauder  6 days Gantz
crist  6 days WBdYnAsTy
Crystals  6 days WbDyNaSty
Dreams  6 days WbDyNaSty
Enemy#1  6 days WbDyNaSty
Ex0dia-  6 days Build
Flexable  6 days WbDyNaSty
GeNoCidEs  6 days Build
guyPtP  6 days WbDyNaSty, Warpath
Help Me I'm New  6 days Gantz
hENnA  6 days Gantz
hurigane (fin)  6 days Gantz
Ice Breaker  6 days WbDyNaSty
Iron Survivor  6 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
joemoma  6 days WbDyNaSty
John Bean  6 days WbDyNaSty
LDOG  6 days Gantz
Let  6 days Gantz
MackRH  6 days WbDyNaSty
Mickey on Viagra  6 days Gantz
Monky With a Boob  6 days Gantz
Mr. Recall  6 days Gantz
Mutalisk  6 days Warpath
No~Flava  6 days WbDyNaSty
Phat Joe  6 days Federation army, Phill.4.13
rushers  6 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
saber  6 days WbDyNaSty
SaFia  6 days Gantz
Same  6 days WBdYnAsTy
Sheepskin  6 days Gantz
SkullSpace  6 days Build
Slo Mo  6 days WbDyNaSty
Smashing  6 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Speedy Stuff  6 days WbDyNaSty
Thunder Cat  6 days Gantz
W@terProof  6 days Gantz
WaR KaStEr  6 days WBdYnAsTy
Waswat  6 days WbDyNaSty
Wrangler  6 days WBdYnAsTy
Xaoson  6 days WbDyNaSty
ZombieResistance  6 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
anope  5 days Gantz
Beat BoX  5 days Gantz
bharat  5 days Gantz
Crunchy Nut  5 days Gantz, Savanger
DarkSympathy  5 days Gantz, Unconventionals
dforce1  5 days Gantz
Direwolf  5 days Gantz
draz  5 days Tigers, WBdYnAsTy
Extinct  5 days Gantz
JoyRider  5 days WBdYnAsTy
Line Up  5 days Gantz
liran2003  5 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Pacifica  5 days Build
R.0.D  5 days WBdYnAsTy
Sexyfeet  5 days Gantz
Statis  5 days Savanger, Gantz
SurfaceScan  5 days Gantz
Vaile  5 days Gantz
Wendys  5 days Gantz
xX_SuP3rG0kU182_x  5 days Gantz
2GB  4 days Warpath
3E  4 days Disorder
a virus  4 days WBdYnAsTy
AgRoN  4 days Gantz
Andromena  4 days Gantz
Anna  4 days Disorder
Aquatique  4 days Warpath
arceo  4 days Gantz
Azhar  4 days Disorder
Barracuda123  4 days Federation army
Bent  4 days Disorder
Buzzkill  4 days Disorder
Cadaver Mutilator  4 days Gantz
Captain Scott  4 days Build
champ5  4 days Gantz
Confident  4 days Disorder
crabshack  4 days WbDyNaSty
criminol  4 days Build
Darkner-  4 days WbDyNaSty
Discourage  4 days Disorder
dooby  4 days Gantz
Drugmonkey69  4 days Gantz
Drunk-Dragon  4 days Gantz
Eddy  4 days WbDyNaSty
Galaxy Turbo  4 days Gantz
Ghostix  4 days Gantz
globalisation  4 days Disorder
GoB  4 days Disorder
GoT Skill??  4 days Build
Graner  4 days WBdYnAsTy
Insult  4 days Build
iNVU  4 days Gantz
koatix  4 days Disorder
Koio  4 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
krane  4 days Gantz
mastersword  4 days Gantz
NiGhT eLF  4 days Gantz
Outshined  4 days Gantz
Predicate  4 days WBdYnAsTy
Prince of Darkness  4 days Disorder
Rachel Flame  4 days Gantz
Rejoin  4 days WBdYnAsTy
Resolite  4 days WBdYnAsTy
Richard Zednik  4 days Gantz
S.s.w.A.t  4 days Gantz
Seek  4 days Build
Sefarius  4 days Gantz
sharpe  4 days Warpath
slow&deadly  4 days Warpath
swag  4 days Gantz
thesearcher  4 days Disorder
Thief-  4 days Gantz
Tohn  4 days Gantz
Underoath  4 days Disorder
Adjust  3 days Disorder
Alaskan Thunder  3 days Warpath
Anarchic  3 days Warpath
AnarioN  3 days Gantz
Azn Luck  3 days Gantz
aZn_oUtKaStZ  3 days WBdYnAsTy, Gantz
Boobilicious  3 days WbDyNaSty
Delegate  3 days Build, Gantz
Deore  3 days WBdYnAsTy
DIST  3 days WBdYnAsTy
EsCaPisM  3 days Build
fatwhodi  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Feng  3 days Gantz
fourtwenty  3 days Gantz
Growlith  3 days Disorder
guyPtP.  3 days WBdYnAsTy
install  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Instence  3 days Gantz
insure  3 days Disorder
InterKnex  3 days Gantz
Jung1e  3 days Build
Kikiri  3 days Gantz
Ladder  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Lag Magic  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Launch  3 days Warpath
Lyserg  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Mendie  3 days Warpath
Modular  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Prolifik  3 days Gantz
rainfall  3 days Build
Ranma_Saotome  3 days Federation army
saka  3 days Build
sauren  3 days Gantz
simp  3 days Gantz
Sora~  3 days Gantz
Sound Laws  3 days Build
strictly  3 days WBdYnAsTy
Tengan  3 days Build
Weaser  3 days Disorder
Zack Jeckel  3 days Gantz
2_exclusive  2 days Gantz
Aide  2 days Disorder
AzN-|<iLLa  2 days Gantz
BladeZ  2 days Federation army
Blasting  2 days Savanger, WBdYnAsTy
Brunkus  2 days Warpath
Built  2 days Savanger
Chief Slapaho  2 days Gantz
cipher_burn  2 days Gantz
Cleat  2 days Gantz
CosM  2 days Savanger
CrimsonX  2 days Savanger
curbo  2 days Savanger
DaBigBomb  2 days Unconventionals
Damper  2 days Build
Dark Arrow  2 days WBdYnAsTy
Darkodin  2 days Unconventionals
Default4  2 days Unconventionals
DGYstyle  2 days Unconventionals
diogo  2 days Warpath
Emale  2 days Gantz
enzhio  2 days Savanger
FallenGod0fRock  2 days Federation army
Flammable  2 days Savanger
Fuk  2 days Unconventionals
Gilthis  2 days Savanger
God Machine  2 days Unconventionals
Good Job  2 days Unconventionals
guyptp!  2 days Gantz
hotshotmv  2 days Gantz
Hull  2 days WBdYnAsTy
iLFT  2 days Savanger
Instance  2 days Warpath
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  2 days Unconventionals, Gantz
jesska  2 days Gantz
Justin Credibal  2 days Gantz
Kid Sky  2 days Gantz
killer muffin  2 days Gantz
killerbee16  2 days Gantz
Knockers  2 days Savanger
Lily + Ashley  2 days Gantz
lopist  2 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
lord icon  2 days Unconventionals
Macquereau  2 days Unconventionals
maui  2 days Savanger
mick909  2 days Savanger
N@N  2 days Build, WBdYnAsTy
Nidhogg  2 days Unconventionals
NuBee  2 days Gantz
Rapids  2 days WBdYnAsTy
Romel  2 days Gantz
Rudie  2 days Build
S2000  2 days Savanger
Scarfaze  2 days Savanger
Sedate  2 days Savanger
Senkerik  2 days Savanger
shaddowknight  2 days Unconventionals
Skynet! <GB>  2 days Gantz
Softball  2 days Gantz
SoKwik  2 days Build
Solent  2 days Savanger
somberchaos  2 days Savanger
Spoiled  2 days Build
StreetLight7  2 days Gantz
Sux!  2 days Federation army
S]{iller  2 days Unconventionals
tankz  2 days WBdYnAsTy
Todes  2 days Gantz
Trash  2 days Build
UNEXIST  2 days Gantz
Unrated-  2 days Unconventionals
Upc  2 days Savanger
vBulletin  2 days Savanger
Voodoo-  2 days Savanger
warmachine  2 days Unconventionals
Wield  2 days WBdYnAsTy
Woken  2 days Savanger
Xeneize  2 days Gantz
Xeones  2 days Savanger
Yamh  2 days Gantz
Adderall  1 days Tigers
adorn  1 days Gantz
aero geek  1 days Tigers
Ahman Green  1 days Gantz
AngryBloke  1 days Disorder
antisniper  1 days Tigers
Arikel  1 days Disorder
ARTOIS  1 days Gantz
assraper  1 days Gantz
Athila  1 days Gantz, Build
Avelate  1 days Tigers
Azn-Gurl.  1 days Gantz
AznBabyGurl  1 days Target
Azuma  1 days Gantz
Baggio  1 days Tigers
Baseball Allstar5  1 days Gantz
BillyBishop  1 days Tigers
Blood Wulf  1 days Gantz
Bloody Wolf  1 days Tigers
Bolt  1 days Tigers
British Eagle  1 days Tigers
C.2.K.  1 days Gantz
C.Pan[TW]  1 days Tigers
Canadian Airliner  1 days Tigers
Cecrops  1 days Tigers
chaa  1 days Target
Chuckle  1 days Build
coldhatewarmblood  1 days Target
como-estas  1 days Disorder
Criminal  1 days Tigers
crunchie  1 days Gantz
Cursum  1 days Gantz
dak  1 days Build
Danger Inc  1 days WbDyNaSty
Delectable  1 days Target
deploy  1 days Target
Details  1 days Tigers
Didoc  1 days Target
Disability  1 days Disorder
DisRupTion  1 days Unconventionals
Diu  1 days Gantz
eggboy  1 days Gantz
Endless Rain  1 days Tigers
Evold  1 days Gantz, WBdYnAsTy
Exodia  1 days Gantz
fading sunset  1 days Gantz
FEStar.  1 days Tigers
FiftySeven  1 days Tigers
flibb1e  1 days Tigers
Furious Angel  1 days Gantz
Gaumar  1 days Tigers
GRANDMASTAHS  1 days Tigers
Gun Show  1 days Gantz
Hans Wiegel  1 days Gantz
Iraqis  1 days WbDyNaSty
i_am_zero  1 days Gantz
Jake  1 days Target
Johnno  1 days Tigers
Kairi~  1 days Gantz
killer_savior  1 days Gantz
Kyradon  1 days Gantz
lame bomber  1 days Tigers
Leak  1 days WbDyNaSty
Luminary  1 days WbDyNaSty
mad bad and rude  1 days Gantz
Marcelo  1 days Savanger
material geek  1 days Tigers
menelvagor  1 days Tigers
Mithrandia  1 days Tigers
Mo Cuischle  1 days WBdYnAsTy
MousE  1 days Tigers
Mr Kiwi  1 days Target
Nasty Sick Nasty  1 days Gantz
Newb_jav  1 days Build
Nova Itachi  1 days Tigers
One Half Dork  1 days Tigers
Overflowd  1 days Unconventionals
Perverse  1 days Build
PiMp Monk  1 days Gantz
PlayBoy Terr.  1 days Target
poiuytr  1 days Tigers
Proximo  1 days Target
Quil  1 days Tigers
Rasengan  1 days Tigers
Regency  1 days Tigers
Rot  1 days WBdYnAsTy
Royce  1 days Build, WBdYnAsTy
Scary\"PORN\"Movie.  1 days Build
Shigetoshi Hasegawa  1 days Target
Sociopath  1 days WBdYnAsTy, Tigers
soJah  1 days Build
Spell  1 days Tigers
spiker!!  1 days Tigers
SquallFF8  1 days Tigers
teh devler  1 days Tigers
Terrific  1 days Savanger
Tigron-X  1 days Tigers
Time 2 Die!!!  1 days Gantz
toCra  1 days Target
TURBO LAG  1 days Gantz
ups  1 days Build
Velu  1 days WbDyNaSty
Via Dolorosa  1 days Tigers
Viena  1 days WbDyNaSty
Vietnamese  1 days WbDyNaSty
Visonary  1 days Tigers
Weak  1 days Build
Weave  1 days WBdYnAsTy
xX_sUP3RG0kU_Xx  1 days Gantz
Zaraki  1 days Gantz
Zee  1 days Build