
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads FireBats-   ZeaLots-   GoDs!   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (24)
FireBats- (May 27, 2004 - Jul 03, 2004)
ZeaLots- (May 22, 2004 - May 27, 2004)
GoDs! (May 22, 2004 - May 22, 2004)
-GIANTS- (May 17, 2004 - May 21, 2004)
KillerTiger (May 14, 2004 - May 17, 2004)
-GIANTS- (May 10, 2004 - May 14, 2004)
The Zerg (May 09, 2004 - May 10, 2004)
RedCandle (May 04, 2004 - May 09, 2004)
GANGSTERS! (May 03, 2004 - May 04, 2004)
Azure Twilight (May 03, 2004 - May 03, 2004)
GANGSTERS! (May 03, 2004 - May 03, 2004)
Azure Twilight (May 02, 2004 - May 03, 2004)
Kreative (Apr 27, 2004 - May 01, 2004)
Raigeki (Apr 27, 2004 - Apr 27, 2004)
Hell Riderz (Apr 24, 2004 - Apr 27, 2004)
MyStiCaLz (Apr 19, 2004 - Apr 23, 2004)
Cold Pepper (Apr 18, 2004 - Apr 19, 2004)
Rickety (Apr 09, 2004 - Apr 18, 2004)
Sniper Co. (Apr 06, 2004 - Apr 09, 2004)
Tidez (Apr 04, 2004 - Apr 06, 2004)
Digitale (Mar 30, 2004 - Apr 02, 2004)
.UnKnoWn. (Mar 25, 2004 - Mar 28, 2004)
Synod (Feb 26, 2004 - Mar 09, 2004)
Betrayed Souls (Feb 04, 2004 - Feb 24, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (282)
WareBirdX  39 days The Zerg, FireBats-, ZeaLots-
Four-Twenty  21 days FireBats-
alpa?  20 days Betrayed Souls
alpec73  20 days Betrayed Souls
D.M.X  20 days Betrayed Souls
hipshot  20 days Betrayed Souls
ion111  20 days Betrayed Souls
kennnnnn  20 days Betrayed Souls
SteelerKnight  20 days Betrayed Souls
SpecialValue1216  19 days Betrayed Souls
Tabasco31621  18 days Betrayed Souls
cally  17 days Betrayed Souls
nakedbumwithastick  17 days Betrayed Souls
sportszack  17 days Betrayed Souls
dirtbiker10  16 days 7 squads
GatorKnight#3  16 days Betrayed Souls
WarGhosts  14 days Betrayed Souls
Fire Crow  11 days Betrayed Souls
apollo!  10 days Hell Riderz, Rickety, FireBats-
I_DoNt_LiKe_YoU_>(  10 days Betrayed Souls
arrowdynamic  9 days 4 squads
Joy Division  9 days Betrayed Souls
Lavu  9 days Rickety
Ostan  9 days Betrayed Souls
PacificStrut  9 days Rickety
vo|tron  9 days Betrayed Souls
BLuBBeR NuGGeSts  8 days Synod
Dekuz  8 days Rickety
Mutha-Tucka  8 days Rickety
AZN Triads  7 days RedCandle, MyStiCaLz
bonafide  7 days Synod
Indie  7 days -GIANTS-
New Order  7 days -GIANTS-
Pigglet  7 days Synod
Reasonable  7 days -GIANTS-
roosterman85  7 days -GIANTS-
Santa_Clawz  7 days Synod
Sexy_Shiznit  7 days Betrayed Souls
Shot_Down  7 days -GIANTS-, GANGSTERS!, Raigeki
Sk8ter Bear  7 days -GIANTS-
1800-die-die-die  6 days Betrayed Souls, Raigeki
Ardo  6 days -GIANTS-
BaSeBaLLa  6 days Rickety
Blindmonkey21  6 days Rickety, -GIANTS-
Bobyz  6 days ZeaLots-, Cold Pepper, FireBats-
empion  6 days 5 squads
Kapler624  6 days Synod
Mayflower  6 days -GIANTS-
Murky  6 days -GIANTS-, Hell Riderz
Nu||  6 days Rickety
Suk Me Hardz  6 days Synod
antisniper  5 days -GIANTS-
Black Gate  5 days MyStiCaLz, Digitale
Crystalin  5 days Betrayed Souls
DarkSied  5 days Rickety
Dodo pinochio  5 days Synod
Dread_Knight  5 days -GIANTS-, .UnKnoWn.
NotkeaRotta  5 days 4 squads
RiChTeR_BeLmOnT  5 days FireBats-
sinkindownkiller  5 days Synod
Swayer  5 days Synod
Tha -X- Killah  5 days -GIANTS-
Trigger~Happy  5 days Synod
WebStriker  5 days GANGSTERS!, MyStiCaLz, -GIANTS-
15n  4 days GoDs!, ZeaLots-
20ozDietCoke  4 days MyStiCaLz, The Zerg
a virus  4 days -GIANTS-
chaosbringer  4 days ZeaLots-, FireBats-, GANGSTERS!
compressure  4 days -GIANTS-
CooLDemon  4 days GANGSTERS!, -GIANTS-
davie  4 days RedCandle
Elvok!  4 days -GIANTS-
Gapiro  4 days RedCandle
Gate Crash  4 days RedCandle
GearShifter-  4 days MyStiCaLz, Tidez
Hypnotic Monkey  4 days RedCandle
I can do it  4 days Hell Riderz, -GIANTS-
InfinitiX  4 days RedCandle
Logoff  4 days RedCandle
mcpgh  4 days KillerTiger, MyStiCaLz
messatsu  4 days ZeaLots-, GoDs!
MEtAllOid  4 days RedCandle
more_sleep  4 days RedCandle
Mr. Peanuts  4 days RedCandle
Nige  4 days RedCandle
O.M.G  4 days Synod
opps  4 days -GIANTS-
Random Shooter  4 days RedCandle
redrum84  4 days -GIANTS-
Revolved  4 days -GIANTS-
sharp shoota  4 days Synod
Skynet! <GB>  4 days RedCandle
Solo-  4 days GoDs!, ZeaLots-, -GIANTS-
Spankers  4 days RedCandle
Speak  4 days RedCandle
Spicyspice  4 days -GIANTS-
stACK  4 days -GIANTS-
SUPERLOOSER  4 days RedCandle
Tabasco...  4 days ZeaLots-
The-Ugly-Duckling  4 days -GIANTS-
Varketh  4 days RedCandle
W I N G M A N!!!  4 days GANGSTERS!, -GIANTS-
X Japan  4 days RedCandle
xLeGeNdx  4 days -GIANTS-
yefno  4 days RedCandle
annoyance  3 days KillerTiger, Kreative
ArcanusMagus  3 days Kreative, KillerTiger
Asa14  3 days .UnKnoWn.
Avelate  3 days KillerTiger
AviramDJ  3 days -GIANTS-
Big Monk  3 days MyStiCaLz
BillyBishop  3 days KillerTiger
Bloody Wolf  3 days KillerTiger
BoomerSooner  3 days KillerTiger, Kreative
bucksolo  3 days Synod, -GIANTS-
but...why...per...  3 days .UnKnoWn.
Canadian Archer  3 days MyStiCaLz
Capsta  3 days -GIANTS-
Duress  3 days MyStiCaLz
eggboy32  3 days ZeaLots-, FireBats-, GoDs!
Emperor C0ltron  3 days -GIANTS-
Enough  3 days MyStiCaLz
FableMan  3 days KillerTiger
fatwhodi  3 days GANGSTERS!, KillerTiger
fire.sniper200  3 days The Zerg, Sniper Co.
flying duck  3 days KillerTiger
F_You  3 days GANGSTERS!, KillerTiger, Kreative
IceBeem  3 days -GIANTS-
Igziabeher  3 days KillerTiger
ind3p3nd3nt  3 days MyStiCaLz
JB Golden Gun  3 days MyStiCaLz
Kemon  3 days MyStiCaLz
Leber  3 days MyStiCaLz
lilxbeb3x4xu  3 days MyStiCaLz
mechassault  3 days .UnKnoWn.
Night Strike  3 days MyStiCaLz
nino!  3 days -GIANTS-, MyStiCaLz
One Half Dork  3 days 4 squads
Pacer  3 days .UnKnoWn.
para.dox  3 days Kreative, KillerTiger
poiuytr  3 days Kreative, GANGSTERS!, KillerTiger
Roberts957  3 days KillerTiger
SLANGIN ROCK  3 days Kreative, -GIANTS-, KillerTiger
Solarblast Dragon  3 days MyStiCaLz
SquallFF8  3 days GANGSTERS!, Kreative, KillerTiger
SunnyD  3 days MyStiCaLz
T-Mobile  3 days MyStiCaLz
Thors  3 days .UnKnoWn., Digitale
tiNee  3 days -GIANTS-
Truedge  3 days KillerTiger
Tyrael.  3 days -GIANTS-
ViCtOrY!  3 days MyStiCaLz
Warrior_Mika  3 days KillerTiger
winter <zh>  3 days KillerTiger
Woe  3 days MyStiCaLz
Woken  3 days Synod
a parked car  2 days Betrayed Souls
AcumO  2 days Digitale
Adrenaline Rush  2 days KillerTiger
ApophisX  2 days Digitale
Asphicter  2 days Betrayed Souls, Sniper Co.
Basics  2 days Tidez, -GIANTS-
Black.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Complify  2 days Raigeki, -GIANTS-
CookY Monsta  2 days Betrayed Souls, Cold Pepper
Cute>Kaos  2 days MyStiCaLz
Dekadent  2 days Sniper Co.
Dodo the hargol  2 days Sniper Co.
DrUnK.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Escence  2 days Sniper Co.
Ex0tiC  2 days Digitale
e_MeX  2 days KillerTiger
Fire.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Funny_PorkChop  2 days -GIANTS-
Ground Zero  2 days Digitale
hadoken.sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Haim the Leitzan  2 days Sniper Co.
Hc Pianist  2 days Digitale
Iron Survivor  2 days Digitale
Isom  2 days Synod
JoyRider  2 days Digitale
Julle  2 days ZeaLots-
Lance  2 days KillerTiger
leitz  2 days Digitale
Lillede  2 days Digitale
Loser.  2 days Sniper Co.
Navy.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
noz2112  2 days -GIANTS-, The Zerg
Nr.4  2 days Digitale
playboy350  2 days Rickety, Azure Twilight, Raigeki
Priest Chaplin  2 days Sniper Co.
Radiance1979  2 days Tidez
RazKal  2 days -GIANTS-, KillerTiger, GANGSTERS!
Red.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Robertoo  2 days -GIANTS-
Sao Paulo  2 days Digitale
Shock.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
ShOrTnUgLySnIpEr  2 days Sniper Co.
Silent.$niper  2 days Sniper Co.
Simply Leet  2 days Sniper Co.
Slow.Sniper  2 days Sniper Co.
Sod  2 days Sniper Co.
str8 thuggin  2 days Synod
Strakz  2 days Digitale
stunt  2 days Synod
tamed  2 days Sniper Co.
THE ENFORCER  2 days The Zerg, -GIANTS-
Walking Slow  2 days -GIANTS-
Wild_Mage  2 days Digitale
Youaredead  2 days KillerTiger
3.141592654  1 days -GIANTS-
a noob  1 days The Zerg
Acadi  1 days The Zerg
Ace Sh00ter  1 days The Zerg
Achilies  1 days KillerTiger, Synod, Kreative
Anthraxx  1 days RedCandle, ZeaLots-, -GIANTS-
Arinna  1 days The Zerg
Atomic-Sniper  1 days MyStiCaLz
C.N.N.  1 days Synod
Caracal  1 days The Zerg
Champ#2  1 days Tidez
Chillmar  1 days Tidez
Chisholm_  1 days -GIANTS-
darksanta  1 days KillerTiger
Dead_End  1 days The Zerg
die hard  1 days ZeaLots-
DimDum  1 days The Zerg
DMX,  1 days The Zerg
Docta Funk  1 days Synod
everquestkid  1 days ZeaLots-, GoDs!
Faladihr  1 days GANGSTERS!, -GIANTS-
Fatality2526  1 days ZeaLots-
Frozen_Ice  1 days Kreative, KillerTiger
Gbreaker  1 days Synod
ham_n_cheese  1 days ZeaLots-
Highliter  1 days ZeaLots-
Ignoring Everyone  1 days The Zerg
Insulted  1 days KillerTiger
Jessup  1 days KillerTiger
jezus  1 days -GIANTS-
Jokehead 2000  1 days Hell Riderz
justhitme  1 days Digitale
Kross  1 days Synod
Lag Magic  1 days The Zerg
Lehgnar  1 days The Zerg
lilo thug  1 days Raigeki, -GIANTS-
Loki the Trickster  1 days -GIANTS-
MaDmiNdEd  1 days KillerTiger
mastersword  1 days Raigeki, Synod
Menog  1 days RedCandle
Mike Modano_09  1 days -GIANTS-
Mithrandia  1 days MyStiCaLz
Monkie Bones  1 days MyStiCaLz
Mystica  1 days Synod
Neo-rpg  1 days Rickety
NZ Warrior  1 days The Zerg
on fire  1 days KillerTiger
Primevil  1 days ZeaLots-
Protozoa  1 days -GIANTS-, KillerTiger
RExC0n!n  1 days -GIANTS-
Sarutobi  1 days The Zerg
Sayrioux  1 days Synod
Shockers  1 days MyStiCaLz
silentbobb  1 days Rickety
Silva  1 days The Zerg
skeletor_69  1 days -GIANTS-
sonlox  1 days .UnKnoWn.
Sousse  1 days The Zerg
Spacely  1 days ZeaLots-, The Zerg
spy.sweeper  1 days Sniper Co.
Styles P  1 days Rickety, GANGSTERS!
Tijn  1 days Tidez
TKing For Justice  1 days -GIANTS-
Trajik  1 days The Zerg
tydie  1 days -GIANTS-, The Zerg
White_Shadow  1 days The Zerg
XQP-raiZ  1 days The Zerg
Yea  1 days Synod
you suck dumbass  1 days Rickety
Zagstruk  1 days Digitale