
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads GiantTiger   Euthanize   Matr1x   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (16)
GiantTiger (Oct 31, 2008 - Apr 15, 2009)
Euthanize (Jan 30, 2008 - Feb 12, 2008)
Matr1x (Jan 23, 2008 - Jan 30, 2008)
PUMA (Oct 07, 2007 - Dec 21, 2007)
HeraCY (Aug 24, 2007 - Sep 17, 2007)
Asiduous (Aug 15, 2007 - Aug 21, 2007)
Inpax (Aug 10, 2007 - Aug 15, 2007)
PUMA (Aug 01, 2007 - Aug 06, 2007)
PUMA (Jul 18, 2007 - Aug 01, 2007)
PlaY (Jun 28, 2007 - Jul 03, 2007)
Forgot (Apr 17, 2007 - Jun 23, 2007)
GiantTiger (Apr 03, 2007 - Apr 16, 2007)
Syne (Jan 03, 2004 - Jan 03, 2004)
Azure Twilight (Dec 10, 2003 - Dec 21, 2003)
Azure Twilight (Nov 26, 2003 - Dec 02, 2003)
Azure Twilight (Nov 24, 2003 - Nov 25, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (607)
Lucar  179 days GiantTiger
Dude Uh MAn  169 days Inpax, GiantTiger
BangHead  166 days GiantTiger
blackfly  166 days GiantTiger
Blob*  166 days GiantTiger
Buju Banton  166 days GiantTiger
CptOrange  166 days GiantTiger
Exio  166 days GiantTiger
Ezionbus  166 days GiantTiger
Farva  166 days GiantTiger
Include  166 days GiantTiger
LaMothe  166 days GiantTiger
LivinDead  166 days GiantTiger
Lucky_Charms  166 days GiantTiger, Syne
Natron  166 days GiantTiger
YATTA Crusader 001  166 days GiantTiger
Idiot Pilot  165 days GiantTiger
Foutain Infinity  160 days GiantTiger
Setboy  159 days GiantTiger
cogu  157 days GiantTiger
num1killa  153 days GiantTiger, Syne
SkullCrusher  153 days GiantTiger
slave69  138 days GiantTiger
Sonic11  117 days GiantTiger
Dr.Ugs  103 days GiantTiger
Essex Boy  82 days GiantTiger
dotc  79 days GiantTiger
Rondo  78 days GiantTiger, PUMA
Bloody Wolf  76 days PUMA, GiantTiger
D=  73 days PUMA, GiantTiger
pure_pwned  71 days PUMA
Dealt  69 days PUMA
Dre  69 days PUMA
Coast  68 days PUMA
Bware  67 days Forgot
Genitals  67 days Asiduous, Forgot
Morpheo  67 days Forgot
Uprising  67 days Forgot
Mr.Deadman  64 days PUMA
BrokenFist  62 days PUMA
Die When Hit!!  62 days PUMA
Fearsome  62 days PUMA
Jaymistic  62 days PUMA
Damonen  59 days PUMA
Fallen Haven  57 days PUMA
Hulud  57 days Forgot
Prontera  56 days GiantTiger
Stabs  54 days Forgot
wait what  53 days Forgot, PUMA, Euthanize
tIGERMOOSE  52 days PUMA, Forgot
crazykillah  51 days GiantTiger
Kenny Rogers  51 days PUMA
Jeremy Jones  50 days PUMA, Forgot
Lost-Soul  50 days PUMA
No Justice  50 days GiantTiger
Jady  49 days PUMA
Warren G  48 days PUMA
WRM  48 days Forgot, PUMA
Battle Toad  45 days Forgot
Clinic  45 days Forgot
JoyRider  45 days Forgot, GiantTiger
Xert  45 days PUMA
Dingleberry  44 days GiantTiger
TOP DOG  44 days Forgot, PUMA
EO-50  42 days Inpax, PUMA
macrosin  42 days Euthanize, PUMA
MetroStar  42 days Forgot
Nilek  42 days GiantTiger
ZannaTTi  42 days Forgot
Brookley  40 days PUMA
Caesar  39 days PUMA
keLin  39 days GiantTiger, Euthanize
M-16  39 days Forgot
Plasma2000  39 days Forgot
Ridge  39 days PUMA
T0NE  39 days PUMA
Chaox Blood  38 days PUMA
zazerick  38 days HeraCY, PUMA
M1ke Hunt  37 days PUMA
Make Believe  37 days PUMA
Phirewolf  37 days PUMA
Beltan  36 days GiantTiger
klyn  36 days Forgot
rainboy 123  36 days GiantTiger
zhoo  36 days PUMA
Jung1e  35 days PUMA, Euthanize
piNNoy  35 days GiantTiger
R.0.D  35 days PUMA
strays  35 days PUMA
TwinTurbo  35 days GiantTiger
dragun  34 days PUMA
Gnat  33 days GiantTiger, PUMA
joemoma  33 days PUMA
Juan Enrique Jhamal  33 days PUMA
Aide  32 days Forgot
CeasedFate  32 days Forgot
ProPs  32 days GiantTiger
Runt  32 days GiantTiger
uNsmart  32 days Forgot, GiantTiger
Beatin  31 days GiantTiger
FZR 600  31 days GiantTiger
Behr  29 days GiantTiger
ben_dover  29 days PUMA
Casus Belli  29 days GiantTiger
fools  29 days Forgot
nova alchemist  28 days Forgot
Social Life  28 days GiantTiger
Bamba  27 days PUMA
Caiaphas  27 days PUMA
Petal  27 days GiantTiger
pullulate  27 days HeraCY, PUMA, Inpax
Vietnamese  27 days GiantTiger, Forgot
AfterSin  26 days GiantTiger
airlynx99  26 days GiantTiger
Anthraxx  26 days GiantTiger
Braille  26 days GiantTiger
CriusVII  26 days GiantTiger
EM2  26 days PUMA, GiantTiger
Flec  26 days GiantTiger
HaruHaru  26 days GiantTiger
Ketchup  26 days GiantTiger
keyde  26 days GiantTiger
LIght IT  26 days GiantTiger
ProtomanZX  26 days GiantTiger
shaded_space  26 days GiantTiger
soupero  26 days PUMA
The_Only_Newb  26 days GiantTiger
Demonik  25 days Forgot
Duality  25 days Forgot
krinkle  25 days HeraCY, GiantTiger
Sebastian  25 days PUMA
Ryuzzaki  24 days HeraCY
Sky is the limit  24 days GiantTiger
Snoozie Doll!  24 days GiantTiger
Ziggi  24 days HeraCY
Amatory  23 days HeraCY
evil Broccoli  23 days GiantTiger
G00L  23 days GiantTiger
Globo McGee  23 days GiantTiger
Trash  23 days GiantTiger
Inmate  22 days PUMA
Serial Penetrator  22 days Forgot
Terrific  22 days PlaY, PUMA
AnImoL  21 days PUMA
BackUp  21 days PUMA
Basti  21 days HeraCY
Dameon Angell  21 days Euthanize, PUMA
KoZ  21 days PUMA
Pants?  21 days HeraCY
Woken  21 days Forgot
Edify  20 days HeraCY, GiantTiger
Red Fang  20 days Azure Twilight, GiantTiger
Rensie  20 days Forgot, GiantTiger
Very Invisible  20 days GiantTiger
AreYouIn  19 days HeraCY
Kingmush  19 days GiantTiger
preempt  19 days PUMA
Slammer  19 days HeraCY
Condom  18 days GiantTiger
Eighties  18 days GiantTiger
F O R D  18 days GiantTiger
Shock  18 days PUMA
SISQO  18 days PUMA
SlowPoke  18 days PUMA
Stylez  18 days PUMA
temperance  18 days HeraCY
UrMamaIsFunny2k  17 days Azure Twilight, PUMA
Blakey  16 days PUMA
Burglary  16 days Forgot
Committee  16 days HeraCY, GiantTiger
malleable  16 days Forgot
Holly  15 days GiantTiger
Insult  15 days PUMA
morin  15 days PUMA, GiantTiger
OldE40z  15 days GiantTiger
Pyrex  15 days PUMA
Rasaq  15 days Forgot, PUMA
Rhin  15 days PUMA
SnallTrippin  15 days PUMA
Adorable  14 days PUMA
Badjob  14 days PUMA
duM FuK  14 days Forgot
KuleniKs  14 days GiantTiger
MI5  14 days GiantTiger
NiceShot  14 days PUMA
Sparffles  14 days PUMA
The Lone Gunner  14 days GiantTiger, Inpax
Thursday's Child  14 days PUMA
affliction+  13 days GiantTiger
AppleCheek  13 days GiantTiger
azurhialine  13 days GiantTiger
BrainAge  13 days GiantTiger
Caim  13 days GiantTiger
Connection  13 days PUMA
Crucializer  13 days GiantTiger
culinary  13 days GiantTiger
danvis  13 days GiantTiger
darksider  13 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  13 days GiantTiger
ganja hitman  13 days GiantTiger
id.  13 days GiantTiger
InterKnex  13 days GiantTiger
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  13 days GiantTiger
KillDaWabbit  13 days GiantTiger, Forgot
Kira_Yamato~  13 days HeraCY
MARINES179  13 days GiantTiger
My Name's Jedidiah  13 days PUMA
nicodemus2x  13 days GiantTiger
Omega_Factor  13 days GiantTiger
patricksha  13 days GiantTiger
Raffix  13 days GiantTiger
Rapiere  13 days GiantTiger
re6el  13 days GiantTiger
ronny  13 days GiantTiger
rozi  13 days PUMA, GiantTiger
Schreek  13 days GiantTiger
Shiu  13 days GiantTiger
Sociopath  13 days GiantTiger
spacetime  13 days GiantTiger
supyoungho  13 days Azure Twilight
Team Up  13 days GiantTiger
Valentine Rose  13 days GiantTiger
Vulcan  13 days GiantTiger, Asiduous
Zhou Yu  13 days GiantTiger
Alaskan Thunder  12 days Forgot
Bizmat  12 days Forgot
J-B-Inc  12 days GiantTiger
LeMoNaDeJuNky  12 days GiantTiger, PUMA
Postman Pat!  12 days Euthanize
saetep  12 days Forgot
Sexlord  12 days GiantTiger
strayed  12 days Forgot, PUMA
Vermillion Flame  12 days Forgot
Ariana  11 days Euthanize
bone thug  11 days Azure Twilight
Chef Boyardee  11 days GiantTiger
Dark and Evil784  11 days Azure Twilight
Fou  11 days PUMA, HeraCY
I*maGirl  11 days GiantTiger, Euthanize
KillerGt1  11 days Azure Twilight
MAVERICK_ 2  11 days Azure Twilight
Shenmue  11 days PUMA
Slayer2  11 days Azure Twilight
Spacely  11 days Forgot, PUMA
tcf_midget  11 days Azure Twilight
Tsugaru_Warrior  11 days Azure Twilight
Windfall  11 days GiantTiger
wolverine999  11 days Azure Twilight
Wonderful  11 days GiantTiger
Amphere  10 days PUMA
Asagbi  10 days PUMA
Asevoimat  10 days Euthanize
craZedkillEr  10 days GiantTiger
Dirty Water  10 days GiantTiger
E-Male  10 days GiantTiger
Ex0dia-  10 days PUMA
Exponential  10 days GiantTiger
Flame Girl  10 days GiantTiger
Footballer#13  10 days GiantTiger
gmwave  10 days GiantTiger
Headset  10 days GiantTiger
JesusHaxIRL  10 days GiantTiger
Kruel  10 days GiantTiger
LemonDropKid  10 days PUMA, GiantTiger, Asiduous
Maverick~  10 days Euthanize
MegaManNT  10 days GiantTiger
Merg  10 days GiantTiger
MICHU  10 days GiantTiger
picclownz  10 days GiantTiger
Pimp CE  10 days PUMA
pop.  10 days GiantTiger
PopATop  10 days GiantTiger
PRINCESS OF PAIN  10 days GiantTiger
Rabid-Wombat  10 days GiantTiger
RookyTR  10 days GiantTiger
Sentinel.Blows  10 days GiantTiger
stuntin sir  10 days GiantTiger
TAME  10 days Azure Twilight
Tha King  10 days GiantTiger
The Catholic  10 days GiantTiger
Ubik  10 days PUMA
UFO  10 days GiantTiger
u_suckas_got_owned  10 days GiantTiger
VIACOM  10 days Forgot
ablazed  9 days GiantTiger
badboy oj  9 days Azure Twilight
BranDOOM  9 days PUMA
Carl Edwards  9 days PUMA
MasterX  9 days Azure Twilight
Newcleus  9 days Forgot
Pawn  9 days PUMA, Inpax
skeptikal  9 days Euthanize
Vulva  9 days Forgot, PUMA
Xoduz  9 days Forgot
bites  8 days HeraCY
Black^Hawk  8 days Azure Twilight
Blueblaze  8 days Forgot
Ekips  8 days Azure Twilight
Jian Xi  8 days Euthanize
Market  8 days PUMA
Miasmania  8 days PUMA
N1K  8 days PUMA
princesschic3120  8 days HeraCY
sore  8 days Euthanize, PUMA
Stupefy  8 days PUMA
all star  7 days PUMA
Ancanus  7 days Azure Twilight, Inpax
Archangel Tyreal  7 days Matr1x
Bajki  7 days Matr1x
Battle Cruiser  7 days Azure Twilight
broetchen  7 days Azure Twilight
BrokenL1nk  7 days Matr1x
Celtic~Dragon  7 days Matr1x
concussion  7 days Forgot
EvilDeed  7 days Euthanize
Funk E  7 days PUMA
Ghastly  7 days Forgot
Harikiri  7 days Forgot
Houa  7 days Euthanize
JeezOutLaw  7 days Matr1x
JockMan  7 days PUMA
Jullord  7 days Matr1x
Manx  7 days PUMA
midoent  7 days PUMA
Mr Fantastic  7 days Forgot
nester22  7 days Forgot
New Order  7 days GiantTiger
phatfarm  7 days PUMA
phYst  7 days PUMA
Ruczi  7 days Matr1x
Skyn  7 days PUMA
SpawnKiller  7 days Matr1x
Tanis  7 days PUMA
Teryst  7 days PUMA
The_Reaper  7 days Matr1x
TranceTunes  7 days PUMA
TutoXD  7 days Matr1x
Usoi  7 days PUMA
Yamat  7 days Matr1x
Yerbamate  7 days Forgot
ZolFox33  7 days Matr1x
zoltan  7 days HeraCY
Aim2kill  6 days PUMA
Bantu  6 days PUMA
BugySwartz  6 days PUMA
Corea  6 days GiantTiger
Deathmode  6 days Forgot
dokey  6 days PUMA
edinhu  6 days GiantTiger
F22Darkwing  6 days HeraCY
Gianna  6 days GiantTiger
Hl  6 days HeraCY
J Bomb  6 days GiantTiger
Mad Hops.  6 days HeraCY
Marvelus  6 days Euthanize
MiXeR  6 days GiantTiger
Mr. 420  6 days PUMA
Ryder  6 days PUMA
sesh  6 days PUMA
the_paul  6 days PUMA
Zcraft  6 days PUMA
bridget  5 days PUMA
Confident  5 days GiantTiger
dako  5 days GiantTiger, Euthanize
Democracy  5 days PUMA
EpIsHiT  5 days Azure Twilight
Florian  5 days Matr1x
Fust  5 days PUMA
Hecklar  5 days Matr1x
Hyro-Dh  5 days GiantTiger
Icken  5 days Forgot
Indulgence  5 days PUMA
jabra  5 days PUMA
justhitme  5 days PUMA
Keno  5 days PUMA
Lump  5 days PUMA
Monkey Monster  5 days Euthanize
NoMercy  5 days HeraCY
P.Escobar  5 days Matr1x
PubOwner123  5 days GiantTiger
Pulvelrize  5 days Forgot
rallymommo  5 days HeraCY
RiceCake  5 days PUMA
S2000  5 days PUMA
sawajiri  5 days PUMA
Serve  5 days GiantTiger
Slave  5 days PUMA
Strutter  5 days PUMA
sucky  5 days GiantTiger
Upon  5 days PUMA
Valhalla  5 days PUMA
Your_Dead  5 days Matr1x
0wn4ge!  4 days Inpax
2mav  4 days Inpax
Adeon  4 days Forgot
Akiriy  4 days Inpax
AlphaBlack  4 days Inpax
aorta  4 days GiantTiger, PUMA
Bandit  4 days PUMA
BattonzBaby  4 days Inpax
BEAST GROWL  4 days Inpax
BillyBishop  4 days PUMA
Brawl  4 days PUMA
Brigade  4 days Forgot
Celly  4 days PUMA
claranCE  4 days PUMA
Cut  4 days Forgot
d.killaaa  4 days Inpax, GiantTiger
DarkMonkey  4 days Inpax
DarkWater  4 days Inpax
Defined  4 days HeraCY, PlaY
deliver  4 days PUMA
Denzel Washington  4 days Inpax
Detain  4 days PUMA
Dim $um  4 days PUMA
DJSlayer  4 days Inpax
Drawer  4 days Inpax
elemental  4 days PUMA
F E M A L E  4 days Inpax
fchbbs92  4 days Inpax
Guth  4 days Inpax
hottis  4 days Inpax
Hustling  4 days Inpax
Insulter  4 days GiantTiger
I_Shot_Kennedy  4 days Matr1x
JB Golden Gun  4 days PUMA
kaospilot  4 days PUMA
khali  4 days Inpax
kinale  4 days Inpax
Klebe  4 days Inpax
MaD_HaTTeR!  4 days Azure Twilight
Man of War  4 days PUMA
mattryan  4 days Inpax
Michael Stipe Fan  4 days Inpax
Mrs. Gnat  4 days Inpax
My Lost Lenore  4 days Inpax
namipoika  4 days Inpax
Olly  4 days Inpax
Original Butter  4 days Inpax
pist  4 days PUMA
Plastic Kid  4 days Inpax
Polysonik  4 days Euthanize
Prince of Darkness  4 days Inpax
Proper  4 days Inpax
Pylos  4 days PUMA
rectumrooter  4 days Inpax
Sababa  4 days Inpax
Schfifty-Five  4 days Inpax
Secret Shadow  4 days Inpax
spacey_casey  4 days Inpax
Steve  4 days PUMA
stiT  4 days Inpax
StryderX  4 days Inpax
SuPeR gNoMe619  4 days Inpax
The 9th Ship  4 days Matr1x
thewickedmojo  4 days Inpax
TitsOfRage  4 days Inpax
Triangle  4 days Forgot
Unexperienced Warri  4 days Inpax
Unholy knife  4 days Inpax
Unknown warrior~  4 days Inpax, Euthanize
unusual  4 days Inpax
vBulletin  4 days PUMA
VD  4 days Inpax
wainui  4 days Inpax
Wesley Snipes  4 days Inpax
wishy16  4 days Azure Twilight
xboogiex  4 days Inpax
xrasputin  4 days Inpax
XxGamebreakerxX  4 days Inpax
a line of coke  3 days PUMA
Amar  3 days PUMA
Amizard  3 days Inpax
Anul Plunger  3 days Forgot
AzNSpec  3 days Azure Twilight
carburetor  3 days GiantTiger
crazy killah  3 days Inpax
DaRk wAyS  3 days Azure Twilight
Donkey Punch  3 days GiantTiger
FireFlash2K  3 days Euthanize, PUMA
FreeLanceKiller  3 days PUMA
Fuk Da Police  3 days GiantTiger
Getta  3 days GiantTiger
hey0  3 days Azure Twilight
idontcare19  3 days Azure Twilight
Insert_bullet_here_  3 days Azure Twilight
Inspector  3 days Forgot
Jagermeista  3 days Euthanize
Kami-Kawasaki  3 days Azure Twilight
knocked out  3 days HeraCY
Lacus  3 days HeraCY
Laws  3 days GiantTiger
Magique  3 days PUMA
Marcus Giles  3 days Euthanize
MLL  3 days PUMA, PlaY
Moksha  3 days GiantTiger
Mongol  3 days PUMA
Nazerik  3 days Azure Twilight
OWNED BY A N00B  3 days Azure Twilight
Peace /\\-  3 days Azure Twilight
Pesk  3 days PUMA
Pingu  3 days Forgot
Piong  3 days PUMA
Rassly  3 days GiantTiger
Romantic  3 days HeraCY
S!LenCe  3 days Matr1x
ShadowStrider  3 days GiantTiger
Silent^$niper--  3 days Azure Twilight
Silent_Sniping  3 days Azure Twilight
Sk0t7  3 days PUMA
Skepticism  3 days GiantTiger
spaceship  3 days Forgot, PUMA
starpax  3 days Asiduous
Tricker  3 days HeraCY, PUMA
Turrets  3 days PUMA
Tyrr  3 days PUMA
Viva La Bam  3 days Azure Twilight
wolverine121  3 days Azure Twilight
Youth  3 days Forgot, PlaY
2dye4  2 days Azure Twilight
an open window  2 days PUMA
angel 78.~  2 days GiantTiger
Boast  2 days PUMA
Cationic  2 days Euthanize
crazy_ENJJPT  2 days PUMA
DaRk Airforce  2 days Euthanize, PUMA
DiDDiE  2 days Azure Twilight
Enduro  2 days PUMA
extensive  2 days PUMA
Festival  2 days PUMA
Gladeus  2 days GiantTiger
GSUS  2 days PUMA
Gyncked  2 days Matr1x
h4xor!!  2 days GiantTiger
Hyper-Dragon  2 days Azure Twilight
I SLAY PUBS  2 days Forgot
iinsanee  2 days GiantTiger
Jeckels  2 days PUMA
Lance  2 days Syne, PUMA
Lorko  2 days PUMA
Man Down  2 days GiantTiger
Matr1x Owner  2 days Matr1x
Maverick&Goose  2 days PUMA, Matr1x
Morgan  2 days PUMA
murmer  2 days Azure Twilight
Newb_jav  2 days PUMA, HeraCY
Nlie  2 days Euthanize
Oderus Urungus  2 days PUMA
orty  2 days PUMA
Papaleguas  2 days GiantTiger
Penguin!  2 days GiantTiger
Rabid  2 days PlaY
resoL  2 days Euthanize
Rybka  2 days PUMA
Seek  2 days PUMA
Ski  2 days PUMA
Sni(+)per  2 days PUMA
sniggle  2 days GiantTiger
SnuggleWuggle  2 days GiantTiger
Soul Reaper  2 days Matr1x
SPE  2 days Forgot
Spoiled  2 days Forgot
Star_Fox_Squad  2 days GiantTiger
sweet chick  2 days GiantTiger
Syko(man)  2 days GiantTiger
tonice  2 days Euthanize
UntAme  2 days PUMA
Version  2 days PUMA
War Bird  2 days Forgot, PUMA
Xenophaness  2 days GiantTiger
704  1 days Azure Twilight
Adrenaline Rush  1 days PUMA
Andy_KiLLeR  1 days Azure Twilight
Apocaliption  1 days PUMA
Bodyslam  1 days Euthanize
Caracal  1 days PUMA
DiE NoW!  1 days Azure Twilight
Dominatorious  1 days PlaY
Evold  1 days PUMA
Fox Racing  1 days Azure Twilight
Gilthis  1 days GiantTiger
Grandias  1 days PUMA
Haduko  1 days Azure Twilight
Hilux  1 days GiantTiger
Identical  1 days Matr1x
ImposeX  1 days Azure Twilight
Incredible  1 days PUMA
KeithJayce  1 days Azure Twilight
lil ignite  1 days Forgot
mastersword  1 days PUMA
oops  1 days Euthanize
Orb of Chaos  1 days GiantTiger
Pismo  1 days PUMA
play 2 kill  1 days PUMA
PokerKing  1 days PUMA, Euthanize
quizzical  1 days Euthanize, Matr1x
Raket  1 days PUMA
reability  1 days HeraCY
Rudy Giuliani  1 days PUMA
Sgt  1 days PUMA
spanky029  1 days Azure Twilight
Spyder  1 days PUMA, HeraCY
whitby  1 days PUMA
Xenosis  1 days Azure Twilight
Zee  1 days PUMA