
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Sign   Interface   interface   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (32)
Sign (May 31, 2004 - Jun 20, 2004)
Sign (May 29, 2004 - May 31, 2004)
Interface (May 09, 2004 - May 29, 2004)
Interface (Apr 05, 2004 - Apr 17, 2004)
interface (Apr 03, 2004 - Apr 05, 2004)
interface (Mar 18, 2004 - Mar 30, 2004)
Incuria (Mar 13, 2004 - Mar 17, 2004)
Melee (Mar 07, 2004 - Mar 12, 2004)
Stick (Mar 07, 2004 - Mar 07, 2004)
anti nerd (Feb 27, 2004 - Mar 07, 2004)
Dreamer (Feb 23, 2004 - Feb 26, 2004)
Paladen (Feb 12, 2004 - Feb 23, 2004)
Paladen (Feb 06, 2004 - Feb 12, 2004)
Dreamer (Feb 06, 2004 - Feb 06, 2004)
Dreamer (Feb 02, 2004 - Feb 02, 2004)
Poison (Feb 02, 2004 - Feb 02, 2004)
Cripples (Jan 29, 2004 - Feb 02, 2004)
Poison (Jan 21, 2004 - Jan 29, 2004)
Poison (Jan 19, 2004 - Jan 19, 2004)
Poison (Jan 10, 2004 - Jan 19, 2004)
Poison (Jan 04, 2004 - Jan 09, 2004)
Stick (Dec 10, 2003 - Jan 04, 2004)
Provoke (Dec 05, 2003 - Dec 10, 2003)
Provoke (Dec 03, 2003 - Dec 05, 2003)
4Life (Dec 01, 2003 - Dec 03, 2003)
4Life (Sep 29, 2003 - Dec 01, 2003)
4Life (Sep 22, 2003 - Sep 26, 2003)
Supremacy (Sep 21, 2003 - Sep 21, 2003)
Supremacy (Sep 21, 2003 - Sep 21, 2003)
Crisis (Jul 24, 2003 - Sep 15, 2003)
Poison (Jun 23, 2003 - Jul 24, 2003)
SeniorZ (Jun 18, 2003 - Jun 20, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (508)
aggravating  80 days 4 squads
SEAL  75 days 4Life, Poison, Crisis
Detained  65 days 5 squads
Base Elim  62 days 4 squads
Sfrius  62 days 7 squads
Hairygroin  60 days 5 squads
HattiFnatt  58 days 4 squads
Myraid  58 days Poison, Crisis
Soze  54 days 4 squads
doag  53 days 5 squads
Detonation  51 days Crisis, Poison
sweet cakes  51 days Poison, 4Life, Crisis
Sistinas  50 days Poison, Sign, Crisis
PureX  47 days 7 squads
No Stupid  46 days 4Life, Poison, Crisis
stza  44 days Crisis, Poison
ajaxee  43 days Poison, Crisis
SkieLok  42 days Crisis
NAMDEEW#2  41 days Poison, Crisis
K2Grey  40 days Crisis, Poison
adam  39 days 5 squads
menelvagor  39 days 5 squads
Phrozen  39 days 4 squads
Javek  38 days 6 squads
william wallis  36 days 5 squads
Incondor  35 days Interface, 4Life, Crisis
webcam  34 days Crisis, Poison
Disrespectful  29 days Interface, Dreamer
Busker  28 days anti nerd, Sign, Interface
exploid  28 days 5 squads
Master79  27 days Crisis
pOff  27 days Poison, Interface, Sign
Whiskey In The Jar  27 days anti nerd, Crisis
Sk8  26 days 4Life, Interface, Stick
Irreplacable  24 days Poison, Crisis
PlayBoy Terr.  24 days Poison
dinheiro  22 days Stick, 4Life
dragun  22 days Interface
Dying2live  22 days Crisis
seagull  22 days Poison, 4Life, Dreamer
B i K E  21 days Poison
Dark.Punk!  21 days 4Life, Stick, Poison
DarkTemp  21 days 4 squads
JimboJimmy  21 days Crisis
Leaf  21 days Sign
Pio  21 days Paladen, Incuria
Singe  21 days 4 squads
aiua  20 days Sign, Interface
Cloak  20 days Sign, Interface
Futurama  20 days Sign
Gryll of Chaos  20 days Sign
Hatred  20 days Interface, Poison, Sign
I aM The DecoY  20 days 4Life, interface, Poison
Yoost  20 days Interface, Sign, anti nerd
Horror  19 days Interface, Poison
joemoma  19 days SeniorZ, Crisis
La Comedia  19 days Poison, Crisis
Limit  19 days 4 squads
a Javelin  18 days interface
Easton  18 days Stick, Crisis
froboy  18 days Poison
P L A Y  18 days Poison
schope  18 days Interface
A Falling Toaster  17 days Paladen
A-Fighter  17 days Paladen
Adaydia  17 days Paladen
American Boy  17 days Paladen
Aquatiq  17 days Paladen
Austin  17 days 4 squads
Bailey  17 days Paladen
BobR  17 days Paladen
Chewy!  17 days Paladen
Document  17 days Interface
Elmo!  17 days Paladen
F22 Raptor  17 days Paladen
Hesitate  17 days Paladen
Ice Storm  17 days 4 squads
jebass  17 days Paladen
Jrahen  17 days Interface, Sign
KJW  17 days Paladen
leaf <er>  17 days Paladen
Leperous  17 days Paladen
Revered  17 days Interface, Dreamer, Poison
Sakhan  17 days Poison
Singer  17 days Crisis, 4Life, Stick
space_jock  17 days Paladen
Spider  17 days Paladen
Supra  17 days Paladen
The_Creeper  17 days Paladen
up in ya !!  17 days Paladen
War*loK  17 days Paladen
RuCCi <ER>  16 days Paladen
Sk1ld3r  16 days Crisis
xae  16 days Stick, Poison, 4Life
Ataris  15 days Paladen
booklet  15 days Crisis, Poison
Boze  15 days Poison, Crisis
COM  15 days Stick
Mastermind7  15 days Poison
Metal Headz  15 days Interface
poop sauce  15 days 4 squads
stark  15 days Interface
Cybrary  14 days interface, Sign
Gaia  14 days Paladen
Kings  14 days Paladen
lox  14 days Stick, Poison, 4Life
Ms.Lame  14 days Interface
Plintkabouter  14 days Sign, Interface
s4j3n <ZH>  14 days 4 squads
Spair Keys  14 days Poison
Avenged  13 days Paladen
Dead Pres  12 days Poison, Stick
fucci  12 days Paladen
Influence.  12 days Poison, Stick
Millard  12 days Paladen
Rakhim  12 days 4Life
Smokebudz420  12 days Dreamer, Poison
Subnova  12 days Interface
twjd  12 days Poison, SeniorZ
Widgeon  12 days Paladen
Adaptor  11 days interface
Jamil  11 days Poison
Kitsune  11 days Sign
Nosey  11 days Provoke, Melee
Oz_Man  11 days Poison, Stick
Puppet*Master  11 days Interface
senseles  11 days Interface
Symbolic  11 days Interface
TelCat  11 days interface, Crisis
Xenoflame  11 days Interface
BrokenFist  10 days 4Life, Poison, Crisis
Clowns  10 days Crisis, Poison
Frozen Throne  10 days interface
Manito  10 days Interface
Pummal  10 days 4Life, Supremacy, Interface
Ready?  10 days Interface
Sat  10 days Stick
Torn  10 days Interface
ViBRATE  10 days Crisis
Children  9 days Cripples, Crisis
Damned  9 days Crisis
Dark Thunder  9 days Cripples, Poison
Defs  9 days Poison, Dreamer, Stick
kick it  9 days Interface
Locus Publicus  9 days interface
Mortal  9 days Interface
NassE  9 days Interface
p0rn for j00  9 days interface
permit  9 days 4 squads
Senoir  9 days Poison, SeniorZ
Shock Therapy  9 days Poison, Sign, Stick
Smart  9 days Poison, Crisis
Angelica  8 days Sign
Anna  8 days Sign
Apolyon  8 days interface
Cheese  8 days Interface
Cypher One  8 days Crisis
E-Male  8 days Poison
Enfurno  8 days Poison
incure  8 days interface
Jz  8 days Crisis, Provoke
Lt. Mick  8 days Paladen
Mr. 420  8 days interface
Overstrand  8 days Paladen
Qyll  8 days Poison, Stick
Scales  8 days Sign, interface, Dreamer
Shock The-Rapist  8 days anti nerd, Poison
Singularity  8 days Poison, Crisis
son of robo  8 days anti nerd, Poison, Stick
team_killer  8 days 4Life, Crisis
vish  8 days Poison
wAtCH OUt*crash*  8 days Crisis, Poison
AcumO  7 days Interface
Adage  7 days Poison
aZn_sNipEr  7 days Poison
BrainI)eaI)  7 days Poison
chi-town  7 days Poison
Disbelief  7 days Paladen
eZ snipeR  7 days Poison, Stick, anti nerd
Flat  7 days Interface
genes  7 days 4Life
Icey <ZH>  7 days 4 squads
Joystick  7 days Poison
Mention  7 days Poison, SeniorZ
Nycle  7 days Sign
Poisoned  7 days Poison
Script  7 days Interface
shadow of tiger  7 days Poison
Titania  7 days Paladen
Tycoon  7 days Interface
ah PHAT  6 days Provoke
Bullet Proof 76  6 days Poison
Carbon  6 days Paladen
Cries  6 days Provoke
dll  6 days Provoke
Dutch_  6 days interface
forc  6 days Provoke
GeN  6 days Provoke
Grim <ER>  6 days Crisis
iggas  6 days Poison
jay lo  6 days Stick
Joey  6 days Provoke
knotty  6 days Provoke
Masterful  6 days anti nerd, interface
NAMDA  6 days Provoke
Omnigod  6 days Provoke
Parasect <ER>  6 days Sign
PB-Maxx  6 days Crisis
pices  6 days SeniorZ, Poison
Piston  6 days Poison
Powell  6 days Stick
pv=nrt  6 days Provoke
Rabid  6 days Crisis
Shine  6 days Crisis
Spiderman  6 days Provoke
Team Punishment#2  6 days Poison
Timing  6 days Crisis, Sign, Interface
To die For  6 days Provoke
Trial  6 days Crisis
Za Gophar  6 days Provoke
1337  5 days Interface
1969 Camaro RS/SS  5 days Melee
Adeon  5 days Melee
Adman  5 days Melee
Armarant  5 days Melee
Axela  5 days Melee
Bartman  5 days Melee
BossHawk  5 days Melee
Calm  5 days Poison
Celareon  5 days Melee
Child  5 days Poison
competent  5 days 4 squads
Contender  5 days Interface
DaRuler  5 days Cripples, Dreamer
Deago  5 days interface
Denon  5 days Melee
dynastes  5 days Interface
Endangered  5 days Sign
Ephemeral  5 days Melee
Everest  5 days Melee, Stick
Faby  5 days Sign
Fires  5 days Stick
forcful*  5 days Poison, Stick
Fredzz  5 days Melee
FuzzyWuzzyBear  5 days Melee
GDawg9696  5 days Interface
Goljat  5 days Sign
Grin  5 days Interface
Hiub  5 days Crisis
Hosack  5 days Melee
lag killer  5 days 4 squads
LearN  5 days Interface
Lemonfrog_Returns  5 days Melee
mad mofo  5 days Sign
Maisoul  5 days Melee
Nada Man  5 days Interface
Notorius  5 days Stick, Poison
Parch  5 days Poison, Melee
PERiSH!  5 days interface, anti nerd
phaised  5 days interface, Dreamer
PiNO!  5 days Poison
Pismo  5 days Interface, Sign
POiD  5 days Melee
PoU  5 days Melee
Pussy Man  5 days Poison
recon marine  5 days Melee
Seasoned  5 days Melee
Selex  5 days Melee
Shinny  5 days Crisis
SmackAttack  5 days Melee
smd newb  5 days interface
SpaceHiker  5 days Melee
Steve  5 days Poison
Tarriskat  5 days Interface
TreMack187  5 days Poison
Tyler  5 days Melee
warbirdmaster#1  5 days Melee
Xog  5 days Poison
Adamant  4 days Incuria
allow  4 days interface, Dreamer
Angered  4 days Interface
Attacks  4 days 4Life
azn_vulcher31  4 days Dreamer, Poison
Bamse  4 days interface
Barak  4 days Incuria
Bliss87  4 days Poison, Crisis
bliz  4 days Incuria
Confine  4 days Melee
Consist  4 days Stick
Coojma  4 days Incuria
Dawn of the Dead  4 days interface, anti nerd
Decorum  4 days Incuria
DOTSY  4 days Incuria
Dunce  4 days Incuria
Eggs R Evil  4 days Incuria
Enter  4 days Provoke
eXsIzt  4 days Interface
EZ >=)  4 days 4Life
FairLights  4 days Incuria
Final Hit  4 days Incuria
Goddess  4 days Interface
Had  4 days Crisis
Holyman  4 days Interface
idea  4 days Provoke
kesser  4 days Incuria
Kitan  4 days Poison
lagish  4 days 4Life
leroy  4 days Incuria
Lothlas  4 days Incuria
Microstar  4 days Incuria
Mignon  4 days Interface
Mist  4 days Crisis
Molgan  4 days Incuria
Nifty  4 days interface
Nimbostratus  4 days Incuria
panhandler  4 days Incuria
Paradise  4 days interface
PaulOakenfold  4 days Incuria
Prostitute  4 days Interface
respect my authorit  4 days Incuria
Slicer  4 days Incuria
Stanley  4 days Crisis, Poison
Syberchoises  4 days Poison
Teshawn  4 days Poison
Tine  4 days anti nerd
Trepca  4 days Interface
Version  4 days 4Life
WaTt  4 days 4Life, Poison, Provoke
Zerzera  4 days Incuria
Alavi  3 days Cripples
ckpoon  3 days SeniorZ, Poison
Conductor  3 days interface
Cops  3 days Poison, Cripples
copy  3 days Poison, Stick
cranium  3 days Paladen
DanyalDenyo  3 days Cripples
Dark Commando  3 days Cripples
Decieve  3 days Poison, Crisis
DiSCO  3 days Stick
Duet  3 days Cripples
elemental  3 days Cripples
Fallen Haven  3 days Poison, Cripples
Fludd  3 days Dreamer, Cripples
Fold  3 days Interface
hellkite  3 days Cripples
Honda-  3 days Supremacy, Stick
idiot <er>  3 days Melee
Jamie  3 days Poison
Jason  3 days Poison
Jian Xi  3 days Poison
Jock  3 days Sign, Interface
Jonathan  3 days Cripples
K1X  3 days Cripples
Kavu Titan  3 days Poison
KroniC  3 days Poison
Lil*Newt  3 days Cripples
Made2Win  3 days Poison, Dreamer
magi koz  3 days Cripples
Matty  3 days Crisis, 4Life
MisterGreen  3 days Crisis
nt  3 days 4Life
Picked  3 days Poison, Crisis
Pleejer  3 days anti nerd, interface
Poison Leader  3 days Poison
PolluX_  3 days Cripples, Interface
Power of Love  3 days Cripples
redlights <er>  3 days Incuria
Regard  3 days 4Life
Revolt  3 days Cripples
Rinse  3 days Poison
Rosstones  3 days Cripples
Ruine  3 days Interface
Ryan  3 days Cripples
Sanction  3 days Interface, Cripples, anti nerd
Sega  3 days Poison, interface
Server  3 days Poison
Set It Off  3 days Cripples, Interface
Seth  3 days Cripples
Sjeek  3 days Poison
sKrILLa  3 days Stick, Cripples
Slap Nutz  3 days anti nerd
Sodom  3 days Poison
Sphinktor  3 days SeniorZ, Cripples
Suicide Fish  3 days Cripples
Swordz  3 days Poison
Tigerex  3 days Cripples
TurboMax  3 days Poison
Tyson  3 days Poison
Violence  3 days Cripples
Wax  3 days Crisis
XxDaRulerXx  3 days Poison
Zephire  3 days Cripples
6  2 days Poison
Alabama  2 days Dreamer
Attract  2 days 4Life
AuRA  2 days Poison
Battousai  2 days Melee
Beasts  2 days Dreamer
Berko  2 days Dreamer
boyscout  2 days SeniorZ, Poison
Cape  2 days Interface
Ceyve  2 days anti nerd, interface, Dreamer
Cherry  2 days Dreamer
Crucible  2 days Dreamer
Dark Arrow  2 days Dreamer
DarkStrike  2 days Crisis
Dome  2 days Cripples
Experience  2 days Sign, interface
Falcon  2 days Crisis, Poison
Froze  2 days Poison
GundamAngel  2 days Provoke, Stick
Happiness^  2 days Melee
Hexen  2 days Poison
Ignorance  2 days Sign, Melee
IlyaZ  2 days Provoke
J  2 days Provoke
Javish  2 days 4Life
jETPaCK  2 days Dreamer
Journey  2 days Dreamer
K3v1n  2 days Dreamer
Kamikaze  2 days Interface
killer_187  2 days Stick, 4Life
Left_Eye  2 days Dreamer
LINK  2 days Crisis
manners man  2 days Dreamer
Nitti  2 days Melee
Nuke  2 days Provoke
q_p  2 days Crisis
Radiant  2 days 4Life
Raider  2 days Poison
Rancorp  2 days Poison
seitert  2 days Dreamer
Sentinel Strike  2 days SeniorZ
Slain  2 days Crisis
Snik(  2 days Crisis, Poison
Snipers  2 days Poison
Spirit  2 days Provoke
Summa  2 days Dreamer
The Bass Player  2 days SeniorZ
Unknown Creature  2 days Dreamer
Wall  2 days Dreamer
Yasir  2 days Poison
Zazi  2 days Dreamer
133mhz  1 days Poison
Arsen  1 days Crisis
Belkin  1 days Sign
Brink  1 days Poison
Ca$hed  1 days Dreamer, Poison
Cheap  1 days Poison
Cig Smoke  1 days Melee, Poison
Codeman!  1 days Sign, Dreamer
Concern  1 days Poison
Cut  1 days Crisis
Damp  1 days interface
DaPolice  1 days Stick
Dark.Newb!  1 days Poison
Degree  1 days 4Life
deprive  1 days anti nerd
Dominez  1 days Sign
Draconian  1 days interface, Dreamer
Dragonscale  1 days Crisis
EliteAk  1 days 4Life
emotion  1 days Dreamer
endorphin  1 days Poison
evil ELF  1 days Stick
Exco Elite  1 days interface
Flame  1 days Crisis
Fulminate  1 days Dreamer
Golden Knight  1 days Stick
Head Hunter  1 days Poison
Ignored  1 days Poison
Intrusive  1 days interface
kizzy  1 days Dreamer
Lavu  1 days Interface
lerdex  1 days Interface
Liberty Valance  1 days Stick
Limp Pimp  1 days Poison
machin shin  1 days interface
Mess  1 days Interface
Microphone  1 days anti nerd, Poison
Morh  1 days Interface
mr. z  1 days Poison
Mr.Sweden  1 days Poison
noobed  1 days Interface
Obsequious  1 days anti nerd, Interface
Pala  1 days Sign
PEGASiS  1 days Crisis
PhaithDzyne  1 days 4Life
Proximo  1 days Poison
punjar  1 days Interface, Poison
Remove  1 days Poison
Safe  1 days Crisis
Seleen  1 days Poison
Skatarius  1 days Interface, Crisis
Srycthe  1 days Crisis
Stephanie  1 days Melee
Swan  1 days 4Life
T Mac-1  1 days Crisis
ThaYoost  1 days Sign
Thread  1 days Crisis
Turk  1 days Interface
TW Vet  1 days Interface
Upc  1 days Crisis
VAMP!RE  1 days Poison
watch out* crash *  1 days Stick
X-squared  1 days Dreamer
Yip Man  1 days Interface, Sign
Z*E*R*0  1 days Cripples, Supremacy