
Coach Carter
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Gender Not telling you geeks


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PrettyMadness Aug 03, 2009

And just for the record, lmao. I wouldnt touch you with a amputee hand ... What makes you think any girl wants to put her tongue on your dick? Once agian, go play with your pokemon shit. Dream on. Youll never have a girl, you fucking geek. Too bad you arent comfortable in your own skin. No one wants to touch your lepracy looking face, fuck you and go to hell. You know nothing about me. You fuck with ppl but you dont know them or give a shit, you know why... because you arent worth shit. Youre one of those "fillers". You dont mean shit to this world.

PrettyMadness Aug 03, 2009

First of all, I have no problems getting laid but considering that I am content with life, I dont need sex to make me feel worth living, like you. Good luck getting any. Its not about sex, life that is. Second of all, who cares if Im a dyke? Though Im not, who gives a fuck if I was? Third, Im not ugly. Fat, yes. But what is it to you? What gives YOU the right to fuck with me, sad that your daddy isnt letting you play with his pudd tonight? I think Ive noticed that alot of ppl like to fuck with me on TW gallery, and if it really "bothered" me, why would I post more pics? I post them because I want to, I dont want attention. But people like you are wasting time on people like me, thus that makes YOU look stupid as well. Youre teh troll, not me. And just for the record, I dont have to face this ugly truth. You think you telling me these things actually means shit? NO, youre a fucking queer from the internet, get a life you fucking nerd. Go play with your fucking pokemon toys. What does it matter to you if Im fat? IF you think Im so ugly then why do you come to my page? Answer me this, why do you suck? Your parents did a SHITTY job of raising you. They're probably just the same shitty people as you are. They probably left you when you were a baby because you werent the what they expected. I hope you get satisfaction out of fucking with me, because, well, it's pointless really and I dont see why you do it.... considering if you really didnt like me and thought I was ugly, you'd just avoid my page. Haha.... lmao. What a fucking queer fuck. Dont you get it? ONLY people who can't get laid, make jokes about people not being able to get laid. And, if its returned by that person however its different but in your case, your a pathetic excuse of a person and your parents did a shitty job of raising you. I bet you were dick-fed instead of breastfed, is that it? Fuck you, why dont you stop being a fucking pussy and talking shit, put up a picture and get on TW to play the game and not trash talk because you have nothing better to do with your measly life then sit alone wishing you had real friends, sitting alone playing with your pudd. Do you not realize that people like you never get anywhere in life? People like you, get shitty things happening to them because they are ignorant and trash. And Id like to know somthing - where do you get off bringing God into this? And let me ask you somthing else, if what I said to you didnt bother you, why did you reply? I am replying because I want you to know that YOu are the one who has no life, who needs to grow up and probably likes fat girls but are too ashamed to admit it. I hope the next girlfriend (haha good luck with that , or boyfriend for that matter) beats the living shit out of you, and makes you realize that you are not worth the peice of gum that an HIV+ fattest bitch in the world, on the bottom of the trashiest man in the worlds shoe. God, grow up you ignorant uneducated peice of trash. Reailze life isnt about fucking with people and trying to make them feel bad. You spend all this time doing this when you need to work on your self and figure out who you are, maybe search for your parents and ask them to love you.... or maybe, just maybe... kill yourself. THanks. I dont think ANYONE on this game would miss you. Andddd.... its a game and the fact taht youre fucking with ppl on it, show NOTHING good about you. Are you seriously this stupid? Are you? Are you just a stupid individual? Are you? Wow.
