
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  You2be    Admirals    Wingmasters   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (23)
You2be (Sep 28, 2015 - Dec 06, 2015)
Admirals (Feb 04, 2012 - Sep 28, 2015)
Wingmasters (Nov 13, 2011 - Nov 18, 2011)
Romans (Feb 05, 2011 - Feb 28, 2011)
SyStole (Jan 29, 2011 - Feb 05, 2011)
Scary (Jan 12, 2011 - Jan 25, 2011)
LEGO (Dec 17, 2010 - Jan 12, 2011)
Rhino (Jan 16, 2010 - Jan 23, 2010)
Third Wish (Aug 06, 2008 - Aug 12, 2008)
Straydar (Jul 05, 2007 - Aug 06, 2007)
Pulverise (Jun 23, 2007 - Jul 02, 2007)
Sixies (Jun 12, 2007 - Jun 14, 2007)
GiantTiger (May 27, 2007 - Jun 12, 2007)
Sixies (Apr 21, 2007 - May 24, 2007)
Sixies (Feb 14, 2007 - Apr 03, 2007)
Sixies (Jan 03, 2007 - Feb 06, 2007)
Analogous (Dec 30, 2006 - Jan 03, 2007)
Spancer (Dec 27, 2006 - Dec 28, 2006)
CoMpRiSeD (Jun 21, 2006 - Jun 27, 2006)
CoMpRiSeD (Jun 20, 2006 - Jun 20, 2006)
Water (Jun 18, 2006 - Jun 19, 2006)
Water (Jun 16, 2006 - Jun 17, 2006)
Trapdoor (Jun 14, 2006 - Jun 15, 2006)
Has been on the same squad (566)
Soxx  1092 days Admirals
gilder  288 days Admirals
Fork  121 days Sixies, You2be, CoMpRiSeD
mad jack the pirat  119 days Admirals
TildeStar  119 days Sixies, Third Wish
Ducci  115 days Sixies
Easton  114 days Sixies
Jaguarus  112 days Sixies, Third Wish
Pismo  106 days Sixies
Azzkikr  104 days Sixies, Straydar
Dominatorious  102 days Sixies, CoMpRiSeD
K1X  102 days Sixies
hyphy  91 days Sixies
Festival  88 days Sixies, Analogous
damaging  83 days 4 squads
stalactite  81 days 4 squads
24  75 days Sixies
Eren  63 days You2be
Paksoi  62 days You2be
YojimbO^  61 days You2be
AnImoL  60 days You2be
pee pee sock  60 days You2be
KoZ  55 days Sixies, Third Wish
Supreme Authority  55 days LEGO, Sixies
euforia  51 days Romans, You2be
Coagulated  49 days Sixies
DeadSorcerer  49 days You2be
Paradise  49 days Third Wish, Sixies
Schreek  48 days Straydar, GiantTiger
DaRuler  46 days Sixies, Romans
Kira_Yamato~  45 days Sixies
Aboe  44 days Sixies, SyStole, Romans
Stinkin  44 days Romans, LEGO
Heisman  43 days Sixies, You2be, Rhino
stACK  42 days You2be
Torrente  42 days Sixies, Pulverise
ewjkbru  39 days You2be, Third Wish
TheWadoRooster  36 days Scary, LEGO
Amar  35 days You2be
Corax  35 days Admirals
Lorko  35 days Romans, Sixies
owners manual  34 days CoMpRiSeD, Straydar
Paolo  34 days Sixies
Stung  34 days You2be
Kabutops  33 days Sixies
alakazam  32 days Sixies
Amatory  32 days Sixies, Analogous, Straydar
Aveo  32 days Straydar
Chai Vang  32 days Straydar
Credible  32 days Straydar
dako  32 days Straydar
Diothorn  32 days Straydar
Disappearance  32 days Straydar
Eat  32 days Admirals
Emery  32 days Straydar
I_Shot_Kennedy  32 days Straydar
KDW  32 days Straydar
NightCalibur  32 days Straydar
ogmix  32 days Straydar
rainboy 123  32 days Straydar
ScreaMo  32 days Straydar, Sixies
Sir Chrono  32 days Straydar
uNsmart  32 days Straydar
W@terProof  32 days Straydar
wavebeamer  32 days Straydar
deaths  31 days You2be
Fiora  31 days You2be
Spyder  31 days Sixies
The Unliked One...  31 days Straydar
Kingdom  30 days Sixies
Bashhammer  29 days Straydar
Pittfan  28 days Straydar
Sarevok  28 days Sixies
up in smoke  28 days LEGO, Scary
Accidential  27 days Sixies
inaphyt  27 days Sixies, Scary
Xerax  27 days Romans, LEGO
Zenlion  27 days Rhino, Straydar
cFour  26 days LEGO
ckpoon  26 days LEGO
Cypre  26 days LEGO
DF  26 days LEGO
Hauki  26 days LEGO
Kikkeli  26 days LEGO
Nit3  26 days LEGO, Trapdoor
Pardon  26 days LEGO
Ripp  26 days Sixies
Think Tank  26 days LEGO
Violence  26 days Sixies
Blahhy.  25 days LEGO
Bunnie  25 days Straydar
PerfectCircle  25 days Sixies, GiantTiger
I like Big Buts  24 days Sixies
javbird  24 days SyStole, Romans
nokkonen  24 days LEGO
Oldbie  24 days LEGO
Profuse  24 days Sixies
RikSa  24 days LEGO
Vehicle  24 days LEGO
idk&idc  23 days LEGO
Raizin  23 days You2be
Skel  23 days Straydar
Sweet  23 days Sixies
Austin  22 days Romans, Scary
beast <zh>  22 days You2be
Bender Rodriguez  22 days Romans
Diakka  22 days LEGO
Electrick  22 days Romans
Ellis D.  22 days Romans
jesska  22 days Romans
Lens  22 days Romans
AsafaPowell  21 days Sixies
El  21 days LEGO
Holy Cleric  21 days Sixies
Precedence  21 days Straydar
Randle  21 days Sixies
Sir Spider  21 days Straydar
Subneo  21 days LEGO
Committee  20 days Sixies
Dharok  20 days Sixies
Hur  20 days LEGO
Lizard Fuel  20 days LEGO
2 Sexy  19 days Sixies
200  19 days Romans
Dizzy  19 days LEGO
Hexeen  19 days Straydar
Mattey  19 days LEGO
Statis  19 days Sixies
KoyoTe  18 days Wingmasters, Romans
snO_op  18 days Romans
thix  18 days LEGO
Abos  17 days Romans
Phusion  17 days Straydar
Tauros  17 days Sixies
Aaron Rodgers  16 days Romans
AeOnZ  16 days GiantTiger
affliction+  16 days GiantTiger
Airship  16 days GiantTiger
anitaZ  16 days GiantTiger
AppleCheek  16 days GiantTiger
AreYouIn  16 days GiantTiger
azurhialine  16 days GiantTiger
Beltan  16 days GiantTiger
Booya  16 days GiantTiger
Cancer Kid  16 days Sixies
clair  16 days Straydar
Crocodile Rock  16 days GiantTiger
Direct  16 days GiantTiger
dorp  16 days Romans
Dunlop  16 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  16 days GiantTiger
EvilDeed  16 days GiantTiger, Sixies
F0  16 days GiantTiger
field  16 days Scary, Third Wish
Final Stunt!  16 days GiantTiger
ganja hitman  16 days GiantTiger
gary & ace  16 days GiantTiger
Greenhorn  16 days GiantTiger
I*maGirl  16 days GiantTiger
id.  16 days GiantTiger
Italien  16 days GiantTiger
JHarry08  16 days GiantTiger
l>$B  16 days LEGO
Liberty Eight  16 days GiantTiger
Litestrike  16 days GiantTiger
Lou Bergs  16 days GiantTiger
Lucar  16 days GiantTiger
Magnum Size <TW>  16 days LEGO
MARINES179  16 days GiantTiger
MetalKid  16 days GiantTiger
mooshoo  16 days GiantTiger
Mosses*  16 days GiantTiger
New Order  16 days GiantTiger
nicodemus2x  16 days GiantTiger
ninjaforce10988  16 days GiantTiger
Nooo  16 days GiantTiger
Perverse  16 days GiantTiger
Police  16 days GiantTiger
Polymath  16 days GiantTiger
PonZi  16 days LEGO, Wingmasters, SyStole
ProPs  16 days GiantTiger
re6el  16 days GiantTiger
rozi  16 days GiantTiger
SETO  16 days GiantTiger
Sexlord  16 days GiantTiger
spacetime  16 days GiantTiger
Spyda  16 days GiantTiger
steeff  16 days GiantTiger
sucky  16 days Spancer, GiantTiger
Tiny Dancer  16 days GiantTiger
Tragik  16 days GiantTiger
Uk  16 days GiantTiger
unixkey  16 days GiantTiger
will777  16 days GiantTiger
Bencher  15 days GiantTiger
CrypSis  15 days Romans
culex  15 days Romans
Jahdan Blakkamoore  15 days LEGO
Pimpin  15 days Sixies
Alaskan Thunder  14 days GiantTiger
bertao  14 days Sixies
Daiyo  14 days Straydar
Jeremy Jones  14 days GiantTiger
Ksv  14 days Sixies, Romans
Maximus D Meridius  14 days Romans
Viper06  14 days GiantTiger
Executed  13 days Sixies, LEGO
Genis  13 days Sixies
Long Cat  13 days Sixies
MLL  13 days Sixies, Third Wish
Shiu  13 days GiantTiger
Skizm  13 days Sixies
Sureness  13 days Sixies
Terror Blade  13 days Sixies
acebunny  12 days GiantTiger
Banned4Life  12 days GiantTiger
Bieber  12 days Scary
bike  12 days GiantTiger
Citibank  12 days GiantTiger
Drink  12 days Sixies
Echoic  12 days Sixies
Hannah Montana  12 days LEGO
Harikiri  12 days Sixies
Jolteon  12 days Sixies
Morph  12 days Scary, LEGO
Onion Oppressor  12 days Romans
rapu  12 days Straydar
Shaun  12 days Scary
Tiny  12 days Sixies
zazerick  12 days Sixies
Bizmat  11 days GiantTiger
Demonik  11 days GiantTiger
DoKi  11 days GiantTiger
dragun  11 days Sixies
Imperative  11 days Sixies
Krunchiez  11 days GiantTiger
Libra  11 days Scary
Morg  11 days Romans
Neck Hair  11 days GiantTiger
Oderus Urungus  11 days LEGO
Asteroid  10 days Scary
Carling  10 days Wingmasters, You2be
EsCaPisM  10 days Romans, Straydar
Genitals  10 days You2be
Harza  10 days LEGO
Hate The Fake  10 days Straydar
Headset  10 days GiantTiger
illuster  10 days Romans
klyn  10 days GiantTiger
Knark  10 days Sixies
NaVi  10 days LEGO
poxy  10 days LEGO
Undercut  10 days LEGO
Vaporeon  10 days Sixies
8=D  9 days Sixies
Burglary  9 days Straydar
doag  9 days Romans
FZR 600  9 days GiantTiger
Insult  9 days Sixies
J-B-Inc  9 days Water, You2be, Trapdoor
LILwade  9 days LEGO
Newb_jav  9 days Sixies, Pulverise
raizin <ZH>  9 days You2be
SquallFF8  9 days LEGO
Symbian  9 days Sixies
up in ya !!  9 days You2be
Waswat  9 days Sixies, Pulverise
xvr  9 days LEGO
Zodiark  9 days GiantTiger
archant  8 days LEGO
Bat  8 days Romans
beast mode  8 days Scary
Libertine  8 days Sixies
lopist  8 days Wingmasters, LEGO
Mikes  8 days LEGO
Muuhi  8 days Pulverise
RageRitual  8 days LEGO
Static Burn  8 days GiantTiger
The_Only_Newb  8 days GiantTiger
Verona  8 days Sixies
Vexy  8 days Romans
Aerin  7 days Rhino
Ardour  7 days Rhino
beam  7 days Rhino
BlowTorch  7 days Admirals
cap  7 days Rhino
Captain Commando  7 days Pulverise
Cloth  7 days Rhino
Contradict  7 days Rhino
dak  7 days Rhino
Detain  7 days Sixies
Devilish  7 days Rhino
Dialf  7 days Sixies
Dr Ease  7 days Sixies
duclover  7 days Rhino
Hosack  7 days Rhino
Jaws  7 days Scary
LuckyStar  7 days Sixies
Morg <ZH>  7 days Romans
Oh Shiz Son Its Joe  7 days LEGO
Refer  7 days Rhino
Ricko  7 days Rhino
Spacepimp  7 days Scary, Romans
TittyTwister  7 days LEGO
Varec  7 days Romans
william wallis  7 days Rhino
Zelazny  7 days Rhino
Aethel  6 days LEGO
Altruist  6 days Sixies
Auror  6 days CoMpRiSeD
Bietje  6 days SyStole
but...why...per...  6 days SyStole
Charge  6 days Rhino
comeback  6 days Pulverise
Demonic  6 days SyStole
Dirty  6 days LEGO
dotti  6 days Sixies
Dream Rise  6 days SyStole
empion  6 days SyStole
Esau  6 days SyStole
FanaticX  6 days SyStole
farb  6 days Sixies
flion  6 days CoMpRiSeD
Hs  6 days SyStole
hypocrit  6 days LEGO
jwz  6 days SyStole
Klean-X  6 days SyStole
L I O N & S N A K E  6 days CoMpRiSeD
Lego  6 days SyStole
Lucifer  6 days SyStole
nrg  6 days SyStole
num1killa  6 days SyStole
oran  6 days SyStole
Pawn  6 days SyStole
Randomly  6 days CoMpRiSeD
reiser  6 days SyStole
Residue  6 days Scary
resurrected  6 days SyStole
Revered  6 days SyStole
S2S  6 days CoMpRiSeD
Shukun  6 days CoMpRiSeD
slystar  6 days CoMpRiSeD
soupero  6 days SyStole
Surgery  6 days Romans, Water
tpeh  6 days CoMpRiSeD
Valve  6 days Rhino
Via  6 days Third Wish, Sixies
Whinegum  6 days SyStole
Xeones  6 days Straydar
Allowance  5 days Third Wish
AMX  5 days GiantTiger
Antiproduct  5 days Pulverise
Beck  5 days Rhino
beng  5 days Third Wish
bone thug  5 days Third Wish
BongHits  5 days LEGO, Scary
catpaw  5 days SyStole
celluar  5 days Straydar
CLARK KENTaro  5 days Rhino
Cobrabeer  5 days Third Wish
Codeman!  5 days Third Wish
death row  5 days Rhino
Delta Eagle  5 days Third Wish
Diplomats  5 days Third Wish
Dominant <ER>  5 days Rhino
E.J.  5 days Third Wish
EM2  5 days Third Wish
ewan  5 days Third Wish
Expecto Patronum  5 days Third Wish
House  5 days Sixies
hungery  5 days Third Wish
jeespoks  5 days CoMpRiSeD
Just Game  5 days SyStole
LBW  5 days Third Wish
Level Zero  5 days SyStole
lockdown  5 days Rhino
Loxias  5 days Third Wish
Lucius A Commodus  5 days Romans
lz  5 days Sixies
Mithrandia  5 days Romans
Nguyens  5 days Third Wish
Nightmare-  5 days Pulverise
OD  5 days Sixies
olney  5 days Third Wish
Ownix  5 days Trapdoor, CoMpRiSeD, Water
Patch  5 days Third Wish
plinius  5 days Romans
PreDominate  5 days Third Wish
Punctuation  5 days Third Wish
Raffix  5 days Sixies
Raible  5 days Third Wish
Raspi  5 days Rhino
Reihyou  5 days Sixies
Saline  5 days Romans
Scarce  5 days Third Wish
Speedkillz  5 days SyStole
swagger  5 days Romans
syztem  5 days Third Wish
Territory  5 days Third Wish
the_paul  5 days Straydar
Twisted jav  5 days Third Wish
Viral  5 days Sixies
Big Monk  4 days Sixies
bong  4 days Admirals
Burnt  4 days Rhino
cooked  4 days Wingmasters
Crumble  4 days Wingmasters
decrown  4 days Sixies
Defined  4 days Sixies
Dicey  4 days Straydar, Sixies
Dustmite  4 days Wingmasters
Emo Girl  4 days Wingmasters
Fissures  4 days Sixies
Fornication  4 days Sixies
Golden Ninja  4 days Third Wish
HALAO  4 days Sixies
Hece  4 days Wingmasters
Iraqis  4 days You2be
jabra  4 days Wingmasters
Kiatoukaysi  4 days Sixies
lady~luck  4 days SyStole
Lionel Messi  4 days Wingmasters
LoC_DoG  4 days Wingmasters
Logain  4 days Wingmasters
methbot  4 days Wingmasters
Mobey  4 days SyStole
Molle  4 days Wingmasters
Morh  4 days Wingmasters
Nimrook  4 days Rhino
P. Diddy  4 days Rhino
Regen  4 days Rhino
ropsa  4 days Wingmasters
Tmac  4 days Rhino
Tuf  4 days Wingmasters
varyan  4 days Third Wish
Wingmasters  4 days Wingmasters
0WL  3 days Wingmasters
AxA  3 days Romans
BugySwartz  3 days Wingmasters
chars!  3 days Scary
Chloride  3 days Sixies
Dead.Man  3 days Straydar
Deathdemon  3 days Sixies
Duality  3 days Straydar
Flew  3 days Romans, SyStole
Fork off  3 days Straydar
hlavati  3 days GiantTiger
Hyro-Dh  3 days Straydar
Joakka  3 days Straydar
Khai  3 days Scary
Levon  3 days GiantTiger
Morgus  3 days Romans
Mr Orange  3 days CoMpRiSeD
Mu$tard  3 days LEGO
Pizzle  3 days GiantTiger
Quay  3 days SyStole
Sao Paulo  3 days Wingmasters, Analogous
Schfifty-Five  3 days Romans
ShaGuaR  3 days CoMpRiSeD
Silverstone  3 days Sixies
sphinx  3 days LEGO
Stokedhippie  3 days GiantTiger
teBa  3 days Sixies
Tp2  3 days GiantTiger
Twiz  3 days Sixies
Ugh  3 days Third Wish
woven silk.  3 days CoMpRiSeD
Zhou Yu  3 days GiantTiger
Adoni  2 days Water, Trapdoor
Age.  2 days Trapdoor, Water
antisniper  2 days Straydar
ao Vivo  2 days Water
boker  2 days Sixies
chocoholickoalabear  2 days GiantTiger
Concern  2 days Scary
creak  2 days Water
DarkPunk  2 days Sixies
Death123  2 days Sixies
Deathmode  2 days GiantTiger
Ism  2 days Water, Trapdoor
Kaido  2 days GiantTiger
lets  2 days Water, Trapdoor
Logaritm  2 days Sixies
Lucky_Charms  2 days Sixies
Mag!cO  2 days CoMpRiSeD
MIME  2 days Scary
morin  2 days GiantTiger
Mr. Teal  2 days Scary
NuBee  2 days Straydar
Obi  2 days Rhino
paLdo  2 days Sixies
Peace_Maker  2 days LEGO
piitufo  2 days Sixies
Roshi  2 days Sixies
Sammyr  2 days Pulverise
spaceship  2 days GiantTiger
Spider Web  2 days Water
St. Rayman  2 days Straydar
sTEe  2 days Romans
The Godfather  2 days Water
TrickDaddy-  2 days Sixies
Unabled  2 days Rhino
Weak  2 days Rhino
Abnormal  1 days Sixies
adlib  1 days Scary
Aerosol  1 days Trapdoor, Water
ansi  1 days CoMpRiSeD
azada  1 days Scary
Azn Crip'z  1 days Water
Behaviour  1 days Sixies
BLaQuE  1 days Sixies
Blasting  1 days Water
blauw  1 days Sixies
Blueberry Haze  1 days Sixies
Broly  1 days Rhino
Carl Edwards  1 days GiantTiger
Carter  1 days Sixies
Cartoon Hero  1 days Scary
cho  1 days Rhino
Dameon  1 days Rhino
Darkness  1 days Sixies
Dezmond  1 days Romans
djinni  1 days Scary
Egg  1 days Scary
Executive  1 days Water, Trapdoor
exp  1 days Rhino
Formats  1 days Sixies
Fujiwara  1 days Rhino
Hana  1 days Trapdoor
Hark  1 days GiantTiger
Helped  1 days Straydar
Kake  1 days Sixies
Kentaro  1 days Rhino
Kian  1 days Water
Loving Grace  1 days GiantTiger
Lune  1 days Sixies
Luxirous  1 days Spancer
majic  1 days Sixies
Marshmallow Marines  1 days Sixies
moon_shine  1 days Scary
Murder  1 days LEGO
NewbOfTW  1 days Sixies
Nine  1 days Romans
Omg i own  1 days CoMpRiSeD
Papa Diop  1 days Rhino
PersonA  1 days Romans
Ratified  1 days Water
Revolt  1 days Rhino
Rows  1 days Water
Rush Mode  1 days GiantTiger
saetep  1 days Straydar
Shawty  1 days Sixies
Skynyrd  1 days Sixies
SLANGIN ROCK  1 days GiantTiger
snoop  1 days Water
syde  1 days Sixies
Synonym  1 days Sixies
tasty <ER>  1 days Rhino
Vys  1 days Rhino
Wall  1 days Scary
wAtCH OUt*crash*  1 days Water
Weanie  1 days Third Wish
YourNameSux  1 days Sixies
Youth  1 days Sixies
Zidane  1 days Sixies