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Tiger the crab Dec 11, 2022

ur awful, completely horrible player

Tiger the crab Dec 11, 2022

completely terrible wb... and stinky attitude.. dunno why top squads want u... u play ss like a fart

MousE Aug 15, 2022

You are an ugly Jew

2pacZ Dec 02, 2020

stank breath beam smelling up the twd site

Missa <ZH> Sep 18, 2014

Ayyyy bb, is that a Tic Tac in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

2pacZ Oct 18, 2013

yo brah you gon get me off dis netban or what

Sphinktor May 02, 2012


qpr Nov 26, 2011

Barack Obeama - Rich Beamlin - Michael Beamberg - Warren Beamett - Beam Gates - Larry Beamison - Carlos Slbeam
