
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Pundit   Xenical   LostMinions1   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
Pundit (Aug 17, 2004 - Aug 19, 2004)
Xenical (Jun 04, 2004 - Jun 04, 2004)
LostMinions1 (Feb 08, 2004 - Jun 04, 2004)
aripheon (Jan 14, 2004 - Feb 06, 2004)
prOlifik (Jan 04, 2004 - Jan 14, 2004)
NiNjAz! (Dec 22, 2003 - Jan 04, 2004)
NiNjAz! (Dec 01, 2003 - Dec 11, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (65)
Super_Ana  117 days LostMinions1
HeavyHitta05  74 days LostMinions1
ricochet912  74 days LostMinions1
The ICe Mountain __  71 days LostMinions1
beeleelee  23 days NiNjAz!
Cell`  23 days NiNjAz!
GET DA HUSTLE ON  23 days NiNjAz!
Mystik Gohan  23 days NiNjAz!
Flasche  22 days aripheon
Hell Knight  22 days aripheon
Persistent  22 days aripheon
Pika-Chu  22 days aripheon
Sprinty  22 days aripheon
Timezone  22 days aripheon
LAMEFEST  21 days aripheon
Triple101  20 days NiNjAz!
Caliber918  17 days aripheon
Krug  15 days aripheon
Rich$$  15 days NiNjAz!
Alpha FireStorm  13 days NiNjAz!
HA_HA_HA_HA  13 days NiNjAz!
NeoSakai0  13 days NiNjAz!
Majin-uub  12 days NiNjAz!
A Fuzz  11 days NiNjAz!
Awsome  10 days prOlifik
Declared  10 days aripheon
Demons7734  10 days NiNjAz!
DiDDiE  10 days prOlifik
ElectricEclipse  10 days aripheon
Flame Phoenix  10 days NiNjAz!
lilxbeb3x4xu  10 days Pundit, prOlifik
opieortiz  10 days prOlifik
Royst51  10 days prOlifik
Sir Iggy  10 days prOlifik
TJ hazuki  10 days prOlifik
death slayer@  9 days aripheon
killer-x  9 days NiNjAz!
Sni[+]per  9 days prOlifik
Yang_Unit  9 days aripheon
call911!  8 days LostMinions1
Master BUB  8 days prOlifik
brandon27  7 days aripheon
arwen_7  6 days prOlifik
gHo$t In tHe F0G  6 days NiNjAz!
BL00dy NuN  5 days prOlifik
Crystalin  5 days aripheon
Fr33 Rolling  5 days aripheon
SnoopyDogg  5 days prOlifik
Warrior Mika  5 days NiNjAz!
wishy16  5 days aripheon
Asphicter  4 days aripheon
b@by girl  4 days aripheon
CooLDemon  4 days prOlifik
Funny Name  4 days prOlifik
Nazgul  4 days prOlifik
Eagle D@wn  3 days prOlifik
i-20  3 days NiNjAz!
powelln  3 days aripheon
spanky029  3 days aripheon
SUPERLOOSER  2 days aripheon
Gbreaker  1 days prOlifik
HiS MoMmA!  1 days aripheon
Koio  1 days Pundit
Plintkabouter  1 days prOlifik
Royst15  1 days prOlifik