
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Lethal Dose   Owntown    Warpath   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (6)
Lethal Dose (Mar 17, 2008 - Mar 18, 2008)
Owntown (Mar 06, 2008 - Mar 17, 2008)
Warpath (Mar 02, 2008 - Mar 06, 2008)
NC17 (Feb 28, 2008 - Mar 02, 2008)
ChoZen (Feb 15, 2008 - Feb 26, 2008)
NC17 (Feb 13, 2008 - Feb 15, 2008)
Has been on the same squad (149)
KuleniKs  15 days ChoZen, Owntown
mister c  13 days Warpath, Owntown
Teryst  12 days NC17, Owntown
owntown  11 days Owntown
the-fire  11 days NC17, Owntown
Al KaPWN  10 days ChoZen
Blitz*  10 days Owntown
BlueCrystal  10 days Owntown
Doom~Bringer  10 days Owntown, ChoZen
h3m1_b00ty  10 days Owntown
Marvelus  10 days ChoZen, NC17
NightFir3  10 days Owntown
SearchAndDestroy  10 days Owntown
shaddowknight  10 days ChoZen
TheWarbirdGirl  10 days ChoZen
2kill  9 days Owntown
Air Force Pride  9 days ChoZen
Alore  9 days Owntown
BattonzBaby  9 days ChoZen
Postman Pat!  9 days Owntown
blazy  8 days Lethal Dose, ChoZen
Kabale und Liebe  8 days ChoZen, NC17
Pro Status  8 days ChoZen
shinju  8 days ChoZen
unknown warrior  8 days ChoZen
Mauser~  7 days Owntown
persianz  7 days Lethal Dose, ChoZen
Railburn  7 days Owntown
vinne the phooh  7 days Owntown
finklestien  6 days Owntown
Kakka  6 days Owntown
Missa  6 days Owntown
Mo  6 days Owntown
Rain Box  6 days ChoZen, Lethal Dose
Camaro Rs  5 days Owntown
Eclipse-Gsx  5 days Owntown
miskrit  5 days Warpath, Owntown
Persistence  5 days NC17, Owntown
The Splitter  5 days Lethal Dose, ChoZen
Trollhammaren  5 days Owntown
Banned4Life  4 days NC17
Brat4Life  4 days NC17
Bug4Life  4 days NC17
Camaro1968SS  4 days NC17
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  4 days NC17
Crimea  4 days NC17
D.<  4 days Owntown
district seven  4 days NC17
Fal<hion  4 days NC17
figero  4 days NC17
Guth  4 days NC17
Hexeen  4 days NC17
iloveburritos  4 days NC17
Lag Magic  4 days NC17
MARDUK  4 days NC17
Maverick&Goose  4 days NC17
oddie!  4 days NC17
SamuelExtreme  4 days NC17
Swishgirl~21~  4 days NC17, Owntown
T D is back  4 days NC17
t$z  4 days NC17
THE DOOR MAN  4 days NC17
Vlachs  4 days NC17
AngelGirl  3 days Warpath
Bamba  3 days Warpath
Bigyin  3 days Warpath
Blasting  3 days Warpath
Bo0!  3 days Warpath
Darkmoor  3 days Warpath
Deductable  3 days Warpath
DestinedToDecay24  3 days ChoZen
Georgebob  3 days Warpath
Hex_UK  3 days Warpath
inhumane  3 days Warpath
Iron Survivor  3 days Warpath
Isyn  3 days Warpath
Kapuchin  3 days Warpath
Kilkenny  3 days Warpath
Komp  3 days Warpath
Lucky_Charms  3 days Warpath
Maleficarum  3 days Warpath
Master of Dragons  3 days Warpath
Medoness InSaNe  3 days Warpath
MEEEp  3 days Warpath
Misha_13  3 days ChoZen, NC17
Mithrandia  3 days Warpath
MyBootYourAss  3 days Owntown
nemiseph  3 days Warpath
Paveo <ZH>  3 days Warpath
Perunalinko  3 days Warpath
Pius IX  3 days Warpath
Reptile  3 days Warpath
Spider Web  3 days Warpath
Stetson  3 days ChoZen
Sube  3 days Warpath
Thorkell <ER>  3 days Warpath
TracTable  3 days Warpath
Zelazny  3 days Warpath
A Me><icaN  2 days NC17
Advent Cloud  2 days Warpath
Anti-Hero  2 days NC17
Aveo  2 days NC17
BMW 328is  2 days NC17
bobo-QC  2 days NC17
Bored4Life  2 days NC17
calculus  2 days Warpath
Cigg  2 days NC17
Emery  2 days NC17
Gryll of Chaos  2 days NC17
Gryll4Life  2 days NC17
Heroin Bob  2 days NC17
jebass  2 days Warpath
JockMan  2 days NC17
Jumper101  2 days NC17
Jumping Spider  2 days NC17
king base terrier  2 days NC17
Lens  2 days Warpath
lung dart  2 days NC17
McNoObZor  2 days NC17
Michelle!!  2 days ChoZen
Newb4Life  2 days NC17
NightCalibur  2 days NC17
Numbus  2 days NC17
Results  2 days NC17
Rogue19  2 days NC17, ChoZen
Secret Shadow  2 days NC17
Sgt  2 days NC17
Sir Spider  2 days NC17
smokes bowls  2 days Lethal Dose, ChoZen
Spiritus  2 days NC17
Spytek0420  2 days NC17
SS Tricky  2 days NC17
Star Taxi  2 days NC17
valdoon  2 days NC17
Waswat  2 days NC17
Windreaper  2 days NC17
Xavier Sky  2 days NC17
Alchemists  1 days NC17
Burnt  1 days NC17
Jaa  1 days ChoZen
Kasaq  1 days Lethal Dose, Owntown
keen1  1 days Warpath
Lag Hunter  1 days Owntown
pawner  1 days Owntown
Squads  1 days Owntown
The Unliked One...  1 days NC17
underscore  1 days NC17
Voice  1 days NC17