
"it was lag"
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Maldevor    Paladen   
Medals None
Donated None

About Me

Age 31
Gender Not telling you geeks
Where I can be found baseelim,pub,host event
More about me senior in high school

Things I Like 
Books all
Movies anything but romance and westerns
Musics ones that sound good


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Display Jan 04, 2011

look like ur mom made u that gay santa shirt

Display Jan 04, 2011

you do look like a panzi

Audrey Dec 26, 2010


MoNo. Dec 25, 2010

Aww. Hope you had some fun tho!

panZi Dec 23, 2010

yeah, was sad time XD

MoNo. Dec 23, 2010

You don't look to happy..with that sweater.

pee pee sock Dec 22, 2010

monk, stop flurtin with other men

pee pee sock Dec 22, 2010

u look like a good friend irl. meet?

Monkaria Dec 22, 2010

Do you have to bend your head everytime you need to go through the door? <3 It's cute!
