
3z 647 days
Agrivated Assault 162 days
Kazagistar 161 days
Ballance 161 days
Flaming Shadow 154 days
Freakman 130 days    (joined 2 times)
Mozilla 128 days
killzoid 111 days
Astaroth911 101 days
Great Kill 97 days
Airship 82 days    (joined 6 times)
DirtySouth. 48 days
Wenus Man 33 days
Warp! 30 days    (joined 2 times)
Pink Elephant 30 days
ADT_CLONE 29 days    (joined 2 times)
Z3R03692 29 days
Ayllon 23 days
u d13 22 days
m4g!c 20 days
1800-die-die-die 17 days
Frenz 9 days
rainboy 123 6 days
j0lly r0g3r 3 days
Ribbit! 2 days
Return of Dude.. 2 days
Johnny_Panic 2 days
jeepy 2 days
RedFairy 2 days
Horsepower 2 days
Elite Soldier 2 days
OneWingedAngel 2 days    (joined 3 times)
thegimpinpimpin 2 days
Braids 2 days
Lil. Saint 2 days
BlueBlast 2 days
Lag Magic 2 days
XXT-Accelleration 2 days
Contro 2 days
Reper15 2 days
Simply The Best 2 days
naughtygal22 1 days
Aayan 0 days
AzN-pRiDe 0 days
GunFighter-321 0 days
Barracuda123 0 days
Judge EZ 0 days    (joined 2 times)
MR.MOONEY 0 days
BraveHearts 0 days
Crucializer 0 days
AppleCheek 0 days
Dantat 0 days    (joined 2 times)