
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Cougars   SERENiTY   Rhino   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (15)
Cougars (Jun 07, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013)
SERENiTY (Feb 24, 2009 - Mar 01, 2009)
Rhino (Jan 19, 2009 - Feb 24, 2009)
<RIOT> (Dec 15, 2006 - Dec 26, 2006)
sheppard (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Ambush (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Replaced (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Top Notch!! (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Serenity (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Crop (Oct 06, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Serenity (Aug 07, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Unstopable! (Jul 06, 2006 - Jul 29, 2006)
Menasor (May 10, 2006 - May 18, 2006)
Legion of Scissors (Jun 30, 2005 - May 09, 2006)
TheTurks (Jun 09, 2005 - Jun 25, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (271)
A defenseless newb  313 days Legion of Scissors
biopak  313 days Legion of Scissors
Codebehind  313 days Legion of Scissors
hyperion_0T8  313 days Legion of Scissors
El Tod  309 days Legion of Scissors
Gypsybuddha  286 days Legion of Scissors
Dracus  285 days Legion of Scissors
Cgull  259 days Legion of Scissors
Becky~  251 days Legion of Scissors
Cupie  223 days Legion of Scissors
Rageo  211 days TheTurks, Legion of Scissors
balu  188 days Legion of Scissors
Traveled  188 days Legion of Scissors
Elektra  180 days Legion of Scissors
galvanism  180 days Legion of Scissors
RadeonX  180 days Legion of Scissors
Helghast  179 days Legion of Scissors
Shadster  177 days Legion of Scissors
StealthAngell24  129 days Legion of Scissors
jayseven  121 days Legion of Scissors
Jenta  121 days Legion of Scissors
Metal Onslaught  121 days Legion of Scissors
Barza  116 days Legion of Scissors
Zamin  111 days Legion of Scissors
Azarel  107 days Legion of Scissors
Koernig  94 days Legion of Scissors
NeedASquad  92 days Legion of Scissors
Silent Shadow  90 days Legion of Scissors
Tsycho  90 days Legion of Scissors
Rezzail_Ironcub  85 days Legion of Scissors
nova alchemist  83 days Legion of Scissors
Syphilis_  81 days Legion of Scissors
Exarch  76 days Legion of Scissors
SouL doUbT  72 days Legion of Scissors
Stella.  72 days Legion of Scissors
The Penguinater  67 days Legion of Scissors
Webxero  67 days Legion of Scissors
d-.-b  66 days Legion of Scissors
RonTheGardinator  59 days Legion of Scissors
Sixus  57 days Legion of Scissors
arox  54 days Legion of Scissors
Marrote.Bib@  51 days Crop
s1e3pY azN  49 days Legion of Scissors
zaza  46 days Crop
Final_Shooter  42 days Legion of Scissors
bombz'  37 days Legion of Scissors
THE BASEr imortal  37 days Legion of Scissors
5-methoxy-n  36 days Rhino
Blueblaze  36 days Rhino
Bone Wagon  36 days Legion of Scissors
Jeebs  36 days Rhino
Kasaq  36 days Rhino
krinkle  36 days Rhino
Murtagh  36 days Rhino
NightCalibur  36 days Rhino
Phreek  36 days Rhino
SchwettyBallz  36 days Rhino
Sex and Candy  36 days Rhino
Silver Bullet  36 days Rhino
ThaYoost  36 days Rhino
ZaBuZa  36 days Rhino
azaghal  35 days Legion of Scissors
SureShot21  35 days Crop
Maggi Noodles  32 days Rhino
The Unliked One...  31 days Rhino
Chess  27 days Crop
dmfp  26 days Legion of Scissors
Prevented  26 days Rhino
Miagy  25 days Legion of Scissors
dako  23 days Rhino
BlackLava  22 days Unstopable!
edinhu  22 days Unstopable!
Houston  22 days Unstopable!
Joplin  22 days Unstopable!
Q_Tips  22 days Unstopable!
Rogue_Ace  22 days Unstopable!
Un.known  22 days Unstopable!
ak  21 days Cougars
aquatis  21 days Cougars
Azure Dragon  21 days Cougars
BLAKE GRIFFIN  21 days Cougars
Brown Legend  21 days Cougars
Carling  21 days Cougars
Crumble  21 days Cougars
Dierienow  21 days Cougars
emax  21 days Unstopable!
Enzyme  21 days Cougars
evasive  21 days Cougars
FrAm  21 days Cougars
Frog  21 days Cougars
Godzero  21 days Cougars
Gripe  21 days Cougars
herbalist yangyun  21 days Cougars
Huxley  21 days Cougars
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  21 days Rhino
joey <ZH>  21 days Cougars
killah  21 days Cougars
KutieKatKlaw  21 days Cougars
lag killer  21 days Cougars
Nuggit  21 days Rhino
PhyRe  21 days Cougars
Re-Code  21 days Cougars
Riddles  21 days Cougars
RouT  21 days Cougars
Ruler  21 days Cougars
Shaun  21 days Cougars
shl  21 days Cougars
Skynyrd  21 days Cougars
soupero  21 days Cougars
SupaLeetHaxor  21 days Cougars
sweepy  21 days Rhino
Tear Gas  21 days Cougars
Tobe  21 days Cougars
Topaz  21 days Cougars
Toxic  21 days Cougars
Unknown warrior~  21 days Cougars
Bloody Wolf  20 days Rhino
Celtic F.C  20 days Rhino
The Cool  20 days Rhino
The Sith  20 days Rhino
Tornova  20 days Rhino
AzN-pRiDe  19 days Legion of Scissors, Unstopable!
flion  19 days Legion of Scissors
Neurotix  19 days Cougars
wakawakawaka  19 days Rhino
avatar_hero  18 days Unstopable!
xboogiex  18 days Rhino
inaphyt  16 days Cougars
Miami Chick  16 days Rhino
Petal  16 days Cougars
Woolworths  16 days Legion of Scissors
8bit  15 days Rhino
Caffe  15 days Cougars
bandit0  14 days Unstopable!
die hard  14 days Unstopable!
John_Adams  14 days Rhino
Compelled  13 days Cougars
flawed soul  13 days Cougars
LiL*PiGGy  13 days Cougars
Burg  12 days SERENiTY, Menasor
Kanye  12 days Cougars
Red Fang  12 days Unstopable!
Spacely  12 days Menasor, SERENiTY
eXiLed KniGhT  11 days Unstopable!
kid_preppy_LOL  11 days Cougars
LegalDueL  11 days Legion of Scissors
Robotic Reflexes  11 days TheTurks
Brighter  10 days
cReEmY  10 days
PerfectCircle  10 days
The Forerunner  10 days Legion of Scissors
Belime  9 days
Induragamana  9 days
Mage+  9 days
MaSter BASE Shun  9 days
Menacing  9 days
RaveN's Claw  9 days
187onya  8 days
Amazed  8 days Menasor
ao Vivo  8 days Menasor
AreYouIn  8 days
CCM  8 days
Clichy  8 days Menasor
ConTaineD  8 days Menasor
Destructer  8 days Menasor
Fallen God  8 days Menasor
Forces  8 days Cougars
frozen_distance  8 days Menasor
GeNoCidEs  8 days Menasor
Heisman  8 days Cougars
Judge EZ  8 days Menasor, Crop
Katon  8 days Menasor
Kira_Yamato~  8 days Menasor
l2aNgE  8 days Menasor
mindgame  8 days Menasor
Minotar  8 days Menasor
Money  8 days Menasor
Morpheo  8 days Menasor
Overflowd  8 days Legion of Scissors
ReYeM  8 days Legion of Scissors
Skabunk  8 days
Targhee  8 days Menasor
Unnamed Soul  8 days Menasor
Zion  8 days Menasor
2 Sexy  7 days
Bluedrac_NL  7 days Legion of Scissors
BugySwartz  7 days Rhino
Fred Daniels  7 days Menasor
gummibear!  7 days
martinishomo  7 days
Shiat  7 days
Sky is the limit  7 days Rhino
Utimatediablo  7 days
AnewBnotC  6 days Legion of Scissors
butchery  6 days Menasor
crappy  6 days Cougars
Didoc  6 days Legion of Scissors
Hiatus  6 days Unstopable!
Snip3r Lord  6 days TheTurks
Steelers  6 days Rhino
VFX  6 days Cougars
Bohemian  5 days Legion of Scissors
F/A-18 Super Hornet  5 days Unstopable!
KidoftheWildWest  5 days Legion of Scissors
n33b  5 days
SAY0NARA  5 days
Sonic11  5 days Rhino
ARTOIS  4 days Legion of Scissors
brocky2727.  4 days SERENiTY
Brunkus  4 days Menasor
Bware  4 days SERENiTY
Corr  4 days SERENiTY
Dreams  4 days SERENiTY
extrude  4 days Menasor
Helped  4 days SERENiTY
joemoma  4 days SERENiTY
Martezz  4 days Rhino
morin  4 days SERENiTY
pee pee sock  4 days Cougars
strayed  4 days Menasor
Stung  4 days SERENiTY
Swarm  4 days SERENiTY
TeamVP  4 days SERENiTY
Wonderful  4 days Rhino
Aruba  3 days SERENiTY
Bachus  3 days SERENiTY
BioShock  3 days
Lorko  3 days Cougars
Pixelated Fool  3 days SERENiTY
RiGhTiOcHaP  3 days SERENiTY
Rough Fist  3 days Cougars
Solarblast Dragon  3 days SERENiTY, Menasor
wait what  3 days Unstopable!, Menasor
welt  3 days SERENiTY
cj102  2 days Legion of Scissors
devil1392  2 days Legion of Scissors
Forsaken Prey  2 days
hlavati  2 days
Iron_Titan  2 days Menasor
Mr. Barton  2 days TheTurks
nah  2 days Cougars
nuk  2 days
Prince of Darkness  2 days Menasor
Rolling  2 days Menasor
Spacegirl  2 days Cougars
89  1 days Cougars
Badjob  1 days Menasor
bliu  1 days Legion of Scissors
Calx  1 days Rhino
concussion  1 days Menasor
cool sniper  1 days Unstopable!
Cpt.Moose  1 days SERENiTY
Cringer  1 days Legion of Scissors
Crisis From The Sky  1 days TheTurks
Death Click  1 days Menasor
Dying2live  1 days Menasor
Instance  1 days Unstopable!
Kalreborn  1 days Menasor
Michelle!!  1 days
nester22  1 days
Quince  1 days Cougars
rank 1  1 days Legion of Scissors
Ray Francis  1 days TheTurks
shaded_space  1 days
Shockers  1 days Menasor
SkillsOnWheels  1 days Menasor
SS Tricky  1 days TheTurks
Steadman  1 days Cougars
velocity - hXc  1 days
xaCtly  1 days Menasor
xFeZx  1 days TheTurks