
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads The RoGuE KnIgHtS   Drawl   Shady Knights   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
The RoGuE KnIgHtS (Dec 28, 2005 - Jan 13, 2006)
Drawl (Oct 27, 2005 - Nov 03, 2005)
Shady Knights (Nov 18, 2004 - Oct 27, 2005)
RoGuE kNiGhTs (Sep 26, 2004 - Oct 16, 2004)
Rogue Knights (Jul 31, 2004 - Sep 17, 2004)
Betrayed Souls (Jan 29, 2004 - May 26, 2004)
-EagleZ- (Jan 26, 2004 - Jan 29, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (166)
SteelerKnight  185 days Rogue Knights, Betrayed Souls, Shady Knights
hipshot  141 days Rogue Knights, Betrayed Souls, Shady Knights
FrostKnight  125 days Rogue Knights, Shady Knights
Sir Chrono  95 days Shady Knights, RoGuE kNiGhTs
Shadow {RK}  86 days Shady Knights
Mastah_RX  74 days Shady Knights
Brutal Season  73 days Shady Knights
gerardo  69 days Shady Knights
Ganon-Knight  67 days Rogue Knights
GunnerKnight  67 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
ThunderKnight  67 days Rogue Knights
Tabasco31621  66 days Betrayed Souls
dEloB  63 days Shady Knights
PhantomKnight  48 days Rogue Knights
dragslaya  47 days Rogue Knights
NightCalibur  46 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
ion111  37 days Betrayed Souls
Daizey  34 days Rogue Knights
alpa?  26 days Betrayed Souls
cally  24 days Betrayed Souls
Moon Blu Knight  22 days Rogue Knights
SpecialValue1216  22 days Betrayed Souls
GatorKnight#3  21 days Betrayed Souls
LaserKnight13  21 days Rogue Knights
GoD!*  20 days Betrayed Souls
AtmaKnight  19 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
sportszack  19 days -EagleZ-, Betrayed Souls
WingsofFire  19 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
Kyradon  15 days Rogue Knights
WarGhosts  14 days Betrayed Souls
Lady Wolf  13 days Shady Knights
Ostan  13 days Betrayed Souls
Fire Crow  11 days Betrayed Souls
Joy Division  11 days Betrayed Souls
vo|tron  11 days Betrayed Souls
I_DoNt_LiKe_YoU_>(  10 days Betrayed Souls
Klean-C  9 days Rogue Knights
BlitzKnight  8 days Rogue Knights
Crystalin  8 days Betrayed Souls
beanrob  7 days Betrayed Souls
sAcRiLiGe  7 days Betrayed Souls
Sexy_Shiznit  7 days Betrayed Souls
SpiritKnight  7 days Rogue Knights
1800-die-die-die  6 days Betrayed Souls
Advent Cloud  6 days Drawl
da best  6 days Drawl
Djan  6 days Drawl
Dude Uh MAn  6 days Drawl
God Machine  6 days Drawl
Goku SSJ4  6 days Drawl
GunFighter-321  6 days Drawl
JP Balkenende  6 days Drawl
khoee  6 days Drawl
Madcowboydisease  6 days Drawl
Manaka  6 days Drawl
RED-WINGS  6 days Drawl
rocked  6 days Drawl
shk CQCK biach  6 days Drawl
smoke a lot  6 days Drawl
stoe ice  6 days Drawl
THE ENFORCER  6 days Drawl
TorturedSpirit  6 days Drawl
TreeDottie  6 days The RoGuE KnIgHtS
Zxore  6 days Drawl
B-Hind  5 days Rogue Knights
Baby Bash  5 days Drawl
Firth  5 days Drawl
Maokoyo  5 days Rogue Knights
p0lice  5 days Betrayed Souls
Siroe  5 days Drawl
soupero  5 days Drawl
Spacely  5 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
The Executionator!  5 days Drawl
UpiOcHap  5 days RoGuE kNiGhTs
Wangsta  5 days Rogue Knights
Zalor  5 days Drawl
a parked car  4 days Betrayed Souls
Alas  4 days Drawl
Ambiance  4 days Drawl
AzN-pRiDe  4 days Drawl
Darkner-  4 days Drawl
Deadline  4 days Drawl
EsCaPisM  4 days Drawl
Gh0ul  4 days Drawl
Gunfighter  4 days Drawl
Ha-Jik  4 days Drawl
IcER  4 days Drawl
Intersect  4 days Drawl
Korvan  4 days Drawl
likthem  4 days Drawl
Longcat  4 days Drawl
MammothZ  4 days Drawl
nemus  4 days Drawl
Pholik  4 days Drawl
Pl@yboy  4 days Drawl
PleEpO  4 days Drawl
Random Elf  4 days Drawl
Sh!t Disturber  4 days Drawl
Snax  4 days Drawl
Ties  4 days Drawl
Tony Mayo  4 days Drawl
Turbo-Buddah  4 days Drawl
Ano  3 days Drawl
Daedroth  3 days Drawl
David Coe  3 days Drawl
Fireweapon  3 days Drawl
gunt  3 days Drawl
Highliter  3 days Drawl
Jacyl  3 days Drawl
Luces  3 days Drawl
No. XIII  3 days Drawl
Protest!  3 days Drawl
Roiwerk  3 days Drawl
we will rock u  3 days Betrayed Souls
Wtf!?  3 days Drawl
Wu-Shu  3 days Drawl
Adeon  2 days Drawl
Astroid  2 days Drawl
Atomi  2 days Drawl
Bent  2 days Drawl
BlackCobra  2 days -EagleZ-
Blick  2 days Drawl
CookY Monsta  2 days Betrayed Souls
Daakpunk  2 days Drawl
DangerKnight  2 days Rogue Knights
DeadlyAim  2 days -EagleZ-
Hallusinaatio  2 days Drawl
Hyperstate  2 days Betrayed Souls
It's Tricky  2 days -EagleZ-
Kaj  2 days Drawl
Reicko  2 days -EagleZ-
Sixus  2 days Drawl
sonlox  2 days -EagleZ-
SS Tricky  2 days -EagleZ-
stinky cheese man  2 days -EagleZ-
sve  2 days Drawl
Toasty  2 days Drawl
Tools  2 days Drawl
Voice  2 days Drawl
VYLCON  2 days Drawl
Xi-iX  2 days Drawl
zachr  2 days -EagleZ-
Zack Jeckel  2 days Drawl
0=]SWORD>  1 days Drawl
african  1 days Drawl
Animagus  1 days Drawl
Assault Levi  1 days Drawl
Beauty Knight  1 days Rogue Knights
Cradle  1 days Drawl
duel pasta  1 days Drawl
Evil Scotsman  1 days Drawl
Ezau  1 days Drawl
g0b|in  1 days Drawl
i <3 CQCK  1 days Drawl
KoRnGurl  1 days Drawl
Mrs. Love  1 days Drawl
PEEWEEE  1 days Rogue Knights
ProMize  1 days Drawl
R U 1 2  1 days Drawl
Raspo  1 days Drawl
Sawyne  1 days -EagleZ-
Shiat Hz  1 days Rogue Knights
Shinoda  1 days Rogue Knights
tupla i  1 days Drawl
v4mp1re  1 days Drawl
Viet_Pryde  1 days Drawl