
A Dutch Girl
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads alcoholics!   Golden Wing   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (2)
alcoholics! (Feb 10, 2004 - Mar 02, 2004)
Golden Wing (Jan 21, 2004 - Feb 07, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (33)
Pius IX  31 days Golden Wing, alcoholics!
BobtheDestroyer  24 days Golden Wing, alcoholics!
markian  21 days alcoholics!
Purple_monkeY  21 days Golden Wing, alcoholics!
BoomerSooner  20 days alcoholics!
shoot me or be shot  19 days alcoholics!
q(o.O)p  18 days alcoholics!
Razor199  17 days alcoholics!, Golden Wing
Pretorean  15 days Golden Wing
ScaryShit  14 days alcoholics!
Awfull Lag  13 days Golden Wing
AsSkIcKeR!!!!  11 days Golden Wing
DeAtH 2 EvErYoNe!!!  11 days Golden Wing
Everlasting Dream  11 days alcoholics!
jeebus  11 days alcoholics!
Radiance1979  11 days alcoholics!, Golden Wing
ZeRo-SkiLL  11 days Golden Wing
Phuh  10 days Golden Wing
Dakster  7 days Golden Wing
I just smoked ya!  7 days Golden Wing
PubBot.  7 days Golden Wing
Bad-Girl  5 days Golden Wing
King-_-Robin  5 days Golden Wing
justhitme  4 days Golden Wing
Lillede  4 days Golden Wing
Schoorsteen  4 days Golden Wing
The Leprichaun  4 days Golden Wing
Tijn  4 days Golden Wing
ShOrTnUgLyFaTkId  3 days Golden Wing
UltimatePain  3 days alcoholics!
The UNdEaD  2 days alcoholics!
The UnI)eaI)  2 days alcoholics!
Oeroek  1 days Golden Wing