
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Imprecate   Admire   Honour   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (12)
Imprecate (Apr 09, 2004 - Apr 24, 2004)
Admire (Feb 21, 2004 - Feb 22, 2004)
Honour (Jan 26, 2004 - Feb 06, 2004)
InfRevive (Jan 24, 2004 - Jan 24, 2004)
Lame Zero (Jan 23, 2004 - Jan 24, 2004)
Cut (Jan 21, 2004 - Jan 22, 2004)
Seismic (Jan 19, 2004 - Jan 21, 2004)
Veloce (Jan 12, 2004 - Jan 19, 2004)
Diabolic (Jan 08, 2004 - Jan 11, 2004)
Myth (Jan 05, 2004 - Jan 08, 2004)
Seismic (Jan 05, 2004 - Jan 05, 2004)
SHOEBOX (Jan 05, 2004 - Jan 05, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (105)
Reaver  13 days Honour, Diabolic
Surfer  12 days Diabolic, Honour
Becky  11 days Honour
Dissipate  11 days Lame Zero, Cut, Honour
Pain  11 days Honour
ToKeD  11 days Cut, Honour
Add  10 days Honour
Primordial  10 days Honour
Snipers  10 days Honour
Starbeam  10 days Honour
Eric is God  9 days Honour
Ice Storm  9 days Imprecate
Azn-Gurl  8 days Imprecate
Bigfoot  8 days Honour
Disrespectful  8 days Honour
Adeon  7 days Veloce
Amok  7 days Veloce
AmpuTXGal  7 days Veloce
ant68  7 days Veloce
Archangell <ER>  7 days Veloce
Asndragn  7 days Veloce
Aspien  7 days Imprecate
beasty <zh>  7 days Veloce
BlitzSturm  7 days Veloce
Catgirl  7 days Veloce
Dearest  7 days Veloce
fucci  7 days Imprecate
HunterGirl  7 days Veloce
Jacklyn  7 days Veloce
Lazyness  7 days Veloce
Materia  7 days Veloce
Miggy  7 days Veloce
nable  7 days Veloce
PsY?!  7 days Veloce
Raven -.-  7 days Veloce
Salubrious  7 days Veloce
Seven_of_Nine  7 days Veloce
Sexuakitten  7 days Veloce
Shah  7 days Honour
Subaru Sumeragi  7 days Veloce
Surf Dog  7 days Veloce
Tigron-X  7 days Veloce
Zartan Fei  7 days Veloce
Zetta  7 days Veloce
Potentials  6 days Veloce
Sinderella  6 days Imprecate
TelCat  6 days Imprecate
007  5 days Honour, Diabolic
WarPilot  5 days Myth, Imprecate
abrasion  4 days Honour
Arist0  4 days Veloce
DarkSlayer  4 days Honour
Explosive  4 days Honour
Kalibra  4 days Honour
Prostitute  4 days Imprecate
Egypt  3 days Imprecate
Ekko  3 days Myth, Admire
gulpo!  3 days Myth
Mic  3 days SHOEBOX, Honour
Send  3 days Myth
SlightlyRetardedBob  3 days Honour
Tribal  3 days Myth
TW Vet  3 days Imprecate
Viet_sNipEr  3 days Myth
Whir  3 days Honour, Cut
whispus  3 days Myth
A Laggot  2 days Diabolic, SHOEBOX
Agnium  2 days Seismic
Assesino  2 days Seismic
aZn_sNipEr  2 days Seismic
Bazhn  2 days Seismic
Betrayed_Faith  2 days Seismic
Bite The Pain  2 days Seismic
citoruen  2 days Seismic
coldhatewarmblood  2 days Imprecate
Confuze  2 days Seismic
Conners  2 days Seismic
Daedalus  2 days Seismic
Desecrate  2 days Honour
Detained  2 days Honour, Imprecate
Golden Sun 1  2 days Seismic
hEaD_hUnTeR  2 days Seismic
Horna  2 days Seismic
lilkebabx4xu  2 days Seismic
minkmink  2 days Seismic
Paky Dude  2 days Honour
PEGASiS  2 days Imprecate
Phrozen  2 days Diabolic
Queen  2 days Honour
rotte/billie  2 days Seismic
Setoff  2 days Seismic
shake well  2 days Seismic, InfRevive
Starflam  2 days Seismic
Thong Raider  2 days Seismic
Torn Wing  2 days Myth
UchihaItachi  2 days Seismic
Averse  1 days Diabolic
Desinagrate  1 days Lame Zero, Seismic
Limit  1 days Imprecate
Mixture  1 days Diabolic
murmer  1 days Seismic, Admire
Spiritor  1 days Honour
thanG  1 days Myth
the grouch  1 days SHOEBOX, Diabolic
Tooth  1 days Imprecate