
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  GOAT   Vitality    Patouf   
Donated $25

About Me

Location USA
Gender Not telling you geeks
Personal website Youtube.com/FieryFire3D
More about me I started TW in 1999. I joined staff back in the day when Dock> and Priitk were smods with other moderators including Hurk and a few others. MiketheNose was a smod at the time too. Defcon1 and Paladen were my first squads. I joined TW Elites shortly after and began my TWL focus. I played in the competitive scene with TWE, Elusive, and Siege. Those were some of the greatest times my TW career. I ventured into Pro League and joined BIA and Quality Control where we reached the Semis. Banzi and I were the only TW players able to transition successfully over to Pro League. I started for both BIA (Jinxi, Chemical, Legacy) and QC (Hummingbird, Random.). I realized I've been playing SS for over 10 years. In 2011, I wanted to help bring new players to the zone. I set up a Youtube channel along with some management measures in the zone to help with player growth. I recorded broadcasts at Youtube.com/FieryFire3D. 700 subscribers and tens of thousands of views later, we peaked at 401 players in 2011. Along with 24, we raised a lot of money for the zone's management to use. I am very proud of this achievement. We also donated some money to charity. I trust in the zone's management to keep TW going long and strong!

