
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads U F O   Vowed   NoShot   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (4)
U F O (Feb 28, 2007 - Mar 10, 2007)
Vowed (Feb 13, 2007 - Feb 28, 2007)
NoShot (Jan 09, 2007 - Feb 13, 2007)
NoShot (Jan 02, 2007 - Jan 08, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (119)
DarkWater  35 days NoShot
SoulSurvivor  32 days NoShot
Sexual plaything  29 days NoShot
TehStoner  28 days NoShot, Vowed
explosivo  25 days NoShot
Greyflyer  24 days Vowed, U F O
AzN-pRiDe  23 days NoShot
Blueblaze  23 days U F O, Vowed
RockMeAmadeus  23 days NoShot
Blue78  22 days NoShot
Quake3  22 days Vowed, U F O
SavageKnight  22 days Vowed, U F O
n33b  21 days NoShot
Techno_PT  21 days Vowed, U F O
SloMoJoJo  20 days U F O, Vowed
aeroa1  18 days NoShot
contemporaneous  18 days NoShot
faded sun  18 days U F O, Vowed
leutenant geek  18 days NoShot
vainquer  18 days NoShot
DirtyOldMan  16 days NoShot
se  16 days NoShot
Skinner101  16 days NoShot
Zignz  16 days NoShot
Pyramids  15 days U F O, Vowed
SnuggleWuggle  15 days U F O, Vowed
Anatole  14 days Vowed
Coulder  14 days Vowed
Debug  14 days Vowed
FM07  14 days Vowed
Gritter  14 days Vowed
Mad B*tches  14 days Vowed
McIsaac  14 days Vowed
N3MPO  14 days Vowed
onehundred  14 days Vowed
Rand Da Guy  14 days Vowed
Safin  14 days Vowed
Sietto  14 days Vowed
soney  14 days Vowed
tyrokiller  14 days Vowed
Zorlord  14 days Vowed
distraktion  13 days Vowed
edaw  13 days Vowed
Impetuous  13 days Vowed
Mars Bomber  13 days Vowed
Spoon of War  13 days Vowed
Alaskan Thunder  12 days Vowed
sh4rpsh0Ot3r  12 days Vowed
slowest  11 days Vowed
A I <ER>  10 days U F O
A Me><icaN  10 days U F O
Angel fire  10 days U F O
Ankari  10 days U F O
Dameon Angell  10 days U F O
Dark_grim  10 days Vowed, U F O
Elleya  10 days U F O
Exterminator789  10 days Vowed
F-18 HORNET  10 days Vowed
Hexa Decimal  10 days U F O
psychatog  10 days U F O
Sertifi  10 days U F O
Some_Retard  10 days U F O
Zalor  10 days U F O
Bone Wagon  9 days U F O
Briton Knight  9 days U F O
Dark Hell  9 days U F O
disco_duck  9 days U F O
Lara  9 days U F O
Pink Elephant  9 days Vowed
weeeeeee  9 days U F O
M-16  8 days Vowed
supernubie  8 days U F O
LivinDead  7 days NoShot
Serial Penetrator  7 days U F O
1800-die-die-die  6 days Vowed
1der  6 days Vowed
ARTOIS  6 days Vowed
Joe Rocko  6 days NoShot
aven <ER>  5 days U F O
BravoLeader  5 days Vowed
Disengage  5 days Vowed
Holy Cleric  5 days U F O
KoZ  5 days U F O
Kumaren  5 days Vowed
Upc  5 days Vowed
affliction+  4 days Vowed
african  4 days U F O
gummibear!  4 days NoShot
stuntin sir  4 days Vowed
BaroN  3 days U F O
Dracomancer  3 days Vowed
Impotent  3 days Vowed
nova alchemist  3 days Vowed
Rabid  3 days U F O
Xeneon  3 days NoShot
andean  2 days NoShot
ben_dover  2 days Vowed
Big Monk  2 days U F O
celluar  2 days U F O
Decent Aim  2 days U F O
Dimma  2 days NoShot
MoonAura  2 days NoShot
Panda Bear  2 days Vowed
Tamzin  2 days U F O
Tribal  2 days NoShot
ZackN  2 days NoShot
Aeion  1 days NoShot
crazy killah  1 days NoShot
DrEaDs  1 days NoShot, Vowed
Frost Zephyr  1 days Vowed
HeavyAmp  1 days Vowed
j0lly r0g3r  1 days Vowed
Lag Hunter  1 days NoShot, Vowed
madmonkey  1 days NoShot
Mashem  1 days Vowed
MLL  1 days U F O
The Forerunner  1 days Vowed
UnknownDragon  1 days NoShot