
Gaucho Ronaldinho.
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Melato   Wb.Ownage   HappyTrain   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (15)
Melato (Dec 27, 2006 - Dec 27, 2006)
Wb.Ownage (Dec 25, 2006 - Dec 27, 2006)
HappyTrain (Dec 21, 2006 - Dec 25, 2006)
Double Eclipse (Dec 15, 2006 - Dec 21, 2006)
Dead Sea (Dec 12, 2006 - Dec 13, 2006)
GiantTiger (Dec 03, 2006 - Dec 12, 2006)
GiantTiger (Dec 01, 2006 - Dec 01, 2006)
sparire (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Brainwave (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Nathifa (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Nathifa (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Serenity (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Brainwave (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Fun1 (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
sparire (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Has been on the same squad (200)
danvis  13 days HappyTrain, GiantTiger
A Very Large Man  9 days GiantTiger
Alabaster Wings  9 days GiantTiger
Albino.  9 days GiantTiger
ALL JU!C3D UP  9 days GiantTiger
Anarking  9 days GiantTiger
angelus_0  9 days GiantTiger
Ankari  9 days GiantTiger
anml  9 days GiantTiger
ANnAs_KiLlA  9 days GiantTiger
AppleCheek  9 days GiantTiger
Au-  9 days GiantTiger
azurhialine  9 days GiantTiger
Beltan  9 days GiantTiger
BeX  9 days GiantTiger
blackfish  9 days GiantTiger
Black_Alien  9 days GiantTiger
blair777  9 days GiantTiger
Bloody Wolf  9 days GiantTiger
Broken Heart Girl  9 days GiantTiger
Buju Banton  9 days GiantTiger
Bumbaklot  9 days GiantTiger
Buns  9 days GiantTiger
C10aK3D  9 days GiantTiger
CaLiBuR_  9 days GiantTiger
chokeberry  9 days GiantTiger
Chris Brock  9 days GiantTiger
co-D  9 days GiantTiger
craZedkillEr  9 days GiantTiger
Daniel Stone  9 days GiantTiger
Dantat  9 days GiantTiger
Dawsonator  9 days GiantTiger
dfriar  9 days GiantTiger
Diphylla  9 days GiantTiger
Dlive  9 days GiantTiger
dont shoot!  9 days GiantTiger
Dracus  9 days GiantTiger
Duel Patta  9 days GiantTiger
Edify  9 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  9 days GiantTiger
Flame Girl  9 days GiantTiger
Flaming Ace  9 days GiantTiger
Fortiqa  9 days GiantTiger
fr@nxt@  9 days GiantTiger
Ganqsta  9 days GiantTiger
gmwave  9 days GiantTiger
GoateeGuy  9 days GiantTiger
GothPirateGirl  9 days GiantTiger
gottekillya  9 days GiantTiger
Hellio  9 days GiantTiger
Hindrix7  9 days GiantTiger
his master  9 days GiantTiger
I EAT DINGLEBERRYS  9 days GiantTiger
Insaain  9 days GiantTiger
It's all about Duke  9 days GiantTiger
Jake Logan  9 days GiantTiger
jetline.  9 days GiantTiger
JP Balkenende  9 days GiantTiger
kevbone  9 days GiantTiger
killurself  9 days GiantTiger
kinale.  9 days GiantTiger
KingOfHell  9 days GiantTiger
krinkle  9 days GiantTiger
lps  9 days GiantTiger
Lukester  9 days GiantTiger
Man Down  9 days GiantTiger
Mendigo  9 days GiantTiger
Mera  9 days GiantTiger
MICHU  9 days GiantTiger
n47  9 days GiantTiger
NewbOfTW  9 days GiantTiger
Nicobobanus  9 days GiantTiger
Phoenomity  9 days GiantTiger
Pibs  9 days GiantTiger
pop.  9 days GiantTiger
PopATop  9 days GiantTiger
PuRe>  9 days GiantTiger
Quick Mick  9 days GiantTiger
RookyTR  9 days GiantTiger
SaBaGuRu  9 days GiantTiger
Sao Paulo  9 days GiantTiger
SCOTTY2  9 days GiantTiger
SEVEN*  9 days GiantTiger
shocktherapy  9 days GiantTiger
Skjede  9 days GiantTiger
Sod  9 days GiantTiger
Soul Reaper  9 days GiantTiger
Stardrowner  9 days GiantTiger
Straw-Hat  9 days GiantTiger
Tachko  9 days GiantTiger
The Catholic  9 days GiantTiger
Thrice_  9 days GiantTiger
trailerbunny  9 days GiantTiger
UGA  9 days GiantTiger
u_suckas_got_owned  9 days GiantTiger
ValKera  9 days GiantTiger
veenee  9 days GiantTiger
vegg  9 days GiantTiger
weeeeeee  9 days GiantTiger
XGoNutsX  9 days GiantTiger
Zhou Yu  9 days GiantTiger
zpeed_d3mon  9 days GiantTiger
JoyRider  8 days GiantTiger
Xcharc0a1Sundown  8 days GiantTiger
Arnica  7 days GiantTiger
F9  7 days GiantTiger
Footballer#13  7 days GiantTiger
otome  6 days GiantTiger
sweet chick  6 days GiantTiger
a mad goat  5 days Double Eclipse
Avexas  5 days Double Eclipse
Blue Destiny  5 days Double Eclipse
Bradino27  5 days GiantTiger
CC -Legio Ultra  5 days Double Eclipse
Chodeyoungfat  5 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
Corner  5 days Double Eclipse
crazy killah  5 days Double Eclipse
daltin  5 days Double Eclipse
DarkWater  5 days Double Eclipse
Digger!  5 days Double Eclipse
Double Slash  5 days Double Eclipse
dougie fresh  5 days Double Eclipse
golden dragon.  5 days Double Eclipse
Misha_13  5 days Double Eclipse
miss beautiful  5 days Double Eclipse
playuh  5 days Double Eclipse
Ruckin  5 days Double Eclipse
skrotar  5 days Double Eclipse
Stray  5 days Wb.Ownage, Double Eclipse
Torc  5 days Double Eclipse
trench wars owner  5 days Double Eclipse
TwinTurbo  5 days Double Eclipse
Twomp Stomp  5 days Double Eclipse
UnknownDragon  5 days Double Eclipse
Aerin  4 days GiantTiger
AtomicBliss23  4 days HappyTrain
Axial  4 days GiantTiger
AzN-pRiDe  4 days Double Eclipse
Baszie  4 days Brainwave, HappyTrain
BEAST GROWL  4 days Double Eclipse
cheetahfemale  4 days HappyTrain
Desire  4 days HappyTrain
Elder-God  4 days HappyTrain
Exact  4 days HappyTrain
Grinzold  4 days HappyTrain
keen1  4 days HappyTrain
KoRnGurl  4 days HappyTrain
lord-shaper  4 days HappyTrain
MrsZionZion  4 days HappyTrain
MrZionZion  4 days HappyTrain
nuccles  4 days HappyTrain
Pockets.  4 days HappyTrain
Scratch & Sniff  4 days HappyTrain
SirD  4 days HappyTrain
SpyPro  4 days HappyTrain
Supermist  4 days HappyTrain
Teh Otter  4 days Double Eclipse
Ugly Nerd  4 days HappyTrain
UNEXIST  4 days Double Eclipse
Webxero  4 days HappyTrain
Xeneon  4 days Brainwave, Double Eclipse
angel 78.~  3 days GiantTiger
Eclipse144  3 days Double Eclipse
ICON111  3 days GiantTiger
kaevur  3 days Double Eclipse
Orphans  3 days GiantTiger
Solarblast Dragon  3 days GiantTiger
disco_duck  2 days Double Eclipse
FZR 600  2 days Double Eclipse
PRINCESS OF PAIN  2 days GiantTiger
SharpieHigh  2 days GiantTiger
The Forerunner  2 days Double Eclipse
Tiger-c1  2 days GiantTiger
Toasty  2 days GiantTiger
Trouble  2 days GiantTiger
wait what  2 days GiantTiger
wbaverage  2 days Double Eclipse
Whacky  2 days Double Eclipse
1gb  1 days Wb.Ownage
Asevoimat  1 days GiantTiger
Aww  1 days Wb.Ownage
BioShock  1 days Double Eclipse
BloodyShot  1 days Wb.Ownage
ForeverDissevered  1 days Brainwave, GiantTiger
Hyro-Dh  1 days Double Eclipse
las vegas!!  1 days Wb.Ownage
LemonDropKid  1 days Wb.Ownage
LewoSwartz  1 days Wb.Ownage
Mage+  1 days Double Eclipse
mrotS  1 days Wb.Ownage
MrPopo  1 days Wb.Ownage
pawner  1 days Wb.Ownage
Prepared  1 days Brainwave, GiantTiger
rainboy 123  1 days Double Eclipse
star-ex  1 days Double Eclipse
strayed  1 days Wb.Ownage
The Lone Gunner  1 days Double Eclipse
toots  1 days Wb.Ownage
Upkeep  1 days Double Eclipse
VolTekker  1 days Wb.Ownage