
Jizzron Phillips
""Fuck everyone, I'm out" -God"
Squad Grannies (since Jun 21, 2020)
Rank Captain
Last 3 Squads  Accuracy    Melee    PRAYER   
Medals None
Donated None

About Me

Age 39
Location Texas
Gender Male
Where I can be found base, race, base race
More about me I suck but somehow teams keep accepting me

Things I Like 
Books Everybody Poops
Movies Team America
Musics Ween, Aphex Twin, Modest Mouse, MF Doom, Def Jux, William Shatner, Macho Man Randy Savage
Songs any SlamJam


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Jizzron Phillips Apr 23, 2010

Oh thats better

G.I. Joe_ Apr 23, 2010

you need to select your favorite ship because we both know it's not warbird.. lol

G.I. Joe_ Apr 16, 2010


Jizzron Phillips Apr 15, 2010

hey guy
