
Iced Rice
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads CIA   TeamAutoBot   MediEval!!   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (14)
CIA (Jul 14, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
TeamAutoBot (Jul 03, 2006 - Jul 05, 2006)
MediEval!! (Feb 04, 2006 - Jun 06, 2006)
My Little Ponys (Jan 14, 2006 - Feb 04, 2006)
Gantz (Jan 12, 2006 - Jan 14, 2006)
TheLastNight (Nov 27, 2005 - Nov 28, 2005)
Anti-Force (Nov 21, 2005 - Nov 23, 2005)
Pliroth (Nov 20, 2005 - Nov 21, 2005)
D*f*A (Nov 13, 2005 - Nov 20, 2005)
Gantz (Oct 01, 2005 - Oct 10, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 15, 2005 - Sep 16, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 12, 2005 - Sep 12, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 11, 2005 - Sep 11, 2005)
ImpaCterz (Sep 10, 2005 - Sep 11, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (188)
Ace -=420=-  121 days MediEval!!
Bolty  121 days MediEval!!
Esben Pyralis  121 days MediEval!!
Kevin_Raven  121 days MediEval!!
Master of Dragons  121 days MediEval!!
Max-Tek  121 days MediEval!!
Max2Oh  121 days MediEval!!
mp3 player  121 days MediEval!!
nubcaek  121 days MediEval!!
Spudly  121 days MediEval!!
StealthAngell24  121 days MediEval!!
Thorkell  121 days MediEval!!
B1u35h4d0w  107 days MediEval!!
avitronix  105 days MediEval!!
DakotaKing  99 days MediEval!!
Futon  94 days MediEval!!
ScreamingPanda  74 days MediEval!!
Fruit Twat  64 days MediEval!!
sckill  56 days MediEval!!
Actuate  51 days MediEval!!
Leber  50 days MediEval!!
Akaree  22 days MediEval!!
the big wang  20 days My Little Ponys
Xraided  20 days My Little Ponys
ConTaineD  18 days My Little Ponys
Malignant  18 days CIA
Convergent  17 days My Little Ponys
FoCuSeD  17 days My Little Ponys
Kalluminati  17 days My Little Ponys
Polarity  17 days My Little Ponys
SaFia  17 days 4 squads
Tre  17 days CIA
Avant  16 days My Little Ponys
Calvary  16 days My Little Ponys
Pawn  16 days TeamAutoBot, My Little Ponys, Anti-Force
T-Mac1991  16 days My Little Ponys
Alarmed  13 days My Little Ponys
Drills  13 days My Little Ponys
GunFighter-321  13 days MediEval!!
JU5T1CE  13 days My Little Ponys
Lucar  13 days My Little Ponys
NMY  13 days My Little Ponys
devil1392  11 days Gantz, D*f*A
elemental  10 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  10 days Gantz
Lu Xun  10 days Gantz
mindgame  10 days My Little Ponys
PokeDex  10 days My Little Ponys
Rabid-Wombat  10 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  10 days Gantz
Turismo  10 days My Little Ponys
idkmyname  9 days Gantz, ImpaCterz
Lady_Luck  9 days My Little Ponys
mizdorkylicius  9 days My Little Ponys
Slo Mo  9 days My Little Ponys
AppleCheek  8 days Gantz
Celtic.  8 days Gantz
Ceryni  8 days Gantz
Fedex!  8 days Anti-Force, Gantz
FurioFuhrer  8 days Gantz
Guthix.....  8 days Gantz
Killem  8 days Gantz
Kinesrra  8 days Gantz
Last Rites  8 days Gantz
Mr Sushi X  8 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  8 days Gantz
oxidize  8 days Gantz
Saradomin  8 days Gantz
Stops  8 days Gantz
wait what  8 days Anti-Force, Gantz
wavebeamer  8 days Gantz
Zadan  8 days Gantz
Mombassa  7 days My Little Ponys, Pliroth
sXyChick89  7 days Gantz
Asmo.Db  6 days D*f*A
C.O.W.S.  6 days My Little Ponys
Capital-1  6 days D*f*A, Anti-Force
ddsdds  6 days D*f*A
Disannul  6 days My Little Ponys
Eurtek  6 days D*f*A
Lil Tye  6 days Gantz
Lyncher  6 days D*f*A
Master Lag  6 days My Little Ponys
Stevro  6 days D*f*A
Thekillingmaster  6 days D*f*A
uNsmart  6 days Anti-Force, D*f*A
Bent  5 days My Little Ponys
Diothorn  5 days D*f*A
FukenGruven  5 days My Little Ponys
Jo|<er  5 days Gantz
Lego Maniac  5 days My Little Ponys
Nublet  5 days My Little Ponys
SensiTizeD  5 days My Little Ponys
soupero  5 days Gantz
Tolerant  5 days My Little Ponys
Woeful  5 days D*f*A
wolfs  5 days D*f*A
ZaCkTaCuLaR!  5 days My Little Ponys
Bohemian  4 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  4 days Gantz
Kyra.  4 days Gantz
M-Train  4 days My Little Ponys
Xenosis  4 days Gantz
AnImoL  3 days My Little Ponys
Crucializer  3 days D*f*A, Anti-Force
Fleming  3 days Gantz, Anti-Force
Kostly  3 days Gantz
Kult  3 days CIA
LaGTaCuLaR  3 days My Little Ponys
Line Up  3 days Gantz
Targhee  3 days My Little Ponys
Termites  3 days My Little Ponys
A Fuzz  2 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  2 days Gantz
arceo  2 days Gantz
AznNycGuy  2 days Gantz
Cyborg.  2 days Gantz
Diced  2 days My Little Ponys, Anti-Force
DirtBike  2 days Gantz
Expecto Patronum  2 days Gantz
expunge  2 days Gantz
Fait  2 days Gantz
FFLenne  2 days Gantz
Georgebob  2 days Gantz
hydrodank  2 days My Little Ponys
Induced  2 days Gantz
jube  2 days Gantz
Kolbi  2 days Gantz
Mr MVP  2 days Gantz
Mr. Recall  2 days Gantz
Newbsta  2 days Gantz
NightDweller  2 days Gantz
Nlie  2 days Gantz
oops  2 days Gantz
PlaZma-  2 days Gantz
Richard Zednik  2 days Gantz
Statis  2 days Gantz
Syed  2 days Gantz
Tha Avanger  2 days Gantz
Trollhammaren  2 days Gantz
Valholy  2 days 5 squads
Warbird Ace  2 days Gantz
2_exclusive  1 days ImpaCterz
3z  1 days Pliroth, Anti-Force
50 cal  1 days Pliroth
a stalker  1 days Pliroth
Borborygm  1 days Pliroth
burstx  1 days ImpaCterz
Chokes  1 days My Little Ponys
DarkFarmer  1 days ImpaCterz
Delectable  1 days My Little Ponys
dem boyz pimps!  1 days ImpaCterz
e-mail  1 days Pliroth
EmuFromHell  1 days Pliroth
F-  1 days Anti-Force
Flamebird  1 days Pliroth
ghostie2002  1 days Anti-Force, ImpaCterz, Pliroth
Haruko Haruhara  1 days Gantz
Iefa  1 days D*f*A
jabbers  1 days ImpaCterz
jeutch  1 days ImpaCterz
Kingdom  1 days Pliroth
Lae Wisserae  1 days Pliroth
Loopz  1 days Anti-Force
MAXMSP  1 days ImpaCterz
N@N  1 days My Little Ponys
NoMercy  1 days Pliroth
None so vile  1 days ImpaCterz
num1killa  1 days My Little Ponys
Outshined  1 days Gantz
Pac Man!  1 days ImpaCterz
Peru  1 days My Little Ponys
poorsoul  1 days ImpaCterz
pucci  1 days Anti-Force
Q_Tips  1 days Gantz
Raaz  1 days Pliroth
Riled  1 days Pliroth
S.s.w.A.t  1 days Gantz
Sides  1 days My Little Ponys
Tauren God  1 days Pliroth
The Catholic  1 days Pliroth, Anti-Force
thevirus  1 days Anti-Force
Torch.  1 days Pliroth, Anti-Force
ultimate666  1 days Pliroth
UNEXIST  1 days Pliroth
volcom-drake  1 days Pliroth
Voluble  1 days Pliroth
Zagstruk  1 days Pliroth