
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Galgotha   Illumnia.   ThEAdvEnTs   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (26)
Galgotha (Jun 02, 2004 - May 18, 2006)
Illumnia. (Jun 02, 2004 - Jun 02, 2004)
ThEAdvEnTs (May 31, 2004 - Jun 02, 2004)
-GIANTS- (May 25, 2004 - May 29, 2004)
KillerTiger (May 21, 2004 - May 25, 2004)
-Money- (May 21, 2004 - May 21, 2004)
Squadron 1 (May 20, 2004 - May 20, 2004)
Kryptonic (Mar 15, 2004 - May 20, 2004)
DeathMach (Mar 04, 2004 - Mar 12, 2004)
BioTeX (Mar 04, 2004 - Mar 04, 2004)
Saxs (Feb 28, 2004 - Mar 04, 2004)
~Chaos~ (Feb 14, 2004 - Feb 28, 2004)
Shores (Feb 13, 2004 - Feb 14, 2004)
~Chaos~ (Feb 12, 2004 - Feb 12, 2004)
restored (Feb 10, 2004 - Feb 12, 2004)
Lyon (Feb 08, 2004 - Feb 09, 2004)
K@m@k@zi (Jan 31, 2004 - Feb 08, 2004)
Dark Trinity (Jan 25, 2004 - Jan 31, 2004)
GANGSTERS! (Jan 19, 2004 - Jan 25, 2004)
2dye4 (Jan 18, 2004 - Jan 19, 2004)
Cancel (Jan 18, 2004 - Jan 18, 2004)
2dye4 (Jan 18, 2004 - Jan 18, 2004)
GhostMaker (Jan 17, 2004 - Jan 18, 2004)
Typhus (Jan 16, 2004 - Jan 17, 2004)
-KAIN- (Jan 16, 2004 - Jan 16, 2004)
Cold Peppers (Oct 03, 2003 - Jan 16, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (325)
ATIradeon  104 days Cold Peppers
BUBB@  104 days Cold Peppers
Buddha Man  104 days Cold Peppers
darkchoasX  104 days Cold Peppers
dr  104 days Cold Peppers
master_chef  104 days Cold Peppers
Mil.Knives  104 days Cold Peppers
Mr.Guy2  104 days Cold Peppers
Nowkin  104 days Cold Peppers
Uber 1337 Master  104 days Cold Peppers
Yup!  104 days Cold Peppers
Funkology  98 days Cold Peppers
Dude Uh MAn  89 days Galgotha
The Master Pimp  82 days Cold Peppers
tophers  82 days Galgotha
firepr00f  81 days 4 squads
i just want a name  79 days Cold Peppers
ilikethevoices  78 days Cold Peppers
StepUp  74 days Galgotha
POOPOOman  66 days Kryptonic
shrop  65 days Kryptonic
Morsus  64 days Kryptonic
Sacs  63 days Kryptonic
predatorinstincts  56 days Galgotha, Kryptonic, GhostMaker
Fire.Sniper  54 days Galgotha, -GIANTS-
H E R  50 days Galgotha
RiChTeR_BeLmOnT  49 days Galgotha
oniks.  47 days Cold Peppers
Sonic_X  47 days Cold Peppers
WeirdReallyWeird  47 days Cold Peppers
bigdawg204  45 days Galgotha
Parasect.  45 days Galgotha, Illumnia.
ReemasGiab  41 days Cold Peppers
pure_pwned  40 days Galgotha
Kingofchaos  33 days Kryptonic
WhiteFyre  33 days Kryptonic
PEEWEEE  32 days Galgotha
Klean-X  31 days Galgotha
No Faith  31 days Galgotha
Intel*^  30 days Galgotha
H0T $auce  29 days Cold Peppers
Turbo Tank  29 days Cold Peppers
Flowen  28 days Cold Peppers
beanrob  27 days Cold Peppers
dirtbiker10  25 days Cold Peppers, -GIANTS-
Bobyz  24 days Cold Peppers
bobyz2  24 days Cold Peppers
Dollhouse10  24 days Cold Peppers
team good  24 days Cold Peppers
Murky  22 days Galgotha
sniper (+)  22 days Cold Peppers
space_terminator_01  21 days Cold Peppers
Starry <RH>  21 days Galgotha
F_You  20 days 7 squads
maverick101  20 days DeathMach, ~Chaos~
the Sperminator 2  19 days Kryptonic, Galgotha
W I N G M A N!!!  18 days ~Chaos~, -GIANTS-
Ducci  17 days ~Chaos~, GANGSTERS!, Typhus
A Me><icaN  16 days ~Chaos~, Dark Trinity
Asian Dragon  16 days Cold Peppers
mu5hr00m man  16 days Galgotha
SnoopyDogg  16 days GANGSTERS!, ~Chaos~
batlh  15 days Cold Peppers
401k  14 days ~Chaos~
Adriana  14 days ~Chaos~
Bag O' Bones  14 days ~Chaos~
bubblybunny  14 days ~Chaos~
Chino!  14 days ~Chaos~
CookY Monsta  14 days ~Chaos~
Crimson Tide  14 days ~Chaos~
D-Link  14 days Galgotha
Deaths-Fate33  14 days Kryptonic
derek farrington  14 days Cold Peppers
Evil Frosty  14 days ~Chaos~
fatwhodi  14 days DeathMach, Saxs, KillerTiger
FiziX  14 days ~Chaos~
Jimmy Jazz  14 days ~Chaos~
Kill Him Not Me  14 days ~Chaos~
MuDvAyNe*  14 days ~Chaos~
Mystique  14 days ~Chaos~
Naptime  14 days ~Chaos~
No Data  14 days ~Chaos~
Partisan  14 days ~Chaos~
Revved  14 days ~Chaos~
S U P E R S T A R  14 days ~Chaos~
Sarah!  14 days ~Chaos~
Tanken  14 days ~Chaos~
Vulk  14 days ~Chaos~
xstompxx  14 days ~Chaos~
pavilion!  13 days Kryptonic
Rasengen  13 days ~Chaos~
Treetuquetaxi  13 days Cold Peppers
aderty  12 days ~Chaos~, Typhus
Coriander  12 days ~Chaos~
Solarblast Dragon  12 days ~Chaos~
Wanqus  12 days DeathMach, Saxs
Adverse  11 days Saxs, DeathMach
Delawen  11 days DeathMach, Saxs
idontcare19  11 days Saxs, DeathMach
MackAttack  11 days Galgotha
NewB OP  11 days Saxs, DeathMach
WhaCko  11 days ~Chaos~
BlackCobra  10 days 4 squads
Hatake Kakashi  9 days Saxs, DeathMach
kaospilot  9 days ~Chaos~
Word Life!  9 days ~Chaos~
Xenosis  9 days Galgotha
7<ha-7hy  8 days ~Chaos~
Gzusfreak  8 days ~Chaos~
Projetista  8 days DeathMach, ~Chaos~, Shores
HiS MoMmA!  7 days restored, GANGSTERS!, Typhus
Ikki  7 days DeathMach
Puffin The Smoke  7 days DeathMach
Schaefer  7 days K@m@k@zi
A Z H A R  6 days 5 squads
americankitty  6 days Dark Trinity
Amitron  6 days Dark Trinity
AzN Dum Ass  6 days ~Chaos~
Byakugan  6 days Dark Trinity
demon666  6 days Dark Trinity
die hard  6 days ThEAdvEnTs, GANGSTERS!, DeathMach
DoubleDouble  6 days Dark Trinity
Evolution2k  6 days Kryptonic
Exarchangel  6 days Dark Trinity
ExcaliburX2O  6 days Dark Trinity
Guzzle  6 days DeathMach
Intelligence Unit  6 days Dark Trinity
italykid  6 days GANGSTERS!, Typhus
Jumper101  6 days K@m@k@zi
kleenex  6 days Dark Trinity
LiKe$  6 days GANGSTERS!
Morientis  6 days Lyon, Saxs, DeathMach
Napoleon.  6 days GANGSTERS!, Lyon
Naruto_kun  6 days Dark Trinity
Nige  6 days ~Chaos~
NomeR  6 days Dark Trinity
prevail-Goddess  6 days ~Chaos~
RothE  6 days GANGSTERS!
Royst  6 days DeathMach
Shadowriana  6 days Dark Trinity
Shot_Down  6 days GhostMaker, -GIANTS-, GANGSTERS!
TerryRemiux  6 days Dark Trinity
the_water  6 days Dark Trinity, BioTeX
Toil  6 days GANGSTERS!
WebStriker  6 days GANGSTERS!
0be  5 days Saxs
7<ilo  5 days DeathMach
Achilies  5 days -GIANTS-, GANGSTERS!
Andy_KiLLeR  5 days Dark Trinity
AzN-QuicksilveR*  5 days GANGSTERS!
BIG^GY  5 days Saxs
Blade II  5 days Saxs
Blindmonkey21  5 days ThEAdvEnTs, Galgotha, -GIANTS-
Blocked  5 days ~Chaos~
Bloody Wolf  5 days -GIANTS-, KillerTiger
Chr0n0_Sph3r3  5 days Saxs, DeathMach
CooLDemon  5 days Cancel, restored, -GIANTS-
FrozenGhost  5 days DeathMach
Heather ^^  5 days Galgotha
i-20  5 days DeathMach
Monkie Bones  5 days ~Chaos~
MurDeRaH  5 days Saxs
my dog 8 it!!!  5 days GANGSTERS!
PuFdis  5 days Saxs
RagingInferno  5 days Saxs
Rasengan  5 days Saxs
teenage riot  5 days ~Chaos~
thirst87  5 days DeathMach
Tisoy.  5 days ~Chaos~
a virus  4 days -GIANTS-
antisniper  4 days -GIANTS-
Ardo  4 days -GIANTS-
BAM! your dead  4 days DeathMach
Black.Sniper  4 days ~Chaos~
Capsta  4 days -GIANTS-
Damonen  4 days Dark Trinity
Dastor  4 days -GIANTS-
DiamondX911  4 days Saxs
drkshawdow  4 days Saxs
Elvok!  4 days -GIANTS-
iamaknightwhosaysni  4 days Kryptonic
lilo thug  4 days -GIANTS-
Mayflower  4 days -GIANTS-
Monkey Monster  4 days DeathMach
Nga Puhi  4 days Saxs
One Half Dork  4 days -GIANTS-
opps  4 days -GIANTS-
PNS  4 days Saxs
Reasonable  4 days ThEAdvEnTs, -GIANTS-
Reclaiming  4 days -GIANTS-
redrum84  4 days -GIANTS-
Royst15  4 days Saxs
Royst51  4 days Saxs, Lyon
Rumiko  4 days Dark Trinity
ScaryShit  4 days DeathMach
Selode  4 days -GIANTS-, Shores, Lyon
Shadoclaw  4 days -GIANTS-
Soul Assasins  4 days Saxs
Spicyspice  4 days -GIANTS-
spiker!!  4 days -GIANTS-
stACK  4 days -GIANTS-
The-Ugly-Duckling  4 days -GIANTS-
Unnamed Soul  4 days -GIANTS-
Walking Slow  4 days -GIANTS-
Absolute Jihad  3 days GANGSTERS!
Adrenaline Rush  3 days KillerTiger
Akshay  3 days Kryptonic
ArcanusMagus  3 days KillerTiger
arrowdynamic  3 days KillerTiger
Avelate  3 days KillerTiger
Ben Twang  3 days GANGSTERS!
BillyBishop  3 days KillerTiger
BoomerSooner  3 days KillerTiger
Centimeter  3 days GANGSTERS!
champ5  3 days GANGSTERS!, Lyon
Da MaN  3 days -GIANTS-
DoCkSoCk  3 days Saxs
dontbesomean35  3 days GANGSTERS!
Dread_Knight  3 days -GIANTS-
e_MeX  3 days KillerTiger
FableMan  3 days KillerTiger
Fistful of Steel  3 days DeathMach
flying duck  3 days KillerTiger
Igziabeher  3 days KillerTiger
Ki!!a  3 days ~Chaos~
para.dox  3 days KillerTiger
poiuytr  3 days KillerTiger, Shores
powelln  3 days GANGSTERS!
PULSATiNG  3 days DeathMach
Roberts957  3 days KillerTiger
ShadowBlade0.6  3 days Saxs
SoMe  3 days Dark Trinity
Spike S.  3 days Saxs
SquallFF8  3 days KillerTiger
Tearz-  3 days ~Chaos~, Cancel, Dark Trinity
Texas Desperado  3 days Kryptonic
Toxic Fuzz  3 days Saxs
Truedge  3 days KillerTiger
Twinkie <><  3 days GANGSTERS!
Vazi  3 days Galgotha
WingsofFire  3 days Saxs
winter <zh>  3 days KillerTiger
xLeGeNdx  3 days -GIANTS-
Youaredead  3 days KillerTiger
3E  2 days -GIANTS-
ANARKIST4LIFE  2 days Galgotha
badboy_oj  2 days Shores, Galgotha, Saxs
C.N.N.  2 days Kryptonic, Dark Trinity
Chuang Tzu  2 days DeathMach
chuchutrain  2 days Kryptonic
Cyphizer  2 days DeathMach
Dark Madman  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
Death3D  2 days -GIANTS-
dgangsta  2 days GANGSTERS!
Drags  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
FF7Cloud  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
Frozen_Ice  2 days Shores, -GIANTS-, KillerTiger
H.O.M.I.E  2 days Galgotha
ham_n_cheese  2 days -GIANTS-
hipbone  2 days Galgotha
J12-Burst  2 days KillerTiger
Jakester209  2 days Lyon, GANGSTERS!, Shores
jeffhardy397  2 days Dark Trinity
Kyosuke Dante  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
Meow Avengers  2 days Cold Peppers
murderize  2 days DeathMach
Neurosis2  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
New Order  2 days -GIANTS-
Sayrioux  2 days Saxs
SiLVeR~  2 days GANGSTERS!
Specify  2 days Galgotha
SunnyD  2 days ~Chaos~
Team Punishment#2  2 days DeathMach
TKing For Justice  2 days -GIANTS-
XS!  2 days GANGSTERS!
4 lYfE  1 days Typhus, GANGSTERS!
Angel of Thunder  1 days Cold Peppers
Bazhn  1 days Kryptonic, ~Chaos~
British Eagle  1 days -GIANTS-
Complify  1 days -GIANTS-
CoNfUsEd YoUtH  1 days Dark Trinity
Disasters  1 days ~Chaos~
DragonTamer!  1 days GANGSTERS!, Lyon
eNrGyPROOF  1 days K@m@k@zi
Eror  1 days -GIANTS-
Ghetto*$uperstar  1 days DeathMach
Grey Hawk  1 days ~Chaos~
Grey Mage  1 days Typhus, restored
Hammad  1 days restored
Hexidecimal  1 days Kryptonic
I can do it  1 days -GIANTS-
Im Da NuMbA 1 BoMbA  1 days GANGSTERS!
IrraGance  1 days restored
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  1 days KillerTiger
JB Golden Gun  1 days restored
Knightmair  1 days ~Chaos~
Kyace  1 days GANGSTERS!
Lifter  1 days restored
Lord_omega  1 days Lyon, K@m@k@zi
Messenger41  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
murmer  1 days -GIANTS-, Saxs
No.1(sumday)  1 days Saxs
nO_[fLo]player  1 days ~Chaos~
p0rn for j00  1 days Saxs
Prubbi  1 days Cold Peppers
Rave Knight  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
Red_Bull  1 days -GIANTS-
Rookies  1 days Saxs
shaddowknight  1 days Cold Peppers
SLANGIN ROCK  1 days -Money-, DeathMach
Sniper*  1 days Kryptonic, DeathMach, Lyon
SoulRaver,  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
Steady  1 days restored
stealth2k  1 days GANGSTERS!
Tha -X- Killah  1 days -GIANTS-
Ton.  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
Tp2  1 days -GIANTS-
tydie  1 days -GIANTS-, Lyon, Shores
Wangsta  1 days restored, Typhus, Saxs
X Japan  1 days GANGSTERS!
X-BEAST-X  1 days Saxs
X-squared  1 days GANGSTERS!
XeNiS  1 days -GIANTS-
Zetta  1 days restored