
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Perculate   ChumPz   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (3)
Perculate (Nov 21, 2003 - Jan 19, 2004)
ChumPz (Oct 21, 2003 - Nov 15, 2003)
ChumPz (Sep 07, 2003 - Oct 20, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (35)
kontrolz  59 days ChumPz, Perculate
TerryRemiux  57 days Perculate
bbq monkey  51 days Perculate
Etom1  43 days Perculate
Theif of Time  43 days Perculate
Lost_Shadow  36 days Perculate
Prolifik  36 days Perculate
hate88  28 days Perculate
Crystalin  26 days Perculate
Fatal|ty  26 days Perculate
PiTViPeR  23 days ChumPz
Yojim  23 days Perculate
BlueAxel  19 days Perculate
Dfender  19 days ChumPz
EsCaPe~SniPe  19 days Perculate
Lady Wolf  19 days ChumPz
munkie  19 days Perculate
Crossed  17 days Perculate
Post-it_n0te  17 days Perculate
SHADOWmoses  16 days ChumPz
Mithrandia  15 days Perculate
die hard  11 days ChumPz
skaGiRL  11 days Perculate
Ea12 dr0ps  9 days ChumPz, Perculate
F4ust  9 days Perculate
monky!!  9 days Perculate
rhize  9 days Perculate
Tanuktolan02  9 days Perculate
Yuji Kaido  9 days Perculate
AvenDragon  6 days Perculate
BrEaNnA  6 days Perculate
Leber  6 days Perculate
wishy16  6 days Perculate
Wizard-25  5 days ChumPz
Gummie Worm  4 days ChumPz