
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Earth Squad   *Red Two*   *The Simpsons*   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (3)
Earth Squad (Aug 21, 2003 - Sep 03, 2003)
*Red Two* (Aug 01, 2003 - Aug 21, 2003)
*The Simpsons* (Jul 10, 2003 - Jul 17, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (16)
2Eny1ce5  12 days Earth Squad
B_I_G_Y_I_N  11 days Earth Squad
Killerbee2  6 days Earth Squad
Shadoballer  6 days Earth Squad
The Shizznit  6 days Earth Squad
BlackHawk01  4 days Earth Squad
TomBomb88  4 days Earth Squad
buy aim  3 days *The Simpsons*
Kicks 19  3 days *The Simpsons*
Jacklyn  2 days *The Simpsons*
Money$  2 days *The Simpsons*
v e n o m  2 days Earth Squad
BLT__Ben  1 days *Red Two*
Dingel  1 days Earth Squad
please dont shoot m  1 days Earth Squad
Viet_Pryde  1 days Earth Squad