
Squad C H E E Z (since Oct 29, 2006)
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads WB.SLAYERS   -magnet-   DD4LIFE   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
WB.SLAYERS (Jul 25, 2006 - Jul 29, 2006)
-magnet- (Jun 28, 2006 - Jul 01, 2006)
DD4LIFE (Jun 18, 2006 - Jun 27, 2006)
DD4LiFE (May 26, 2006 - Jun 14, 2006)
Serenity (Mar 28, 2006 - Mar 28, 2006)
www.pro.com (Feb 15, 2006 - Mar 25, 2006)
The Cowards (Jan 23, 2006 - Feb 10, 2006)
Melt (Dec 20, 2005 - Jan 22, 2006)
Has been on the same squad (137)
HH60Kid  453 days C H E E Z
kirby145  443 days C H E E Z
iHigh  420 days C H E E Z
Pants?  301 days C H E E Z
EvoStrike  266 days C H E E Z
Naire  257 days C H E E Z
Hustling  187 days C H E E Z
serjtanniken  165 days C H E E Z
silver fox  154 days C H E E Z
B>Unit  152 days C H E E Z
LUElinks  110 days C H E E Z
LookBehindYou  86 days C H E E Z
woven silk.  75 days C H E E Z
Fox Wolf  72 days C H E E Z
Miss-Xtacy  48 days C H E E Z
d3v1n  42 days C H E E Z
phata$$  39 days www.pro.com, The Cowards
Absolute Impotence  33 days Melt
Alv  33 days Melt
Lampard  33 days Melt
omnipotent_vagabond  33 days Melt
ROSZEL  33 days Melt
Thrice_  33 days Melt
Warlord Bug  33 days Melt
ZaBuZa  33 days Melt
bmw  32 days Melt
rxd  32 days Melt
Aerosol  31 days Melt
krunky  31 days DD4LiFE, Melt
JaxDefender  29 days C H E E Z
Mr Mango  29 days C H E E Z
Redd  29 days C H E E Z
Stahlhammer  28 days C H E E Z
Inuyasha007  26 days C H E E Z
voltes25  26 days C H E E Z
Calvary  25 days Melt
B R A D  24 days The Cowards, www.pro.com
AzN-pRiDe  23 days DD4LIFE, WB.SLAYERS
tony16  23 days www.pro.com, The Cowards
I Wanna Love U <3  21 days C H E E Z
lavakille  21 days Melt
azN aK.  17 days The Cowards
Black Rain  17 days The Cowards
funkychicken  17 days The Cowards
JAMMING JAMAICAN  17 days www.pro.com, The Cowards
lord snipe  17 days The Cowards
Macey  17 days The Cowards
Piangi  17 days The Cowards
Rodal  17 days The Cowards
Saint Potter  17 days Melt, The Cowards
Targget U  17 days The Cowards, www.pro.com
the_paul  17 days DD4LiFE
UNSTABLE_UKRAINIAN  17 days The Cowards, www.pro.com
WarRock  17 days The Cowards
Vardo  16 days C H E E Z
Zrono  16 days Melt
Dregon  15 days Melt
kangaroojohnny  14 days The Cowards
Starratxten  14 days The Cowards
BioShock  13 days C H E E Z
Bird Crap  13 days DD4LiFE
Dark Justice  13 days The Cowards
DarkWater  13 days C H E E Z
Fake_name  13 days The Cowards
free vegetables  13 days Melt
ShRo0mZ  13 days The Cowards
Yoshimo  13 days Melt
DestroyerX  12 days WB.SLAYERS, The Cowards
dark_ally  11 days Melt
Kyace <ER>  11 days The Cowards
MBananas  11 days C H E E Z
omobob  10 days The Cowards, www.pro.com
L3XMarK  9 days The Cowards
mastodon  9 days DD4LiFE
Tresmius  9 days C H E E Z
Bloodtooth2k  8 days -magnet-, DD4LIFE
master destroyer  8 days -magnet-, DD4LiFE
Obsessions  8 days The Cowards
rainboy 123  8 days WB.SLAYERS, DD4LiFE
T.A.C.  8 days DD4LIFE
Xef  8 days The Cowards
AusPower  7 days DD4LIFE
Dierienow  7 days The Cowards
nova alchemist  7 days The Cowards
SeeD46  7 days C H E E Z
Shikataro  7 days C H E E Z
Zen Fighter  7 days C H E E Z
Burning Desire  5 days DD4LiFE
GoFlyAKite  5 days C H E E Z
Polar Oppesites  5 days DD4LiFE
uncle_reamus  5 days DD4LiFE
alkaloids  4 days DD4LiFE
Doc Flabby  4 days DD4LiFE
Instant  4 days Melt
Orange Julia  4 days DD4LiFE
Questions?  4 days DD4LIFE
Raaz  4 days Melt
sonlox  4 days The Cowards
tanzer  4 days Melt
0.  3 days WB.SLAYERS
Braaaap  3 days DD4LIFE
Buckfast  3 days Melt
Elephander  3 days DD4LIFE
I Luv Cookies  3 days C H E E Z
LaUgH@  3 days C H E E Z
play 2 kill  3 days -magnet-, DD4LIFE
Saradomin  3 days Melt
WMD  3 days Melt
Frenz  2 days C H E E Z, DD4LiFE
Gilthis  2 days C H E E Z
l2aNgE  2 days Melt
Nightmayre  2 days DD4LiFE
rusher!!  2 days WB.SLAYERS
Stealth Angell  2 days C H E E Z
Syko(man)  2 days WB.SLAYERS, DD4LIFE
Tree Hugger dude  2 days C H E E Z
BIGMAMA2  1 days C H E E Z
Bware  1 days DD4LiFE
Cashy  1 days DD4LiFE
Crue  1 days DD4LiFE
Darius Winds  1 days DD4LiFE
Dreams  1 days Serenity, WB.SLAYERS
Festive  1 days DD4LiFE
hungery  1 days The Cowards
JabJabJab  1 days DD4LIFE
joemoma  1 days Melt
Lagtastic  1 days WB.SLAYERS
Maju  1 days DD4LiFE
Msn Messenger  1 days DD4LiFE
Oz_Man  1 days DD4LIFE
Simeon  1 days Melt
Sube  1 days Melt
VolTekker  1 days Melt