
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Spastic   Alpha_SQ   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (2)
Spastic (Nov 21, 2002 - Feb 01, 2003)
Alpha_SQ (May 17, 2002 - Sep 22, 2002)
Has been on the same squad (38)
Golden_Demon  127 days Alpha_SQ
AEn|ma  72 days Spastic
Jr5  72 days Spastic
Puppet*Master  72 days Spastic
pure_heat  72 days Spastic
Spastic_Owner  72 days Spastic
SuperMet  72 days Spastic
Y ?  72 days Spastic
mystical_godess  70 days Spastic
Pure_Luck  70 days Spastic
spacedust  70 days Spastic
HalTaffin  68 days Spastic
NinjaKill  63 days Spastic
Da Farmer!  60 days Spastic
namnlos  60 days Spastic, Alpha_SQ
DaiShiva  57 days Spastic
Corvair  56 days Spastic
Elliptical Halo  55 days Spastic
Dr.Coiff  53 days Spastic
Frozen*Ice  53 days Spastic
kidneythieves  53 days Spastic
NiceShot  53 days Spastic
tekwiz99  53 days Spastic
TJBPL  53 days Spastic
da A$$MAN  50 days Spastic
The Strider  49 days Spastic
t u r r e t  43 days Spastic
Cpt.Guano! <ZH>  39 days Spastic
Cpt.Guano! <ER>  32 days Spastic
BrokenFist  23 days Spastic
superman13  23 days Spastic
Eggs R Evil  18 days Spastic
Machine of God  18 days Spastic
LAST WISH?  17 days Spastic
Z Y C L O N  17 days Spastic
Thunderstroker  15 days Spastic
Fredzz  13 days Spastic
SpiderGuts  9 days Spastic