
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads \'SOLDIER\'   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (1)
'SOLDIER' (May 17, 2003 - May 21, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (11)
JackStarwind  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Jessica~  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Jetlag700  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
laxman  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
sephiroth the great  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Skullzarmy  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Toby the Unknown  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
v e n o m  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Zack Gainsbourough  4 days \'SOLDIER\'
Buzzkill  2 days \'SOLDIER\'
Fake!!!  1 days \'SOLDIER\'