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Last 3 Squads Warpath   
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About Me

Age 36
Location Toronto
Gender Not telling you geeks
Where I can be found second lowest pub
More about me I am a longtime subspace vet dating back to beta days. Joined warpath back in the beginning when we were just starting up and anything else you need to know feel free to ask if you can find me online and sober. live In toronto (wicked city) smoke alot of herb, to many ciggs for my own good, and I like to drink. due to insomnia you can usually find me in TW after a night out.

Things I Like 
Books 1984, hitchhikers guide, everything from kurt vonnegut,E.A. Poe, steven king, catch 22, etc, etc.
Movies fear and loathing, requim for a dream, halfbaked, spun... starting to see a running theme here?
Musics to much to list...


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