
Dark Madman
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Heights   -Ruin-   ThEAdvEnTs   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (4)
Heights (Feb 06, 2005 - Jul 18, 2005)
-Ruin- (Jun 16, 2004 - Feb 06, 2005)
ThEAdvEnTs (May 31, 2004 - Jun 14, 2004)
Craxin (May 17, 2004 - May 29, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (79)
Battlement  91 days Heights
RedDragonlf  88 days Heights
Peedy  82 days Heights
SnowyAngelz  81 days Heights
the_sleepy azn  79 days Heights
Drakath  78 days Heights
greendragon13  67 days Heights
yielding  65 days Heights
mappie  62 days Heights
grodddd  59 days Heights
Litirate  59 days Heights
Kostly  58 days Heights
The_Weatherman  57 days Heights
Brigand  54 days Heights
Root Down  54 days Heights
xadrol  45 days Heights
ThoeunCloud  34 days -Ruin-, ThEAdvEnTs
Vair  34 days -Ruin-, ThEAdvEnTs
YiMmY  34 days Heights
illegalsk8er15  33 days Heights
GothPirateGirl  32 days Heights
Aurakyria  30 days -Ruin-
efeatay  30 days Heights
dreamlight  25 days Heights
Riven  25 days Heights
Loki+  23 days Heights
Yawgmoth Demon  23 days Heights
D.A.T.E 318  22 days -Ruin-, ThEAdvEnTs
TaRgEt_PrAtiCe  22 days -Ruin-
CooLDemon  21 days Heights
Neurosis2  20 days ThEAdvEnTs, Craxin
A Z N  19 days -Ruin-, ThEAdvEnTs
FF7Cloud  18 days ThEAdvEnTs, Craxin
llartle37  18 days Heights
kitty  15 days Heights
Leverage  15 days Heights
B0un[+]y_Hun[+]3r  12 days Craxin
BlueWyvern  12 days Craxin
celp32  12 days Craxin
DarkCloud  12 days Craxin
DragonWingz  12 days Craxin
Ebowl  12 days Craxin
poritein  12 days Craxin
Rave Knight  12 days ThEAdvEnTs, Craxin
SoulRaver,  12 days Craxin, ThEAdvEnTs
Diamond~Dragon  9 days Heights
Rarify  9 days Craxin
P_U_N_X_United  7 days Craxin
Mind Virus  5 days Heights
Messenger41  4 days ThEAdvEnTs
Romel  4 days Heights
Tsugaru_Warrior  4 days ThEAdvEnTs
UNEXIST  4 days Heights
BullsEye*  3 days Craxin, ThEAdvEnTs
Drags  3 days ThEAdvEnTs
Jimmie's Chicken Sh  3 days Heights
Ryder  3 days Heights
Captain Barbossa  2 days -Ruin-
Girl wida Gun  2 days Heights
Just One More Puff  2 days Craxin
Man with Plan  2 days -Ruin-
Reapers  2 days Heights
Spacely  2 days Heights
Zoltoyde  2 days ThEAdvEnTs
Ascention  1 days Heights
Barrage  1 days Heights
Ben Hawkins  1 days Heights
BlackCobra  1 days Craxin
Blindmonkey21  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
Celtic.  1 days Heights
DarkHawk  1 days Craxin
DreadPirate  1 days Heights
Future.  1 days Heights
m4g!c  1 days Heights
Reasonable  1 days ThEAdvEnTs
sapianitis  1 days Craxin
spitfire6900  1 days Heights
Tabasco...  1 days Craxin
Ton.  1 days ThEAdvEnTs