
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Riped   OverKilled   BloodWAR   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (9)
Riped (Jul 05, 2007 - Jul 12, 2007)
OverKilled (Mar 03, 2007 - Apr 06, 2007)
BloodWAR (Jan 13, 2007 - Jan 15, 2007)
Apocalypt (Dec 30, 2006 - Jan 06, 2007)
Serenity (Dec 10, 2006 - Dec 30, 2006)
AceKingz (Dec 02, 2006 - Dec 04, 2006)
creem (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
doglitter (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Narde (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Has been on the same squad (83)
Airplane.  25 days Apocalypt, BloodWAR, OverKilled
blasted  22 days OverKilled, Apocalypt
Lukater  21 days OverKilled
Dormin  20 days Serenity
DreadPirate  20 days Serenity
Dreams  20 days Serenity
ELFen  20 days Serenity
Ghastly  20 days Serenity
guyPtP  20 days Serenity
Zeeky  20 days Serenity
Sloot  19 days Serenity
1800-die-die-die  16 days OverKilled
Star_Fox_Squad  16 days OverKilled
Griper  15 days OverKilled
Zignz  15 days AceKingz, OverKilled
CooLDemon  14 days OverKilled
FZR 600  14 days OverKilled, Riped
Ranjerin  14 days OverKilled
Elysium  13 days Serenity
naughtygal22  12 days OverKilled
A French Chipmunk!  10 days Serenity
rainboy 123  10 days OverKilled
0vErDo$e  8 days Serenity
Blackboa  8 days OverKilled
Trinka  8 days OverKilled
AreYouIn  6 days OverKilled
AvteKTwO  6 days Riped
Houa  6 days OverKilled, Riped
Marcy  6 days Riped
pawner  6 days Riped, BloodWAR
samussiah  6 days Riped
The Exile  6 days Serenity
BioShock  5 days Apocalypt
Dracomancer  5 days OverKilled
Alarmed  4 days Riped
aprox  4 days OverKilled
I*maGirl  4 days BloodWAR, OverKilled
Lag Hunter  4 days Serenity
Locker  4 days Riped
MurDeRaH  4 days Riped
Rasaq  4 days Riped, OverKilled
Stray  4 days Riped
Duality  3 days Riped
Impassible  3 days OverKilled
Nechai  3 days Riped
Perpetiel  3 days Riped
Quake3  3 days Riped
toots  3 days Apocalypt
TOP DOG  3 days Riped
all star  2 days Riped
Detention  2 days Riped
exilez  2 days Apocalypt
Goddamnit  2 days Riped
HeavyAmp  2 days OverKilled
Hyro-Dh  2 days Riped
Isyn  2 days Serenity
Kasaq  2 days Riped
Panda Bear  2 days OverKilled
Pesky  2 days Riped
Sene  2 days Riped
Shockers  2 days Riped
sucky  2 days Apocalypt
the unholy jesus  2 days Apocalypt
urmsghere  2 days AceKingz
2Elite4u ~  1 days OverKilled
9th Wonder  1 days BloodWAR
Badjob  1 days BloodWAR
BananaPie  1 days Apocalypt
Captain Commando  1 days BloodWAR
Chi-Rho  1 days BloodWAR
CodeK  1 days BloodWAR
Komp  1 days Riped
NeRdYbOyZ  1 days Riped
Pholik  1 days Apocalypt
Rensie  1 days BloodWAR
Seek  1 days Riped
Silent Reaper  1 days Apocalypt
Unnamed Soul  1 days Serenity
UntAme  1 days Riped
Viper06  1 days BloodWAR
Vizor  1 days BloodWAR
Vulcan  1 days BloodWAR
will777  1 days Apocalypt