
Demonic Ora
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Assassins Guild   Dingus Inc.   Brainwave   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
Assassins Guild (Jan 21, 2008 - Apr 15, 2008)
Dingus Inc. (Feb 27, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Brainwave (Feb 12, 2006 - Feb 26, 2006)
Metalic Energy (Feb 08, 2006 - Feb 11, 2006)
Rouge 2 (Nov 07, 2005 - Jan 15, 2006)
WbDyNaSty (Oct 13, 2005 - Oct 22, 2005)
The Siren (Sep 13, 2005 - Oct 13, 2005)
Kwickly (Sep 07, 2005 - Sep 10, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (265)
SexyJamJulia  150 days Dingus Inc.
muumipeikko  147 days Dingus Inc.
Bone Wagon  141 days Dingus Inc.
wata  141 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
I*maGirl  139 days Dingus Inc.
Lakai  126 days Dingus Inc.
Offline  120 days Dingus Inc.
Misled  100 days Dingus Inc.
gummibear!  93 days Dingus Inc.
IndianaJones  81 days Dingus Inc.
Lukater  81 days Dingus Inc.
Lag Hunter  77 days Dingus Inc.
Rensie  64 days Rouge 2
Too Nice!  64 days Dingus Inc.
Alltel  62 days Dingus Inc.
Kuklos  60 days Dingus Inc.
Maddack  60 days Rouge 2
Majin-uub  60 days Rouge 2
Fruit Twat  59 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
Celine  56 days Dingus Inc.
eterny_2  56 days Dingus Inc.
FlipInsomnia  55 days Dingus Inc.
Jack_hole  54 days Dingus Inc.
Ananas En Conserve  45 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
0vErDo$e  44 days Dingus Inc.
arceo  43 days Dingus Inc.
Archer-  41 days Dingus Inc.
C4k3  40 days Rouge 2
fly-high  40 days Rouge 2
L.A.M.B  40 days Rouge 2
Sharper Shooter  40 days Rouge 2
ZXR250  40 days Rouge 2
Obliterate  38 days Dingus Inc.
SuPRmPoZeD  38 days Rouge 2
tomcraft13  38 days Dingus Inc.
Hyeena  37 days Dingus Inc.
Kanti  37 days Rouge 2
Endzone  35 days Rouge 2
Gore Lord  35 days Dingus Inc.
spdowner  35 days Dingus Inc.
Soul Survivor  34 days Dingus Inc.
affliction+  32 days Dingus Inc.
CoolGuy33  32 days Rouge 2
JU5T1CE  32 days Rouge 2
Malign Paradigm  31 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
yeyo  31 days Dingus Inc.
Agentflit  29 days The Siren
alun  29 days The Siren
Asmo.Db  29 days Assassins Guild, The Siren
BMW 328is  29 days The Siren
BranDOOM  29 days The Siren
district seven  29 days The Siren
dougie fresh  29 days The Siren
Edible Eraser  29 days The Siren
JustinSane  29 days The Siren
mepwnu  29 days The Siren
spurm  29 days The Siren
N0stalgia  28 days Rouge 2
A Drop of Color  27 days Kwickly, The Siren
Bunkertor  27 days The Siren
poozooka  27 days Rouge 2
GUT DEER?  26 days Rouge 2
Inside Joke  24 days Dingus Inc.
KaSMo  24 days Dingus Inc.
Avianna  22 days Dingus Inc.
AKF-0/G  21 days The Siren
J2O  21 days Brainwave, Rouge 2
typeZERO  21 days Dingus Inc.
RED-DWARF  19 days Rouge 2
EO-50  18 days Dingus Inc.
Retix xxiii  18 days Rouge 2
anklet  17 days Dingus Inc.
EasyCompanyy  17 days The Siren
Final Stunt!  16 days Dingus Inc.
AzNBY408  15 days The Siren
JamieWellerstein  15 days Dingus Inc.
Mithrandia  15 days Dingus Inc.
ogmix  15 days Dingus Inc.
Quake3  15 days Dingus Inc.
a yellow ship  14 days Brainwave
Chodeyoungfat  14 days Brainwave
DJSlayer  14 days Brainwave
Egbert  14 days Brainwave
Glorie  14 days Brainwave
hungery  14 days Dingus Inc.
KoRnGurl  14 days Brainwave
Novatree  14 days Brainwave
PoisonRose  14 days Brainwave
Rawr-Kill  14 days Brainwave
rectumrooter  14 days Brainwave
Sauceri  14 days Brainwave
Slient_Striker  14 days Brainwave
Spliffing  14 days Brainwave
Ticko  14 days Rouge 2
Unick  14 days Brainwave, Metalic Energy
VladTaltos  14 days Brainwave
Yoda!  14 days Brainwave
AnimuS__  13 days Brainwave
Gohan~  13 days Dingus Inc.
Quendor-  13 days Brainwave
S E X  13 days The Siren
wicked C  13 days Rouge 2
xboogiex  13 days Dingus Inc.
3ngin3 g3ar  12 days Rouge 2
Galaxy Turbo  12 days Dingus Inc.
Heliopath  12 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
NICLY DONE  12 days Dingus Inc.
Kathleen  11 days The Siren
lbs  11 days Dingus Inc.
Midge  11 days The Siren
Ruzzel26  11 days Metalic Energy, Rouge 2
tkthekid  11 days The Siren
Zerg Lurker  11 days Dingus Inc.
ChuckNoris  10 days Dingus Inc., Metalic Energy
Dinguser  10 days Dingus Inc.
Sot  10 days The Siren
Spellbound*  10 days Dingus Inc.
tonice  10 days Dingus Inc.
6minutes20seconds  9 days WbDyNaSty
Abiel  9 days The Siren
Actuate  9 days WbDyNaSty
compressure  9 days WbDyNaSty
crabshack  9 days WbDyNaSty
Crystals  9 days WbDyNaSty
Diagonal  9 days WbDyNaSty
Dreams  9 days WbDyNaSty
du rag  9 days Rouge 2
Ice Breaker  9 days WbDyNaSty, Kwickly
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  9 days WbDyNaSty
KillerGt1  9 days WbDyNaSty
LaGTaCuLaR  9 days WbDyNaSty
Linehan  9 days WbDyNaSty
MackRH  9 days WbDyNaSty
magic~  9 days WbDyNaSty
Nessy  9 days WbDyNaSty
No~Flava  9 days WbDyNaSty
Oppa  9 days WbDyNaSty
Perunalinko  9 days WbDyNaSty
SLik  9 days WbDyNaSty
Slo Mo  9 days WbDyNaSty
Spacely  9 days WbDyNaSty
Speedy Stuff  9 days WbDyNaSty
Waswat  9 days WbDyNaSty
Whipped  9 days WbDyNaSty
Woe  9 days WbDyNaSty
Xaoson  9 days WbDyNaSty
Big Bang  8 days Dingus Inc.
DMM  8 days Rouge 2
FFLenne  8 days WbDyNaSty
Mascara  8 days WbDyNaSty
Russ  8 days Dingus Inc.
Six70  8 days Rouge 2
Swiper  8 days WbDyNaSty
CooLDemon  7 days Dingus Inc.
Inuyasha x2  7 days Dingus Inc., Metalic Energy
Kyra.  7 days The Siren
lb  7 days Dingus Inc.
Ranger+  7 days The Siren
Archers  6 days WbDyNaSty
buc  6 days The Siren
Dressed in Black  6 days Rouge 2
Guzzle  6 days Dingus Inc.
Icestriker  6 days Rouge 2
Monics  6 days The Siren
SaFia  6 days Dingus Inc., WbDyNaSty
SKYFE  6 days Dingus Inc.
tommy0001  6 days Brainwave
Torch.  6 days Rouge 2
007-RYAN-  5 days The Siren
Baseline  5 days Brainwave
Dorka  5 days WbDyNaSty
genevieve  5 days The Siren
glennknight  5 days Rouge 2
ImHellaNew  5 days Dingus Inc.
Kakka  5 days Dingus Inc.
Lyst  5 days The Siren
Machiav3lli  5 days The Siren
Maju  5 days Dingus Inc.
marc..a  5 days Brainwave
PixelBoy  5 days The Siren
Sartaqua  5 days Dingus Inc.
ShadowHand  5 days The Siren
Silverestel  5 days Dingus Inc.
Stewy  5 days Dingus Inc.
Too Nice  5 days Dingus Inc.
Venox  5 days The Siren
Vepic  5 days Assassins Guild
wait what  5 days Dingus Inc.
WaZiN  5 days The Siren
aznboy5005  4 days Rouge 2
Been  4 days Dingus Inc.
Buckfast  4 days Rouge 2
Gnat  4 days WbDyNaSty
Induragamana  4 days Dingus Inc.
Kheet  4 days WbDyNaSty
Line Up  4 days The Siren
Lyricist  4 days Dingus Inc.
Newb_jav  4 days Dingus Inc.
Obi_Wan  4 days Rouge 2
S.K.I.L.L.Z  4 days The Siren
Slut  4 days Dingus Inc.
Technique.  4 days Dingus Inc.
x---Lemiwinks---x  4 days WbDyNaSty
30 rabid llamas!  3 days WbDyNaSty
Gracious  3 days Rouge 2
Harder  3 days WbDyNaSty
joemoma  3 days WbDyNaSty
l7eznuts  3 days WbDyNaSty, The Siren
Latino Heat!  3 days The Siren
Michelle!!  3 days Dingus Inc.
ModaFok  3 days The Siren
Monkey Monster  3 days The Siren
Rhino_haha  3 days WbDyNaSty
take notes  3 days Assassins Guild
TeKer  3 days Rouge 2
Velu  3 days WbDyNaSty
7<thx  2 days Dingus Inc.
Archangel666  2 days Metalic Energy
Benzyl  2 days Metalic Energy
Bluedrac_NL  2 days Dingus Inc.
Chronic.  2 days Metalic Energy
DemonCleaner  2 days Metalic Energy
dmx9514  2 days Metalic Energy
El Hefe  2 days Metalic Energy
Granger  2 days WbDyNaSty
ick  2 days Dingus Inc.
Jing!!  2 days Dingus Inc., The Siren
killerbee16  2 days Dingus Inc.
Lord Envy  2 days The Siren
Manjus  2 days Brainwave
Mutalisk  2 days Dingus Inc.
NightmareX^^  2 days Dingus Inc.
nova alchemist  2 days Metalic Energy
Orb of Chaos  2 days Metalic Energy
Pulsage  2 days WbDyNaSty
Quilt  2 days The Siren
randomshot  2 days Dingus Inc.
Regen  2 days WbDyNaSty
Saintz  2 days The Siren
Slugshot  2 days Assassins Guild
starpax  2 days Kwickly
Symptoms  2 days Dingus Inc.
The Catholic  2 days Dingus Inc., The Siren
Therom  2 days Dingus Inc.
VIPER -X  2 days Dingus Inc.
Whisk.  2 days Metalic Energy
XeoL  2 days Rouge 2
ZombieResistance  2 days Metalic Energy
Zxore  2 days Rouge 2
Anghellik  1 days Assassins Guild
cashmoneygal  1 days Dingus Inc.
D-Dogg  1 days Metalic Energy
Fireweapon  1 days Rouge 2
flion  1 days Brainwave
FustiGate  1 days The Siren
J-B-Inc  1 days WbDyNaSty
Kenyan  1 days Dingus Inc.
meter  1 days Dingus Inc.
Mombassa  1 days Rouge 2
Mr_coconuts  1 days Dingus Inc.
mylo yamis  1 days Rouge 2
Ribbit!  1 days The Siren
Sarrow  1 days WbDyNaSty
thevirus  1 days The Siren
Varn_666  1 days Rouge 2