
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Solidity   TheDestroyersX   Melt   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
Solidity (Apr 01, 2006 - Apr 01, 2006)
TheDestroyersX (Dec 24, 2005 - Feb 25, 2006)
Melt (Dec 10, 2005 - Dec 24, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 26, 2005 - Dec 10, 2005)
BKD (Sep 25, 2005 - Sep 26, 2005)
MasterBall (Sep 25, 2005 - Sep 25, 2005)
$Flabby$ (Jul 18, 2005 - Aug 08, 2005)
myasthma (Jul 14, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (190)
elemental  74 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  74 days Gantz
Killem  74 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  74 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  74 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  74 days Gantz
Xenosis  67 days Gantz, $Flabby$
Jo|<er  65 days Gantz
cepe  63 days TheDestroyersX
Hitchhiker42  63 days TheDestroyersX
the nooblet  63 days TheDestroyersX
zeno56  63 days TheDestroyersX
Alpha Dog  60 days Gantz
AppleCheek  57 days Gantz
firepr00f  56 days Gantz
oxidize  56 days Gantz
Georgebob  55 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  54 days Gantz
Paveo  53 days Gantz
Fedex!  47 days Gantz
Last Rites  46 days Gantz
Lu Xun  46 days Gantz
Mr Sushi X  46 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  43 days Gantz
Demonik  40 days Gantz
Stops  37 days Gantz
Zadan  35 days Gantz
Ceryni  34 days Gantz
Q_Tips  33 days Gantz
Bohemian  30 days Gantz
idkmyname  30 days Gantz
sXyChick89  30 days Gantz
BuckinBronco  28 days Gantz
BendRitesXun  27 days Gantz
Sir Shoy  26 days Gantz
Celtic.  22 days Gantz
alls  21 days $Flabby$
Alokas Nakki  21 days $Flabby$
Doc Flabby  21 days $Flabby$
ice.man  21 days $Flabby$
Kal-El  21 days $Flabby$
mr_flab  21 days $Flabby$
Negative Space  21 days $Flabby$
newbie Pimp  21 days $Flabby$
raper-  21 days $Flabby$
scare-crow  21 days $Flabby$
skeletor_69  21 days $Flabby$
Staff  21 days $Flabby$
tomcraft13  21 days $Flabby$
TorturedSpirit  21 days $Flabby$
ultimate666  21 days $Flabby$
unixkey  21 days $Flabby$
Yakusho  21 days $Flabby$
KillDaWabbit  20 days $Flabby$, Solidity
MetallicA RuLeS  20 days $Flabby$
Super_Boomer  20 days $Flabby$
EZmart  19 days Gantz
wavebeamer  18 days Gantz
DUDE1.2  17 days $Flabby$
SaraSara  17 days TheDestroyersX
FLyINgDR4G0n  16 days $Flabby$
Ganon-Knight  15 days Gantz
Slit your guts  15 days Gantz
Alv  14 days Melt
Calvary  14 days Melt, Gantz
expunge  14 days Gantz
Guthix.....  14 days Gantz
Instant  14 days Melt
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  14 days Gantz
Obsessions  14 days $Flabby$
omnipotent_vagabond  14 days Melt
Raaz  14 days Melt
ROSZEL  14 days Melt
Thrice_  14 days Melt
wait what  14 days Gantz
Warlord Bug  14 days Melt
WMD  14 days Melt
ZaBuZa  14 days Melt
Line Up  13 days $Flabby$, Gantz
telepitt  13 days TheDestroyersX
devil1392  12 days Gantz, TheDestroyersX
krunky  12 days Melt
Sube  12 days Melt
Absolute Impotence  11 days Melt
duel pasta  11 days TheDestroyersX
syst3m kill3r  11 days Melt
Hengenheimolainen  10 days $Flabby$
Kinesrra  10 days Gantz
lavakille  10 days Melt
Zamu Zoomer  10 days $Flabby$
crazynewbie  9 days $Flabby$
Fuk  9 days $Flabby$
Kostly  9 days Gantz
Kyra.  9 days Gantz
LoC_DoG  9 days TheDestroyersX
R33S3  9 days $Flabby$
B>Unit  8 days $Flabby$
Blasts  8 days $Flabby$
C.O.W.S.  8 days $Flabby$
Didoc  8 days $Flabby$
DraGa  8 days $Flabby$
Gangsta Noobie  8 days $Flabby$
guyptp!  8 days $Flabby$
Iam GoD  8 days $Flabby$
Iced Rice  8 days Gantz
Katie J  8 days $Flabby$
l7eznuts  8 days Gantz
lakupuu^  8 days $Flabby$
Lampard  8 days Melt
Mmmm....Straw  8 days $Flabby$
nOObnames!?!  8 days $Flabby$
PhrozenStar  8 days $Flabby$
SaBaGuRu  8 days $Flabby$
Sasukez  8 days $Flabby$
soupero  8 days MasterBall, Gantz
Lil Tye  7 days Gantz
Master Lag  7 days $Flabby$
Storm Braker  7 days $Flabby$
UNEXIST  7 days Melt
Wild Cat  7 days $Flabby$
Ayame  6 days $Flabby$
Cheerful  6 days Melt
Haruko Haruhara  6 days Gantz
NofXer  6 days $Flabby$
XeoL  6 days Melt
Aka spit  5 days $Flabby$
Chief Slapaho  5 days $Flabby$
Hagi  5 days $Flabby$
hunglo long  5 days $Flabby$
samfire  5 days TheDestroyersX
TweeTy.  5 days $Flabby$
Valhal  5 days $Flabby$
Xpect  5 days $Flabby$
Buckfast  4 days Melt
ENSV  4 days TheDestroyersX, $Flabby$
Fire_Spinner  4 days $Flabby$
iNVU  4 days Gantz
jav boy  4 days TheDestroyersX
joemoma  4 days Melt
Smashing  4 days Gantz
swag  4 days Gantz
tariq  4 days TheDestroyersX
Zaphena  4 days TheDestroyersX
Adeon  3 days Melt
bmw  3 days Melt
dark_ally  3 days Melt
Dast0r  3 days Gantz
Delegate  3 days Gantz
Dregon  3 days Melt
Dusty2020  3 days Melt
free vegetables  3 days Melt
JeepersCreepers  3 days Gantz
knight_zaber720  3 days TheDestroyersX
KY0  3 days Gantz
l2aNgE  3 days Melt
Mombassa  3 days Melt
put  3 days $Flabby$
Shadowmatt[SHDZ]  3 days Melt
tanzer  3 days Melt
tragichero  3 days $Flabby$
2_exclusive  2 days Gantz
J-Gamer  2 days TheDestroyersX
Judge EZ  2 days Melt
Nestori  2 days $Flabby$
Practice Target  2 days Melt
rxd  2 days Melt
windrider69  2 days $Flabby$
Xeneize  2 days Gantz
Yoshimo  2 days Melt
zoy  2 days $Flabby$
007-RYAN-  1 days $Flabby$
adorn  1 days Gantz
Aerosol  1 days Melt
allrightsreserved  1 days TheDestroyersX
Drugg  1 days Melt
Exodia  1 days Gantz
Fireweapon  1 days Melt
frozen_distance  1 days $Flabby$
Gonad Lad  1 days Gantz
Gun Show  1 days Gantz
JunWei  1 days $Flabby$
KahvinKeitin  1 days $Flabby$
Loco-Motief  1 days $Flabby$
NightCalibur  1 days Melt
PleEpO  1 days Melt
sec  1 days Melt
Simeon  1 days Melt
Sodomizer  1 days $Flabby$
steroid muscle  1 days TheDestroyersX
VolTekker  1 days Melt