
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Rogue Knights   Galgotha   Pridian   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (9)
Rogue Knights (Jul 07, 2004 - Aug 01, 2004)
Galgotha (Jun 09, 2004 - Jul 07, 2004)
Galgotha (Jun 04, 2004 - Jun 09, 2004)
Pridian (Jun 01, 2004 - Jun 04, 2004)
RedClover (Jun 01, 2004 - Jun 01, 2004)
AngelForce (May 24, 2004 - May 28, 2004)
-Money- (May 23, 2004 - May 23, 2004)
Pepsi Co. (May 22, 2004 - May 23, 2004)
Rogue Knights (May 05, 2004 - May 22, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (88)
FrostKnight  41 days Rogue Knights
Ganon-Knight  41 days Rogue Knights
Sir Chrono  41 days Rogue Knights
SteelerKnight  41 days Rogue Knights
ThunderKnight  41 days Rogue Knights
PhantomKnight  39 days Rogue Knights
dragslaya  38 days Rogue Knights
Shiat Hz  37 days Rogue Knights
Dude Uh MAn  34 days Galgotha, Pridian
bigdawg204  32 days Galgotha
Fire.Sniper  32 days Galgotha
H E R  32 days Galgotha
Parasect.  32 days Galgotha
tophers  32 days Galgotha
Zoltoyde  32 days Galgotha
Klean-X  31 days Galgotha
RiChTeR_BeLmOnT  31 days Galgotha
Intel*^  29 days Galgotha
pure_pwned  29 days Galgotha
Ben Twang  27 days Rogue Knights
GunnerKnight  24 days Rogue Knights
hipshot  24 days Rogue Knights
Shinoda  24 days Rogue Knights
Murky  22 days Galgotha
No Faith  20 days Galgotha
StepUp  20 days Galgotha
predatorinstincts  19 days Galgotha
Starry <RH>  18 days Galgotha
Marcus VLP  15 days Rogue Knights
mu5hr00m man  15 days Galgotha
D-Link  13 days Galgotha
CKY!  11 days Rogue Knights
MackAttack  11 days Galgotha
Beauty Knight  10 days Rogue Knights
BlitzKnight  10 days Rogue Knights
BloodEagle  9 days AngelForce, Rogue Knights
Xenosis  9 days Galgotha, Pridian
firepr00f  6 days Galgotha
LaserKnight13  6 days Rogue Knights
SwEeTLiLBloNdY  6 days Rogue Knights
Twoody  6 days Rogue Knights
EaRtH_RaVeN  5 days 4 squads
Heather ^^  5 days Galgotha
the Sperminator 2  5 days Galgotha
Unnamed Soul  5 days Rogue Knights
Blindmonkey21  3 days Galgotha
Cissaru  3 days AngelForce
Elusive Sniper  3 days AngelForce
hipbone  3 days Pridian, Galgotha
l2aNgE  3 days AngelForce, Pridian
Longbow Angel  3 days AngelForce
pices  3 days AngelForce
PipArchDevil  3 days AngelForce
Sgt. Bountage  3 days AngelForce
Shihna  3 days AngelForce
spazballs  3 days Pridian, AngelForce
Trained_Killer  3 days AngelForce
Tsugaru_Warrior  3 days Rogue Knights
Vazi  3 days Galgotha
1800-Beware-Of-Me  2 days Pridian
ANGEL<>  2 days AngelForce
Aspict  2 days Rogue Knights
Caracal  2 days AngelForce, -Money-
Dark Goku  2 days Pridian
Deja Vu...  2 days Pridian
Drakomis  2 days Pridian
H.O.M.I.E  2 days Galgotha
I Love Uma Thurman  2 days AngelForce
muffin_killer  2 days Pridian
randomshot  2 days AngelForce
ShipShooter  2 days Pridian
Spacely  2 days Rogue Knights
Specify  2 days Galgotha
Vengeful Spirit  2 days AngelForce
xtfwlx  2 days Pridian
13th_Prodigy  1 days Rogue Knights
alpec73  1 days Rogue Knights
ANARKIST4LIFE  1 days Galgotha
apollo!  1 days AngelForce
A_POC  1 days Rogue Knights
bubbles19518  1 days Rogue Knights
crusader56  1 days Pridian
Dead_End  1 days AngelForce
dothacker  1 days Rogue Knights
efeatay  1 days AngelForce
itty-bitty  1 days AngelForce
Pokemon 2001  1 days AngelForce
sharp_shooter  1 days Pridian, RedClover